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Everything posted by kemper

  1. My condolences, from what I have read over the years Gary was a great man. Even offered personal advice on many occasions. In peace Gary, have a great time out on the big lake.
  2. thanks all, Ill be bringing my rod from home saturday so ill let you know how it goes
  3. kemper

    The Bench

    Wow, unbelieveable shot. Actually got shivers.... kinda eerie
  4. If that fish is 58, then I have to think the other one that was just posted is DEFINATELY fifty. amazing fish, the only musky that I have ever caught that was even approaching 50 was a 45. And anyone who has ever searched for the elusive musky knows that there is a HUGE difference between 45 and 50, even though it doesnt sound like much
  5. I think that fish HAS to be in the 50" club. Ive seen fish much smaller looking go fifty and that fish is a BEAST.
  6. Hey all, as posted before I am livin is rez at the University of Guelph and the area is totally new to me. Went for a walk today and found a dam on the speed river that looks like it could hold some decent smallies, noticed a lot of small bass swimmin around just wonderin if anyone has even seen something worth writing home about come out. Note, I will be doing the legwork and putting time in there regardless, just thought Id ask thanks
  7. Example 2... A brown trout, and a damn fine one if I do say so myself.... Square tail, large spots on the cheek but SILVER. Seems like whenever someone sees a silver brown its OMG you caught an atlantic. Well, no I didnt. I caught a brown. I was pretty skeptical about this latest atlantic that was caught, I was thinking it was just a brown but in comparison to my brown it is pretty clear that it is atlantic.
  8. Strongest? It has to be the salmon, there is nothing that has the same stop-your-lure-like-it-was-hit-by-a-train power. But the difference is that when a salmon is tired, its tired and easy to land/beach. A steelhead is the most difficult in my opinion because every time you think that it is tired, you better think again.
  9. That probably would be your best bet. Also, in a pool with 10 plus salmon is would be almost impossible if alot of the fish you hooked were not in the mouth. It happens when there are lots of big fish in small water, I am not saying you were doing it on purpose but I would bet my pin that probably 25-40% of the fish were hooked in fins, tail ETC. The thing is when a big fish like that is hooked anywhere but the mouth you will NOT be able to turn them. Its impossible, and you can usually tell very quickly if a salmon is hooked properly because they headshake like crazy when hooked in the mouth and dont take quite the same distance of runs. In the mouth you have a good chance, in the tail just snap it off and dont kill the fish trying to get it in.
  10. Cool ideas, thanks for the replies. It definately was a chinook, just thought it was strange about the white mouth.
  11. So I hooked me a big chinny today, after losing a battle to a chrom coho and when I landed this fish I Realized it had a white mouth and tongue...which is strange for a chinny, no? What do you guys think? Fish is clearly a chinook and not a coho though from this picture... Just thought it was strange, all the kings I have ever caught have had the dark mouth
  12. I have been spooled only once, A big FRESH chinny hit a worm in the first 100 yards of a river I was fishing. At hookset it immediatly went for the lake and as soon as it rounded the last bend it was home free. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGG, PING!
  13. Here she is, a pretty big one that took a single egg in a deep fast pool on my trout rod. I was looking for resident browns and bows WAY upstream. This fish is about 3 weeks early to this spot versus a normal year. 5 lb test and a 13.5 foot rod gave me about a 12 minute fight. I was clearly NOT prepared for this fish I was just killing time with little trout as I trapped minnows.
  14. Salmon in the rivers are tough. If you can get them early in the run they WILL bite no matter what most say, actually I got one today that I will be reporting on later. Problem is in fighting a 20 lb fish on a 3 lb leader. It just doesnt work especially when they are still chrome. The only realy course of action is to use a heavier flouro lead or fish an area where you can walk 2 km in either direction without anything in your way. Good luck with that lol. praying works too.
  15. Why all the fancy colours? are we trying to make the fish Dizzy? Ill be sticking with PP
  16. You guys are a little slow...I got a 12 lber drifting the river yesterday! ...no seriously, I did. Complete fluke, I walked 3 km of river and there was one confused salmon. Water was super clear, took a half worm that I was drifting for small browns and bows. Also got into a coho of about 3 lbs right at the mouth of the river so its getting to spoon chuckin time!
  17. Gotta be gettin close now, saw one dead one and one alive one in the harbour today while fishin for smallies.
  18. Not only is their no shopping carts, but you can actually drink the water out of that river! I would not do it often myself, but my guide had been doin it for 35 years and still walks to tell about it... Crankworx is a really cool experience and would be interesting for anyone not just riders. I also met Wade Simmons, what a pioneer! Along with Richey Schley, Darren Berrecloth, Cam Mccaul, Brendan Seminuk and the list goes on
  19. Moving to the University of Guelph last day of August, Bcomm in Management Economics and Industry Finance. Anyone go to U of G here lookin for a fishin buddy?
  20. Awesome! I am 18 and remember my first fish like it was yesterday, I was younger than the little guy and strapped into a carseat off the side of the road at cranberry marsh in Whitby. It was a catfish. Those who know the area know that you cannot park there anymore because somone got killed at the side of the road, its WAY more busy now...
  21. all I need is waders. Steelheading is life, all other fish are just exercise
  22. Strange little lake, all sand bottom with a great huge purple rock in the middle the size of a house. You will find walleye, smallies and apparently largies as well. Draggin tubes works
  23. Fish are starting to look darker...not too long until I can drift skein in the harbour and battle a king with 150 yards of line out on the pin! What a rush! great fish
  24. Last summer, 3 friends and I decided that as a send off to highschool we would head out west and live the dream in Whistler for 2 weeks. We are all avid Downhill Mountainbikers, a sport that does not get the recognition that it derserves. No, we do not pedal down the bike path and across the yellow brick road, we take the lift up to 6500 vertical feet and send it down hitting ramps, stunts, rocks, drops, step ups, booters and such on the way down. For an example check out www.crankworx.com. Here was the view of the rockies from 35 000 feet. This trip was a long way in the making and halfway through I decided that I might as well live the second dream I have while I was out there, Flyfishing for rainbows on a deserted river. I hired a guide and off I went to flyfish the Birkenhead river in Pemberton. After a hike in I hit the river with a fly rod for the first time, and I am HOOKED. Flyfishing is something totally new, a challenge that has huge rewards when a trout takes a dry fly and comes clear of the water. The first fish was a 20" Dolly varden that I fought for a while (3 lb lead and strong current) until it came off right before landing. This was driver error, I had about 4 minutes experience with a fly rod. oops. It continued like this for a while, FISH ON, fish off until I got the handle on keeping the pressure on and stripping the fish in with a wicked strong current that i am not used to. First decent fish that I landed was an 18" rainbow that was crazy strong for its size. This would be considered a "larger than average" fish for the system at this time of year. Lost some more like that, landed a few more but was a long way from my pack and camera and took in the unbelieveable scenery. Wildlife included bears, eagles and turkey vultures. PICTURES: and I have about 200 pictures of the biggest mountainbike festival in the world as well, Kokanee Crankworx. Here is an example, probably 40 000 people jammed into every available space possible watching the pros do their thing. The winner pulled a double backflip off the first jump causing a reaction of about 20 000 kokanees being tossed into the air. The atmosphere was unbelieveable and the tricks were unreal. Awesome part was we got a wicked spot that we held for hours and whenever a pro was eliminated they came straight our spot and hung out and shared a kokanee or 2...or 10 but that is another story for another place. All in all, probably the best vacation of my life. A wicked experience and anyone who has the chance to go to whistler and or flyfish in the mountains I HIGHLY reccommend it. If anyone wants to know any more about the sport of DH bike racing or slopestyle just let me know, it is my other addiction.
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