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Everything posted by legacey

  1. Was out in a bass tourney this past Sunday on the Bay of Quinte when the a big storm blew right at us...we pulled into a dock and tied up to wait it out. My partner is deathly afraid of lightening storms...I'm not but the tourney rules are at least 1 person has to stay in the boat...not sure if they apply when a storm blows in but would think so. I have been in a boat when the rods sound like cicada's from electricty and jigging makes your rod hum....what a scary and yet cool time. Cheers
  2. I saw them last night in Kingston with Tweak Bird. .............What a freaking wild show! I even thought TB was awesome....a 2 piece band with a guy that sometimes comes out with a flute or sax. Unreal!!! The drummer plays a wicked solo during Tools show. As a warning though....but you may know this having seen them...don't bring a camera. They will take it immediatley and not return it; no questions asked! Cheers, Paul
  3. I'm glad to read this thread...answered questions I've had too. Thanks
  4. I recently had my BPS on-board charger die...I called and talked to Marine, explained that I'd like to send it to them and have them send me a new one back. I live in Kingston so didn't want to make the drive. Within 2 days of recieving the unit at BPS, I had a new one in my hand. Great service and very nice people to talk too on the phone... Good luck.
  5. The safety issues are great.... How about talking about alternative baits - show a box of shrimp, hot dogs, or something they eat and how it can also catch fish? Easy to get and works really well. My niece loves to fish. My sister however won't put on a worm so they use shrimp. Other kids have laughed at them until she's catching all the fish. That too may be a good point to teach parents....you don't need worms or the likes but if you have a shrimp ring or left over hot dogs, why not take the kids fishing using alternative baits found around the house. Good question subject too....so kids, what do you have around the house that you can use for bait? Cheers and good luck. Paul
  6. He played here in Kingston a few weeks back....people that saw him said he was fantastic! Cheers
  7. I recently picked up an Ardent baitcaster.....during the opening of walleye, a friend and I had a casting contest off a dock; him using a Quantum PT burner. Although both are extremely nice reels, the Ardent kicked it's butt with a small spoon. And Riccoboxing has it bang on...... Cheers
  8. Nasty Girl spoon......
  9. Hye's seasoned salt.....goes with everything.
  10. They can be really aggressive as Gerritt wrote. I had a nest of them above the front door of my house one year. In the morning when I'd sit on the step and have my coffee before work, they'd dive bomb me. I'd be running around, flailing coffee and screaming like a banshee....when they left for the season, I took it down and will never let that happen again. Cheers
  11. If you haven't already, I'd suggest posting this on the Quinte Fishing Forum as most are from the Quinte area. Cheers
  12. At the Causeway, I think you can still fish the City side (West) and the small piece of land at the foot of the bridge (again City side) on the left. As for the Hydro Plant comment, you never know what you'll catch there is right. Another popular spot is the train bridge area near Dupont (Invista) on Bath Road. Good luck. Paul
  13. I loved mine...but as mentioned by someone too, it rusted pretty badly in the same spots you see them all rusted; gas tank, rockers etc. I have a Jeep G Cherokee now and although the room doesn't seem to be as good, I prefer it over the F.E. Cheers
  14. I've heard someone say the same thing.....but they were wanting to throw some racoons on the islands to control. The introduction of another species to help kill off others hasn't worked to well though, IMHO. Look at the intro of the fischers. Damn things got my cat last year in Amhestview and many others too. Cheers
  15. Around Kingston, in the summer I hear a few boats going close to the Brothers Islands...a lot of gun fire and the boats taking off quickly. It's unfortunate that people are needing to take matters into they're own hands. Their waste is what I think keeps closing the only Kingston public beach; Rotary Park. When we get a South wind for a couple of days, the crap from these islands blow towards land. You can be sured it closes due to contanimated water shortly there after.
  16. I think they should take these people that are in favour of them and leave them on the islands they're destroying. Here in Kingston for those that know the area, the Brothers Islands are terrible and very little tree life is left. In the summer, you can't get close due to the stench, bugs and water contanimation. 2 Islands have been completey destroyed and a 3rd, maybe 1/4 left. It's not right that you can't moore there anymore and enjoy the water and scenery. Grrrrrrrr...... Cheers, Paul
  17. What the heck is that thing.....if it's for fishing, the rods are pointing the wrong way unless you're back trolling. Cheers
  18. Hey Mike, I saw someone out in a red canoe today near the Woolen Mill in Kingston...was that you? Cheers, Paul
  19. As I type this....there's only 100 days 7 hrs 47 minuntes and 40 seconds until bass opens..... Cheers
  20. I still use a cheap charcoal grill for the flavour. I did get a bit aprehensive, after I read this.... One pound of charcoal barbecue steak contains as much carcinogens (cancer forming agent) as the smoke in 15 cigarettes. The dripping fat on the charcoal causes a chemical substance called a benzopyrene to be released and is found in the black coating on the meat. Wrap the meat in foil for protection. http://www.bellybytes.com/foodfacts/meat_food_facts.html But then I figured I do too many bad things for my body already so one more thing won't be all that bad. Cheers
  21. Don't buy a Thermos brand from CTC....I did and within a week it caught on fire. They (CTC) told me it was due to grease...it was the 2nd time I used it and I keep mine spotless and clean like mad after every use. (got food poisoning one time from a buddies dirty grill so worry about that)They wouldn't do anything for me. So I went to Thermos...nothing there either; said the same. When I took it apart, it was a cracked valve/hose/regulator at the temperature control...took pictures and still Thermos wouldn't do anything but take my money for a replacement part....$65 US. By this time, it was getting into winter so waited to put it in...finally did, lit it up and same problem...leaking VHR port on the brand new part...called and since I waited to put it in, they wouldn't replace it under warranty. Even though I could show it wasn't used (no burn marks, or discolouration), they denied me. As soon as I turned the gas on, it would leak out the temp. knob. Also, the pictures I took showed that the flames went over and surrounded the lid so again, they said "Grease Fire" cause apparenlty, only grease will cause it to go on fire like that...yeah, right! It was a good thing my wife went outside to get something at the time...she saw the fire before it lit up the deck, fence and tree that seperates the neighbours house. Man did that sucker go! I talked to the fire dept....they saw the part and agreed it was defective but I live in a township where it's volunteer so neither they nor the City's dept. could do anything for me. ...finally gave up and am about to buy a new one myself. I'm glad this came up so I will have hopefully helped someone NOT buy Thermos (or Char Broil.) I'm looking at the Napolean too..... Good luck. Paul
  22. Not looking good I guess from what I posted...sorry about that. Check out the Garmin.com site and you should be able to find it there. Again, sorry for the bad link. Cheers
  23. Here's one...hope this works for you. http://www.garmin.com/cgi-bin/mapgen/webma...&smap.y=174 Cheers, Paul
  24. I'd be willing to buy a few too.....if it were an easy process like pay pal. cheers
  25. SuperDad may have been referring to one of my posts on the Quinte Fishing forum....I'm a huge fan. I've caught tons of walleye on them everywhere I've fished, as well as bass and pike. I prefer the blue / silver for walleye and the green long body for pike. I was finding them hard to get. I met up with a great guy, Charles "the Bass Dr" Stuart (I think he's fishing FLW now) and he sent me a bunch that he had. He also included some that were a new bait by one of the original inventors / designers of them that left UD. I forget the name but think they too were called "Charles" or someones name. They are amazing.....but as written above, it's all about confidence. Cheers, Paul
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