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Everything posted by legacey

  1. The bait shop is Pro Tackle... http://www.protacklemuskyshop.com/ Cheers
  2. I fished this event as a NB....I had an amazing pick with; John White day 1 Dave Mercer day 2 Mark Kulik day 3 Mark was in 29th and I 19th in day 3. He said to me...."were both sitting on the bubble....did you want to run to a spot I know that has good fish, go for it and hope they bite or stay close and see what happens?" First; I can't tell you how much that meant to me, to be asked and considered by someone I watch on TV and is one of my fishing idols. Knowing Mark is an amazing fisherman and trust his judgement, I said "lets go for it!" Although the fish didn't cooperate where we went, with the blow ups we had (big fish rolling on our baits but not committing), I could understand why we made the run. It had the potential! But that's fishing!! He was very apologetic and felt bad that it didn't pan out. Now that's the showing of a true gentlemen but in my opinion and having been asked what I thought we should do, it was my decision too to have done so and have no regret. At the end of the day, I could say I got to fish and become freinds with a fishing icon, hard-core amazing angler and even more importantly to me, as mentioned, a true and honest gentlemen that made me feel like we've known eachother for years. I can't tell ya how much fun I had and was so impressed with his consideration of me.....so if you read this, thanks Mark! By the way....man can he drive that Interstate rig of his. That in itself was amazing to see in real life and well worth the run! Cheers, Paul
  3. I'm interested in what others may think about this and have been doing it for the past 2 years. Using old stinger hooks; the one with the line, treble hook and small clip; that I'm sure we all have rusted in our ice-fishing boxes, I cut everything off. I then use the clip to attach to my drop shot hook and tie whatever length of line I need to it and add my weight. That way, I can easily change up on the water without the need of constantly re-tieing. The hook also sits up well with the added weight. ...maybe I shouldn't have posted and designed and packaged these myself. Cheers, Paul
  4. 2nd day to Subway in Kingston and notta.....
  5. I just came back from the Princess St. Subway...they didn't have any ballots or signage. I asked if they were taking part but only got a laugh. Weird response! Cheers
  6. Wow...now this here is my dream setup! However, I've always wanted an Alison like the other posted too. Cheers
  7. I would think the ice is good.... This site is good for back lake questions... fishkingston.com Cheers
  8. Here's my old girl.... Cheers
  9. Hey Fisher...it was fantastic! Our group stayed close to the "quiet" bar (it was never this and I think called that only cause of the no kids) in the back end of the resort. We met a lot of great people there from around the world and beer and rum is always a language of it's own that people can use. We do not have young kids so during the day, we stayed away from the big pool and area. Way too many kids and catering to them. But this is a good thing for their parents. Food was excellent, entertainment was lacking IMO but I found this in all resorts I've been too there. Way too much Celine Dion and Brian Adams (I don't like their music) trying to cater to us Canadians and would have prefered their cultural music. Cheers
  10. Although I didn't catch anything when I was there last year, I did meet a fellow Canadian that did well. I guess I partied too much to get to the beach at the best times. He used a bobber with what looked like a worm harness and bacon. Said the fish prefer bacon and not the ham and took it from the buffet. The best times were morning and just before sun set. A local I talked to for some time, said the beaches around PP are pretty good fishing spots and the odd big cuda are caught on crank baits in the evening from shore. I didn't get a guide however...didn't want to be that far from a bar! I picked up a cheap $25 combo from CTC that came in a case with a small lure pack. Great deal and left it there for some local kids. Good luck and please post how you make out! BTW - I was at the Gran Ventana, Barcelo and Allegro but the best area seemed to be where the caged rocks (old dock) at the point are...where they were spearing and the other Cannuck catching all kinds of fish. Cheers, Paul
  11. I've submitted too but have yet to hear... I've emailed since, but gather their busy. Anyone receiving acceptance or denial responses in the last couple of days? Is there still hope? Cheers, Paul
  12. Here's a good one....
  13. I remember as a kid, someone in Napanee where I grew up, had shot a hige moose...just under the world record they had told us. People from all around came to see it hanging in the tree there. Amazing!
  14. I love this picture...almost spit my coffee out. Those guys look like they're doing a "Dances with Moose!" move. ...isn't that a patient transfer vehicle? Maybe the moose already had 1 down. Cheers
  15. How about me in your boat! Seriously though, I suggested this on the WFN forum sometime back when they asked about programming and still think it would make for an interesting show or addition to an existing show... Something I like to refer too as The "Reel People!" A show that is about shore fisher people...visiting local hot spots (TO harbor, BOQ shores and the likes for example) and talking to those fishing from land (or ice) and possibly add in those coming back in boats etc. for interviews. Tips, tricks, tackle, equipment, what to look for in harbors or land structures, as well as etiquette, timing for fish spawning (crappy, perch...) and availbility, etc Reading a lot of forum information over the past years, there's a lot of questions on where to fish from shore, what to use etc. And where / how better to get people into fishing, sharing the knowledge and understanding that you don't have to spend a lot of money or time trying to locate these fish and can have fun with program like this? I know watching most of the current shows, there's a lot of glitter, expense, time and effort....it really can and would be nice to see the "grass-roots" approach once again we all learned doing and from...the mighty shore line of your favorite watering hole. ....take an adult fishing and he'll (eventually) take a kid with him! By the way...please feel free to contact me Dave. Cheers Paul
  16. I caught a pike that looked very similar in the Bay of Quinte last year.... Extremely blue mouth...even more so than yours and a tinge to the colour on the body too. Looked like it was eating blue berries for a month. I'd love to know why this is. Cheers
  17. A buddy of mine, owns a hunting camp north of Plevena....it's at the dead end of the lake and they're surrounded by Crown Land. It's been in his family a long, long time...I think his grandfather or great grandfather claimed it and built the camp on a small piece of land..all legal. To get there, you need 4 wheelers if coming by land and a lot of time to cut your way thru...by boat it's a 3.5 mile drive. They pay a huge amount of property tax...almost as much as I do for my home in the "burbs" without any resources...and have to pay for a road licence to boot. The CO's come in to check the trees, lot etc for violations....it's my understanding, and his families that they want them out of there but are grandfathered in so make sure everything is on the up and up. A long shot but maybe this is one of the reasons the CO visited you? IMHO, seems like although he let you off for the licence....he was a bit of a prick to your friend. Cheers
  18. I've tried using them a few times and have yet to catch a fish. For added weight though, I insert a glass rattle....maybe I should take it out! Cheers
  19. I've been sleeping in my Jeep G Cherokee for a few years now, during tournaments. I take out the back seats.....use a bed net from the dollar store and throw it over top so I can keep the bugs out and a rod rack from BPS for transporting my rods. The best part about the rod rack too...it can also be used to support my blackberry storm (fits in the slots) for the alarm / mp3 / movies but now use it for my portable dvd player. Here's my home away from home.....
  20. We have many but one TH here in Kingston is terrible for trying to get by...the one on King St. Always a huge line up going in, sometimes 1/2 way up the hill blocking everyone. The road is a 2 lane going down town; one goes left (towards Queen's), the other straight thru. So if you get blocked and are not going in, it's a queen trying to get around the line up. And of course, no one decides to attempt to get to the drive-thru, until they get to the enterence and forget to put on their turn signal so you rarely get the opportunity to think ahead and go around before you're caught too. There's a big sign on the other side of the road showing that you're not to turn left to get in from the other side. No one obeyed so they finally put up road barriers but recently took them out last week. This morning, of course, some idiot didn't obey the sign, and blocked everyone from going anywhere, taking the left to the drive-thru. Who ever let this place have a drive-thru in the first place, should be left everyday to direct traffic in a monkey suit! Cheers
  21. I have a couple and love them. Very sensative, light and would buy more and recommend for sure! Cheers, Paul
  22. That's too cool.... I used mine to smoke a moose and pork roast yesterday. Turned out great but still confused with some things like brining...is it necessary and chips? I'll look at WM to see if they have those here...it would be great to finally use the side burner of my b-b-q. Thanks for posting this... Cheers, Paul
  23. legacey


    I've had a great Friday at work so far.....I work down town Kingston so the sites are plentiful and beautiful. Just had a free snow-cone from an environmentally friendly snow-cone maker on the street and a site that will be embedded in my head for a long time. As much as I'd rather be on the water or home by the pool......I love down town in the summer! BTW - TJ....were you in Kingston yesterday? I saw someone that looked like yourself, wearing what I thought was an OFC hat. I was on the run so couldn't get a better look. Cheers
  24. I agree with Fang...the BPS reels are pretty decent and I've been using the same 3 for a lot of years now without a problem. Recently I've been using an Ardent baitcaster reel....a bit pricey but well worth the money IMO. Never had a tangle casting in to the wind. Whatever you get, if you're new to using one, put the line on, and pull out more than you'd cast and put a piece of tape on the spool. It will help with any potential birds nests and wasted line. I've known a lot of people that buy one, go thru the first spool of line from birds nests, then return them to the store thinkink they're crap. Good luck. Cheers
  25. I'm a newbie to smoking and smokers. I've recently done chickens and ribs and they turned out fantastic. I'm interested in finding out more about it though. Anyone suggest any good cook books for smoking foods? I've heard the book by the guy that does the outdoor cooking on food network isn't that great....I forget his name and show though. BTW - that's an excellent looking rig you've made. Cheers, Paul
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