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Everything posted by legacey

  1. Snag....that's THE BEST (and saddest) post I've ever read! Thank you. Cheers
  2. Sorry I didn't get back to you Bass Killer...I was too late. I read your post on the other forum....and it seems HH has you in the right direction. Cheers and good luck. Paul
  3. I've fished this lake a few times this year for the Kingston Bass Twilight Tourneys. It's a beauty with lots of hockey stars, Akroyd, etc having places there. If you're fishing bass, the East end (shallower end) is definitely the best. Make sure though, you watch your depth. I had to get my prop rebuilt 2 times this year from hitting shoals. They used to be marked but there's an on-going battle with the fishing guides and locals. If a local marks the spot, the guides remove them so others don't know where the best places to fish are. In turn, now the locals are throwing beer bottles on the guides shore-lunch areas. I have no proof but hear-say and visits to the Prop-Shop. When you do head East (Division St Ramp), as you head down, you'll notice it hangs to the right. Stay in the middle...it gets extremely shallow. That being said, I've had great luck fishing the reed bed on the right as you going down with spinner baits and top water in the evening. You'll then go thru an area where it's gets narrower. You should be fine there and a little way on your left, there will be a cottage with a green roof and a cove beside it. It's always produced well there for us, but again, watch out for shoals. There's are a few with big rocks and covered in weeds. As well, 1/2 way between it and the island you'll see, there's another weed bed that holds some huge bass. There are a lot of pike in this lake too so be prepared for bite offs. I've been told as long as you follow pretty much the middle and parallel with the shore, you'll be okay. Sorry I can't help other than this......I was trying to learn it this year myself and it's been a costly adventure. I hope it's okay to add this.....a web site you may want to check out is.... http://fishkingston.com/ocadmin/phpBB2/ These members are awesome and I'm sure someone may be able to assist. Cheers and good luck. Legacey
  4. I just got 2 Shimano Stradic 2500's and matching Compre rods thru a prize pack from Shimano and WFN. I've only used these a few times but love them. I had a Quantum PT reel but within less than a year, the gears completely seized while fighting a huge small mouth this summer Here's a link to a test between Diawa and Shimano...hope it helps. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewshootoutcapstrad.html Cheers and good luck with your decision. Legacey
  5. I'm glad this came up......I bought a MG Pro Series #70 in March of this year at BPS. About a month ago, it was causing problems and now, I get only 2 speeds. I have to take it in to the local MG rep. The problem is this...when I bought it, I did't open the box, knowing I'd never get it back in properly. About a month later, when I was getting the boat serviced at DC Marine in Kingston, I also had them install it for me. Since I've now had the trouble, I've checked out the MG web site and it states that you have to send in the proof of purchase and copy of the receipt to have a valid warranty. Not opening the box at all, I never thought of having to do so. I have the original receipt from BPS that I looked at last week. Now the problem is, after purchasing all of my fishing stuff at BPS, I folded it in my pocket then put it on my bulletin board in my office. Of couse, now it's faded and the folded area is where the trolling motor is listed so you can't read it. The only tell tale sign is the amount on the receipt...it's obvious that the lure wraps I also bought aren't worth the $800+ that is final $ total. So, did those that have had warranty issues submit the warranty card and receipt after purchase or am I screwed?!? Cheers, Paul
  6. In the last bass tournament I fished, I drop shot rigged for the majority of it. honestly, and stupidly, this was the first time I've tried this presentation and out fished my partner big time. Even caught about a 6 lb walleye too. Cheers, Paul
  7. I don't go but have read on the Quinte Fishing Forum, this is the date for the "Fall Get Together" 28-29-30 Nov Cheers
  8. Hey Sugarpacket. When I was doing this, I had a thought; This poll could have included "do you have a local bait and tackle store?" Kingston does not, Belleville is the closest and for some reason, they don't seem to last here. Cheers
  9. For the "O" ring, I used to buy the ones for fishing at CTC but man, are they expensive. I also found them to be too thin (diameter) and if the fish was holding the worm, the ring would cut thru it. I went to a local medical supply store and picked up a couple of feet of surgical tubing and now cut them into small pieces. In Kingston, it was $0.70 / foot so you can't beat that. I brought in a couple of worms to make sure I was getting the right size.....they sell these tunes in all different sizes so you may want to do the same. ....if you're from K-Town and visit the one at the Medical Arts Pharmacy on Princess St. senkos really grosses the girl at the counter. Cheers, Paul
  10. "You can get the same effect by crimping a 1/16 or 1/8 oz split shot just below the eye of a 1/0 light-wire offset hook. It's a great technique for bass that are highly pressured and have seen lots of other presentations. " I can't get these hooks anywhere around Kingston......this makes so much sense! Thanks for this tip. Cheers, Paul
  11. If only they still had a Funny Video show.....that's hilarious! Thanks for sharing..... Cheers
  12. A lot of these are intended more of a "social virus" in which people do a mass emailing of the information, as above, to everyone they know. It then creates havoc on mail servers and email accounts, trying to send and receive these messages. I'm sure you're okay and if you get the old message to see if you have a "teddy bear" icon within your windows directory, that is a virus, delete the message not the icon. It's a windows file and another email meant to cause panic. Being in the computer field, it's great to read people asking on a public forum, rather than receiving it 50 times in an email and it shutting down our mail servers. Cheers, Paul
  13. Jer......I'm happy to hear a good ending. I was at my buddies hunting camp last year for a week, that we have to get there by boat. No power, nothing around but dense bush. The night before we had to leave, our dog ran off; she got scared of the fire-works we were lighting. She was in the tent but clawed her way thru the screen. I looked every where for her the next day, but had to stay some what close due to the remoteness and fear of getting lost. I had to go but another group of my buddies family were coming in. Leaving without my dog was horrible. It's like leaving your best freind behind and both myself and girlfreind had a long, quiet journey back; making stops to put up posters (thankfully I had paper and markers in my vehicle) on anything we could find. Leaving the lake, all I could think was I hoped we would have found her ok or as awful as it is, dead. That way we would have known. 2 days later, she somehow found her way back to the cabin. The people that stayed after us, were just leaving in their boat themselves, when they heard a bark and she came running down a path. As I'm writing this, and thinking about it, my heart still changes beats. She was pretty beaten up, scratched badly and torn claws from what I would think, trying to climb up a cliff. The area is mountainous; north of Plevena, and if she was 15 minitues later, she would have never been returned to us. Still to this day, I can't the people enough that found her and made sure she was re-hydrated and was back with us. This is her looking for frogs in our pool....we had a bull frog a couple of years ago, stay in our pool for over a month. I had to keep putting it in our canoe whenever we added chemicals.
  14. That's fantastic! I love Ed the Sock!!!
  15. Wow, did this ever prompt amazing responses..... I ended up buying a used Lowrance H20. It's not colour but came with everything I think I'll need including software (Map Create) cables etc. for $150. I figure if I like it but want colour, there will be a used one for sale at a good price and this one will get me going for now. I'm going tonight to buy the hot maps chip so I can use it this weekend at the QFS. I haven't had the time yet to figure it out so hopefully, it won't be too bad. .....it's taken me all week getting my bass gear in order. Good luck to everyone this weekend for the bass opening..... Cheers, Paul
  16. .....missed it by that much!
  17. Blaque....I'm not sure of the location but your computer looks like a Compaq Evo 8000 case. Cheers
  18. Wow! Ya'll rock! I'll have to check out the maps available and decide from there as suggested. I primarily fish the Kingston area but do take a trip every year north of Plevena. Thanks for the screen shots; especially being the Quinte and familiar territory. The shot of Shermans surprised me. I always thought it was deeper than displayed, near the marker. Goes to show that I definitely need one. Again, thank you for the information, everyone. This is an amazing site and group of people. Cheers, Paul
  19. Wow....that's incredible!!! But I guess well worth it. Thanks again for the replys. Cheers, Paul
  20. Again, thanks CCMT. I think I'll go with this model then. Do you know the approximate cost of the card? Cheers, Paul
  21. Thanks for the reply, CCMT I fish the BOQ mostly. How is the mapping for it? I've never really seen one working with a lake map. Does it show depths, names of points etc? Cheers
  22. I'm looking into buying a portable GPS for fishing. I'm thinking portable would be better for me as I fish often with buddies, in their boats and vice versa. We switch depending on the location and people. I've been looking at Lowrance's iFinder H20. It seems like a reasonable priced model but honestly, have no clue what I'm looking for with mapping. I fish mainly the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario (Kingston area) and back lakes like Lobourough, Dog, Fortune etc. So, what I'm looking to do is have it with me, map and mark out the areas that I'm fishing with success, lures etc. If I'm on a lake that doesn't have the mapping, mark where I leave from and go too and again, the results. I'd appreciate your opinions, please? Cheers, Paul
  23. I bought a subscription a long time ago for myself and my Dad and got the free Bass-Man hat. Nice hat too! I saw the girl and had to subscribe....she's a hotty! I hoped there would be more pictures like that but then I guess it would be too much like Maximum magazine. It's a brand new magazine and being the first edition, most of the information was the same that you can view on their web-site. To those that had paid a subscription, they sent out a survey to find out what we'd like to see. Of course, I said more of the girl. I was impressed that they contacted me a few times for comments. They're market, I believe, will be more for Ontario fishing. Cheers
  24. "The Tub" or as my girlfriend refers to it, "The Tub of War!" She wanted a new bathroom and new bathtub, I wanted a bass boat. I've thought about mounting a faucet on the cowling but am keeping under the radar or Cheers
  25. Before you get the wrong idea....it's a fishing spoon Has anyone heard of it? It's (Nasty Girl) made by Lure King out of Mississauga. A buddy bought a couple a few years ago at CTC here in Kingston. They sold out quickly and never could get them back in; Nasty Boys they did get but they're too light for casting. He contacted the company last year and they sent him a box full of what they had. They didn't say they were going out of business so he sold some to the rest of us. Well, it looks like they did go out of business. The contact information on the packaging is no longer valid. We've hammered pike, walleye and bass on them and would appreciate it if anyone could tell me where I could get some. Cheers, Paul
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