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Everything posted by kemper

  1. would have closed last saturday in sept. And bronte is a snaggers heaven, there are lots of fish to be had but id wait it out for a bit so you dont have to deal with the frustration.
  2. I also remember this post, and if I had to guess nothing ever came of it. I have called MNR on several occasions about a man netting salmon where I fish, same guy every time and same response from the MNR. "we will look into it" Simple problem, they are WAY understaffed
  3. Came across something in my readings that I thought would fit this post... "How symbolic that Chinese astronauts should take a spacewalk while the U.S Treasury Secretary is on his knees" ~ John Gray, Professor of European Thought at the London School of Economics
  4. That depends, is the musky wrapped in bacon? And is the trout stocked or wild? Did the baby trout hatch? Was the trout previously milked of her eggs? Can I trade my musky for old boot salmon?
  5. I have gone to a flouro lead for steelheading, 5 lb. I find it totally depends on the maker of the line and not realy about flouro/mono etc. I also use a mono lead sometimes and I dont find it really affects the number of fish I catch. For example when its cold enough that there is ice at the sides of the river I actually switch my lead to a 4 or 6 lb trilene XT. I find that I lose too many fish when the light flouro gets clipped by the ice, but 6 lb XT can slide over just about anything and not break.
  6. It would not surprise me at all if it worked. Browns are notorious for feeding near the bottom when they are in close, and they love minnows! I drift minnows for browns in the fall near the bottom in slow moving current areas of the river mouth, I dont see why a dropshotted minnow imitation wouldnt work?
  7. Haha thats funny joey, good find! I wonder if the goof that put it up on the site realizes how much he/she 'feeds the dragon' every day?
  8. Actually for a great price I had a BPS IM8 graphite 6'6" spinning rod that I found to be an excellent all around rod. Loved it to death, until I snapped it off 8 inches from the tip. long story short, dont drink and fish. But it is an option for someone who is looking for a decent rod at a lower price
  9. Im also looking at fly rods, never have owned one but I went on a flyfishing trip out west this summer and caught the bug BIG time. I just cant decide if I want a flyrod for the little buggers, of if I want to give my float rod(s) a rest some days and chase steel on the fly. If only I could afford both...or even one... haha
  10. Oh, and if Santa is listening... I would really like to see a 7 ft st. croix medium heavy fast action blank with all the goodies to build up a really wicked casting rod.
  11. Rods! Now im excited! I like a fast action, crisp rod. Sloppy ones drive me insane. For bass spinning I like a 7 ft med/heavy with a very fast action, walleye I like a 6'6" also fairly fast action and medium power. The best graphite that I can afford at the time. I have no idea about rigger rods so I am of no use there... Baitcasters I like the same as my spinners, 6'6" to 7'6", always fast action and heavier power than average. For float rods I could go on forever as I am starting to amass quite the collection, with my recent custom being my favourite. 11'6" med-light power with a fast tip for a float rod. No sloppy tip sag and it doesnt feel like it as a sunfish dangling from the end as im floating my drift.
  12. The tree thing was a joke, a 'run and hide from the slow market' terrible attempt at humour. And as for energy, yes you definatly are right. But I don't see it getting hit quite as hard because there is ~almost~ always going to be a steady (or growing) demand for energy. bottom line- there are alot of people down a lot of money right now, and not a lot of people know quite what to do about it. Thats why there will always be a small percentage of people that make money while the rest of us cry into our cereal. This thing is going to turn around, someday. Hopefully we all dont have to sell our fishing gear before that happens...
  13. Exactly, what is more dangerous... someone doing 125 on the 401 or someone talking on the phone and trying to light a cigarette while attempting to keep it on the road at the same time. TRAIN THE DRIVERS BETTER. My lisence test was a joke, if you can keep the car between the lines you pass. Oh ya, the woman who tested me was the wife of my driving instructor, great system. I wonder why they advertise the highest pass rate...
  14. China has the supply, and the competitive advantage to produce products for a lower cost. In effect China as a whole is kind of the low cost producer of the entire world market in certain sectors. More supply at a lower cost means that our wallets are heavier. Everyone wants to go green and buy domestic products that are responsibily marketed. Ya, that would be nice but are you prepared to pay?
  15. Nothing, bury your money under a tree and wait it out. But then , that doesnt help the market any. Its very interesting to be a student studying this as it happens, makes for fun classes. Energy is fairly solid, communications as well. Its going to turn around eventually, when is the part that no one quite knows.
  16. I think the street racing law is great, if it was actually used to target STREET RACERS. Which are a tiny small percentage of the deaths on the roads anyways...but that is a whole different story. I was at a car club with a friend of mine one night, the club he belongs to is a very responsible one and their mantra is simple "Keep it on the track". This particular night a police officer shows up and claims he is from some "street racing prevention division" (whether this actually exists or not I am not sure) and starts searching/pulling cars apart looking for illegal parts and such. Fair enough, I suppose... except he keeps going back to this binder full of "rules" and attempting to change/fix laws in order to charge the owners of these vehicles. There was many tickets laid that night, some deserved but most NOT. Almost 100% of the tickets were shown innocent in the courts simply because this officer had so sickly twisted the definitions of the laws. There was also the fact that when asking about cars the guy couldnt even properly identify the make, mazdas were GMs and Nissans were Fords. I guess it is hard to explain, but this officer really had NO CLUE what he was talking about that night, and i DO NOT BLAME HIM. If you are going to send officers out to bust potential street racers, at least train them properly. It was a very bizarre situation, maybe one of the officers here can shed light on this "street racing prevention division"? the whole thing seemed kinda fishy to me.
  17. jdmls, some bugger pulled out my favourite fish holding shopping cart! can usually find 2 or 3 nice steelies sitting in behind there, feeding on the rice grains that are falling out of the no frills bag just upstream. I think they bite easily because they are a little drunk from those empty beer cans that are stuck under the rusty car hood. Oh what I would give to fish in alaska, Solo I bet you didnt see one shopping cart the whole time!
  18. They sure are, I beat my equiptment up every year sorting through the boots to get to them. I put them on the same level as steelies, except far more rare where I fish!
  19. Thats the smartest thing Ive heard all day. The best way to avoid paying a ticket is to NOT GET ONE! ya, I am an 18 year old kid on the road, lots of people probably see me in my dad's car (which happens to be one that is VERY capable of getting me into a race/speedingticket/streetracingfine situation) and think uh oh thats the problem on our roads. Nope, I don't speed and its for a simple reason. Math. Do the math. Lets say we are going 5 kms down the road to the grocery store. at 60 km/h this trip would take us [ 60km/h = 1 km/min therefore 5km/5min] for arguments sake we will leave out traffics lights etc. now at 75km/h the trip takes [75km/h = 1.25km/ min therefor 5km/ 4 min] Now, ill take that extra ONE MINUTE any day to get to the grocery store if it means im not paying the (~$50) for the 15 over speeding ticket. oh ya, think of the gas you will save! cheers
  20. Ya, NOT ENOUGH if any...?
  21. awesome fishin so those kings that are still way out there, you think they will be running this year? or are they still hangin out waiting for next year
  22. those pinks are strange lookin eh! nice fishin
  23. WOW, as usual I am unbelieveably jealous. I caught a an old boot in the oshawa creek this week...it was brown...ish and kinda smelly. I bet youre jealous. ya, i knew you would be
  24. fall turnover? I dont really know, dont have a whole lot of experience in fishing the kawarthas in the fall, as soon as she gets chilly the long sticks come out!
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