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Everything posted by kemper

  1. I was a witness in a traffic accident where someone was getting charged. Officer showed up at my door 6 months later with a notice to appear in court. I did, but neither the defense or the prosecution did. nice waste of time, the court system here is a joke
  2. You are fine, I on the other hand have the real issue... When I close my eyes hoping for sleep, any first person type dream-thoughts I have I am wearing skates. ALWAYS does not matter if I am fishing in my dream or running or swimming, I have SKATES ON. VERY frustrating, and has kept me up all night many times
  3. ah yes, the chrome coho. Thats a beauty man, I have been lucky enough to tangle with three this season. and they all kicked my ars. Ill land one, someday
  4. I knew I was forgetting something! elitist Basssturds. or steelheaders? oh wait, thats me.
  5. Beer, Wings, DANG! again? Console, mallows, flossing.
  6. Absolutely they are line shy! Thats why when steelheading we have to run leaders that are somtimes as low as 2-4 lb test in clear water. but on the other hand a largemouth will attack a bait thats tied onto a tow rope for waterskiiing some days...
  7. Salmon seem to stop growing long right about there, and just get beefy. I broke 40 once with a 41 but it was a weird fish, freakishly long with nothing to it that thought it was a chromer and hit in november. Watched my dad wrestle with one at a rivermouth that has since been closed to fishing that turned out to be 44"! Just a massive pig of a salmon. I can't remember the weight on it but it went over 30lbs. Whenever the discussion turns to fishing at some gathering he starts talking about that big salmon he caught, and a battle it was. Im sure when you get a 40"er your kids will still hear about it when they are 18 too.... haha good fishin!
  8. Well im risking starting a cage match in a thread that is going fairly well so Ill try to keep both sides happy in explaining. YES AND NO is the answer. A fish that is fresh into the river (ie, the one that you caught) will readily take bait. The only question in that is whether it is biting out of hunger to actually consume the bait or biting out of instinct. Some say that salmon will hit eggs just to destroy them so their own young have a better chance of survival (personally I dont believe this theory). Salmon that are decaying/dead and USUALLY not going to bite anything (and why would we want them to?) These fish are spawned out and likely near the end of their life. Catching them would probably kill them anyways. General consensus is that fresh fish will hit FOR SURE in the lower sections of the river, why they hit and if they are actually eating is left to be debated. Fish that are not fresh/decaying/spawned out USUALLY will not hit, although I have landed many Chinooks in late october early november that are pretty beat up and have hit roe patterns. Also, if you are in clear water and you can sneak up on a salmon in a shallow run (PLEASE dont do this to a spawning pair) toss an unweighted pink worm or white worm into the water above it and watch what happens when it gets to the salmon. THEN tell me that salmon in the tribs dont bite. [this only works if the fish isnt spooked and you can manage to see it without it seeing you] Seriously try it, its wicked cool to watch a salmon SLAM a bait in shallow water, just becareful because its easy to snag/line a fish in low water and that is not something you want to do (I Hope). If you are testing my theory please watch your line and get the hook the hell out of there if it looks like you are going to end up with a snagged fish.
  9. You will find that you probably dont need two baitcast set ups (that said, I have 4) unless you have one for bass and one for musky/pike. Actually, as I am writing this I am counting up everything I have in my head and well, dont listen to that. I DO like having more than one caster, and I guess I have too many spinning set ups too... oh boy Im living in rez at university fishing the river for bass and pike and I have 4 rods and three reels in my room. CRAP im addicted. As for baitcast reels I have three shimanos which are all BULLETPROOF and one Okuma which is useful only to smash on rocks when in need of stress relief.
  10. I had a night where between 5 people at the mouth over 25 salmon were hooked (Floating Skein) And although Im not in Oshawa anymore I have heard from buddies of mine that there is still hot fishing at night (like 2 am night) Which leads me to think that there is still some fish that have yet to run. Fish oshawa often? We have probably run into each other at some point
  11. Great wasn't it? I had a blast catching fresh chrome chinnys with a higher than usual number of cohos tossed in. No loose fish though, so I got no eggs which is a bit of an issue... There is a reason I dont post my salmon fishin pics on the board, actually there is 2. 1) it starts a frenzy and everyone who has ever seen a 6'6" rod with a size 6 hook and a worm heads down to snag them and my peace is ruined 2) it starts the "SALMON DONT BITE IN THE RIVER" argument, with the poster of the pics getting flamed to no end.
  12. and there was an early push this year that most missed, early to mid august. Remember how it rained every day for a month? I was heading to the trib to trap some minnows and I ran into 20-25 chinnys the second week of august. Continued to catch freshies for about a week and a half and then they were all gone.
  13. ya, it does make sense that they are all residents but I find that resident brookies and thin and 'delicate' looking for lack of a better term. This fish looked more like a Northern On. lake brookie, thick and solid. Probably just the king of residents...
  14. Thats exactly how I fight my fish on the float rod...only I brace my arm against the rear grip... I guess its the same idea
  15. That is a good point alumacraft... How is it for control, I feel like I would have trouble keeping a solid hold on the rod with my hand way down low...no leverage?
  16. Do any of you brookie guys know if there is any chance that there is a few lake run brookies out of lake ontario that ever hit the tribs? Im thinking no, not possible but I saw a brookie that I thought was WAY too big to be a resident and was farther away from the headwaters than I had ever seen. The fish was probably 14"-16". and NO, it was not a brown. by the way, that looks like a BEAUTIFUL brookie. I used to have a place close-ish to my house to get into them, but my family and the family that owned the land had somewhat of a falling out and the brookies are no longer available to me. Locked away never to be caught again...
  17. Lots of people thought that the run was terrible last year too, they just didnt wait around long enough! I was still trying to drift around fresh(er) salmon in NOVEMBER while steelie fishin. There has been LOTS of salmon at the mouth of the trib that I fish, a main run went up and I expect another run at the next big rainfall
  18. One of the many things I learned while Building my float rod long fore grip, short rear grip. That said, it would feel wrong me to, I like a long rear grip and short fore grip
  19. Lots of great suggestions, but do you really want to purchase 1000 yards of line? I would never buy bulk like that unless I had 20 rods to spool and they all were used often. Also different lines for different applications, for example bass fishing in the slop and tubin for smallies require two different lines. Id suggest maybe a couple different tests in smaller packages?
  20. never even thought about that, but sounds like it makes sense. Im not too worried about casting anyways, most of the trib fishing I do is less than a 10 yard cast, and when I fish bigger tribs I bring the 13' 6" float rod anyways thanks guys
  21. Just have to know when its time to call it quits and remember, you need to think about how long its going to take you to get in and how bad it will be THEN not NOW. Learned that the hard way in a 14' aluminium, it was not my best day and it could have been my last. Dont mess with mother nature
  22. WOW! welcome to the board, I get the feeling you will fit in just fine here!
  23. I could make up this big adventure report about great fishing and tell you all that I dropped the camera in the drink. BUT I actually just didnt catch anything, anyone else smell that SKUNK! So much different than last time, couldnt even entice a hammerhandle, and they hit all the time. Did lose one decent smallie (2lb) and had a couple more playin with my tube. It was the only thing I could entice a bite on and they were just barely picking it up, I was watching me line and it would twitch, slowly slide to the side and then at the slightest bit of tension they would drop it.
  24. I found last week that I was getting into a lot of smaller rainbow smolts like that and it was getting to the point of irritating. Switched up to a pink worm in the faster water and started hitting 15"-20" like no tomorrow. Not only was it great fun but it also seemed like there was a REALLY healthy number of bows in the river
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