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Everything posted by Pigeontroller

  1. Check out your local Muskies Canada Chapter(meeting), its kinda like AA for Muskie addicts...lol
  2. Remember that flu shot you got? Just sayin'...
  3. I know Fire fighters don't like to be called anything but...I bet Conservation Officers like to be called by their proper name.
  4. Thanks for a better explanation.
  5. A chip and a bent prop isn't a big deal? I have chips out of my lower unit, been there for years...And props can be rebuilt and replaced. I fail to understand why you involved insurance and a mechanic?
  6. Here's the bottom line, you've both smoked for over 35 years. The Smoking is GOING TO KILL YOU. Do whatever you need to do to STOP. Lung Cancer is a nasty way to go.
  7. Nice Bass! You travelled 10km out into LSC with that little egg beater?
  8. I was away last week vacationing in Allegany State Park when I heard, thought at first it was a joke!? I can't believe how sad this makes me, I feel like I lost a friend...Though I've never met the man I've been a fan since childhood watching M&M...The world will be a lessor place now that Robin is no longer with us!
  9. Judging from the colour of those fish, anytime...
  10. Downstream end of Horseshoe Lake there is a nice stretch of whitewater that holds smallmouth Bass. There's generally alot of (weekend)kayaking going on which makes fishing tough, weekdays you may have it to yourself...
  11. Rich, traffic will be deverted up the Redhill Parkway/Lincoln Alexander Parkway and then down the 403 on the west side of Hamilton...It'll be bad if you hit it at morning or afternoon rushhour...
  12. Sadly Lew, sometimes the best advice no longer comes from Medical Proffessionals...
  13. Totem Point Lodge on the Wolseley Bay section of the French River.
  14. So I devoloped seasonal allergies in my early 20s, I still begrudge having them. Last few years they've gotten much worse, I had every intention of seeing my Doctor this winter/spring and seeing about testing/shots,whatever...But due to a busy work sceduale and general procrastination I didn't go till allegy season was well underway... My Docs advice was to take allergy medication. The 24 hr Claritin has been working, been taking it for about a month and a half, yesterday it didn't seem to help and I had a really terrible day, sneezing like mad, unable to breath through my nose...Needless to say sleep has suffered this summer... Just wondering if anyone has any advice?
  15. The Terrova is lights years nicer than the Power Drive. Longer shaft is better, you can always raise it in shallow water, but when you're in a chop and its popping out of the water, you can't make it longer!
  16. I'm off on an extended summer vacation, I'll take you out and show you around, week days would be my choice...
  17. On weekends the Upper Niagara can be very busy, 3-4' boat wakes are not uncommon. Use caution.
  18. Nice! Its not easy running two rods and landing fish like that solo!
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