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Everything posted by legacey

  1. I too have mixed....but out of need. Crappy container spilled all over the boat and wifes purse....had to put all those in the one that spilled into another one. Cheers
  2. They're playing our new Entertainment Centre with the Trews May 23rd in Kingston. http://www.k-rockcentre.com/ It's a fundraiser / awareness event for ALS. One of the dj's from K Rock, has been diagnosed with it. He's done a lot for our community over the years so this is a way to give back to him, his family and help with expences. Tickets are probably gone now but they always have some available the day of the event. ....this will be an amazing concert; them being home and I'd bet others will be showing up too. "G" the dj, is well known and a great guy so more than likely, Akroyd and others will be there too. Cheers, Paul
  3. ....I loose, on average, 3-5 spinner baits everytime I fish loughborough lake from pike. I get told all the time though, it's always just me! Reading this, they must be right! Cheers, Paul
  4. I responded to your post, CodeRed...just saw this one now re: PP. I was there a couple of weeks ago and stayed at the Allegro. I picked up the same rod as you've got and brought along a few eerie deries and such but obvioulsy not the right stuff. Knowing what I do now, I'd bring along a few rapala's and longer crank baits. I found out when I was there, the best place to fish is just to the left of the Gran Ventana resort...if you're on the beach and facing the ocean that is....just down from there a little ways, you'll see an old pier / rock pile with fence covering it...it's a point and you'll have better luck there. It's a great view too with the mountain behind you and the resort that is closest is under renovations so you have open space to enjoy. I wasn't up early enough but I was told by a fellow Canadian I saw fishing, that's the best time to fish and early evening unitl around 10:00. A local told me they've caught cuda upwards of 50+ lbs in front of the GV in the evening. The Canadian was using a worm harness with a bobber and bacon. He said the bacon worked better than ham. He caught cuda, small colour fish and even an octopus. The best part too....there's what they call the "orange huts" about another 10-15 minute walk from there. They sell all kinds of things but the best of all, cold, big beers. This is a long shot but you'll get hasseled by a lot of vendors. One in particular that knew a lot about fishing from shore there was #63. He spoke english well and made really cool bracelets out of phone cable from England and the upper part of fishing swivels for $5 US. We bought him out of them but he said he was making more. Where are you staying in PP? I'd happily try to guide you where to go from what I learned. The rum kept me from getting up in the morning and fishing later....damn stuff is too good and I didn't want to leave the bar for long. Sorry about the grammar....typing fast to get out of the office but I do have other suggestions and just realized...this is getting long. Cheers, Paul
  5. I had the same problem with posting my recent vacation pics. (user legacey69) Spent a while compiling the pictures and sound. Uploaded it and 24 hours later received an email that it contained copywritten music. The band was Squirrel Nut Zippers if anyone has heard of them.....too bad, it fit perfectly. First I get banned by Metalica on Napster, now them....I can't win! I guess I'll have to record some I've since heard Youtube and the music industry are in a battle and they will now remove your audio. Good luck. Paul
  6. I was in Peurto Plata a couple of weeks ago. I picked up a $20 telescopic rod from CTC that came in a nylon carrying case with a small tackle box. Very handy and although I didn't catch any fish, it was a blast. Good luck and please post your results. Cheers, Paul
  7. I'm there too if anyone wants to vote for me. http://www.wfn.tv/gearweek/view.php?entry=7 I sent in submission for the "Live to fish" contest a while ago. I had over 100 votes from people at work, friends etc. but they kept putting me back to zero. Cheers and good luck everyone. Paul
  8. I was happy to view this....thanks web-fisherman. What I don't understand is why people will automatically label a post as spam if it's they're 1st or 3rd post in this case that directs you to a different site that is clearly related. It's not like it asks you to be a member first....would you still consider it spam if it was hosted on youtube? I could see if it brought you to porn or anti-virus like sites but as a computer admin myself, I think people are too easy to jump on these. It turns people off that could be a valuable member of a great forum community. Just MHO and of course, up to the admins of this site to decide upon. I do love to see the posting of the can of Spam.....MMMMMmmmmmm, Spam! Cheers and thanks for sharing. Paul
  9. I've been 4 years and 2 months coming up on the 8th. Coincidently to this topic, I woke up this morning, coughed up a lung and said to my wife, "why did I ever quit....I should go back just to feel better!" I don't remember coughing like I do now when I did smoke. I didn't have any trouble quiting and wouldn't go back though. ....I think they should make a non-smoking patch out of a $10 bill as an incentive to quit. When you buy cigarettes, you have to use it and not debit or credit. Congrats to all the have given it up and to those that will someday do the same. Cheers
  10. IT for 10 years now with the City of Kingston....network / securities. I love my job! Cheers
  11. I just bought one as a present for my Dad. Not sure if he's used it but they claim they're better than the old models and use .4 ml of fluid or something like that and no flame. I got it on ebay like previously suggested. Couldn't get one in Canada anywhere and zippo won't ship them to here. Either way, they're cool and for some reason, I love zippos of any kind....like Harley for others I guess. Cheers
  12. One of my fishing partners ran an Xpress last season for tourneys with the new 250 Suzuki. IMO, it ran like a dream. Extremely fast and rode well in big water. I was impressed and felt safe and comfortable. ....not much could keep up let alone pass him either. Cheers, Paul
  13. Hey Gerritt, I'm heading to PP next week and staying at the Allegro Resort. I too was interested in looking into a fishing trip and added to a post that can be found here. http://debsdrtravels.proboards47.com/index...mp;page=1#90392 Just thought maybe some of this may help as well. There's a topic regarding shore fishing contained somewhere on that site too and what to bring or grab from your buffet. Maybe worth while too. I hope you have a fantastic time. Cheers, Paul
  14. Sorry Buick14.....I can get in without problems. Not sure what's up but I do know they have had trouble with their site being jacked a while back....maybe still an issue. I got my windshields for under $300 for the pair and that included taxes and shipping. They're pretty much the same as the Triton I believe. Cheers, Paul
  15. That's too cool...thanks for sharing. I viewed the lake my family has had cottages on for ever near Bancorft...Jamieson Lake. I haven't been since I was a kid....guess I got lost in a mix somewhere Cheers
  16. I had a hard time finding one for my boat....this place was able to make me what I needed and shipped at a reasonable cost. http://www.updplastics.com/index.htm Good luck. Paul
  17. I had the same scenario when I bought my boat.....I was to head out for a week long trip up north the week after I bought it. For what it's worth...unfortunatley not what the bills may be; it was frustrating but when it was fixed, I fell back in love again. Cheers and good luck! Paul
  18. The 2008 Season was a fantastic one for me. I didn't do well on the PB front but had a great time fishing with my family and friends for fun. Although I didn't do well in my tournaments this year, I made it thru successfully, with a smile and learned a lot. My most memorable fish was the blue pike (around 8 lbs) I caught in the Bay of Quinte......I'll never forget that fish. I caught it during the QFS Bass Tourney but unfortunatley, didn't take a picture. In it's mouth, it looked like it ate a ton of blue berries....it was the first time I had seen one and it was definitely a pike and not the walleye type that I've seen. Cheers and all the best! Paul
  19. Here's the after pic..... Cheers, Paul
  20. I know it's not the best to use environmentally but last year, I used WD40 for a while. My boat looked horrible so I sprayed a bit on a shammy and wiped the boat with it. She's an old girl and not the most desirable but she's my first. It made a huge difference to the look but my buddy who's a car body man, told me I screwed the ability to get it re-done. Thankfully, he was wrong and I had the boat completely refinshed with a supposed new product on the market at my marine place I deal with. A guy just moved to Kingston from BC and with this new application, brought the boat back to it's original look for really cheap so he could use it as a promotion. If you want to PM me, I can get his contact information if you wish. Here's before and this was with WD40 on it so it looked better than it had.....I'll post the finished picture next; it's too large for this one. Cheers, Paul
  21. I miss it too......it's now AC/DC full time. I like them but sure do miss the great tunes they'd play on Buzzsaw. I have my subscription thru the US. Don't know if that makes a difference though being that I'm in Canada. Cheers
  22. I've read on the Quinte Fishing Forum, some are getting huge sheep head. One was over 20lbs! Cheers
  23. Got mine and read it cover to cover as well. Bass Man emailed me to find out what I thought of it. I gave it a 2 thumbs up! My only comment, that was somewhat negative, was the timing. The article about the family (sorry, can't think of her name but the pregnant one) didn't indicate how she / they did for the 2008 season. This article was written, my reading and comprehension anyways, in 2007 and it was the 2008 season she'd have been back. Also, it listed only 2 of the Renegades, if I remember correctly, and the season was over when it arrived so the end results were not there. I know it's brand new and they're still working out the bugs and actively doing well with wanting reviews. I know for sure I'm going to continue my subscription and for my fathers and buddy too. I have a hat too that I wear with pride! ...more bikinis though! Cheers
  24. Did she use a template? That's awesome! cheers
  25. That was fantastic and the best one I've seen.... Great job! Sorry you didn't win..... Cheers
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