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Everything posted by kemper

  1. Well as I mentioned in another post I am in Whistler, BC for two weeks with my friends riding the most epic Downhill mountain bike trails in the world and enjoying company from the pros of the sport at Crankworx 2008. Now when I came out here I had no intention of going fishing...that is until I saw an ad for helicopter summer run steelheading 45 minutes north of the mountain and well, I got hooked again. I aint gonna be cheap, but it is going to be the trip of a lifetime! I mean how could a die hard steelheader come out west and not fish some of the most amazing runs around? Dont worry, I brought the camera and at 2 pm thursday afternoon im off to live the dream! A report is to follow, keep your stick on the ice
  2. wow, easy guys it was just a simple rant/question I am on vacation for two weeks in whister play nice
  3. Last year I bought an Okuma V series baitcaster, which is a high end model that cost a lot of money. It worked GREAT...for three days and then the clutch bearing crapped out of the levelwinder broke. After a few emails it was repaired on warrantee and put away for the next summer's trip. Well this year the reel worked great again, for ONE DAMN DAY! Again, the anti reverse cluthc bearing blew up. I have been delaying this rant on the chance that Okuma fixes this slip up, but they have been ignoring my kind and civil emails for weeks. This service is CRAP and unacceptable! I got a grand total of 3 days use out of a $200+ reel and the company wont even reply to my emails? What do I do? (other than replace it with a shimano...which i have already done)
  4. So all the weight calculators on the internet are....WRONG every single one puts this fish OVER 4.5 pounds and some even over 5lbs. sorry folks, dont use a internet calculator because they are INCORRECT. Id be surprised if it broke 4
  5. Flying out to Vancouver sunday morning bright and early, headed for two weeks in whistler with some good buddies
  6. Why do you say that? I would think with the higher water and cooler temps the run would be earlier?
  7. pick up some lindy no snag weights, and a three way swivel or 2. Basically you are going to pick a length of line that will be between the weight which will be on the bottom and the worm harness. This keeps the bait right in the strike zone. I suck at explaining, but it is pretty easy, and the whole rig is trolled very slowly. -line down to three way - lindy weight off the bottom of swivel ( not too much line I use like a foot or so) - worm harness off of third loop in swivel back about a foot -troll very slowly
  8. With the big equiptment it was nothing compared to the power of a steelie, but it was really cool because it was so much easier to control the acrobatics with the extra power and movement in the big stick. Took quite a while to land the big one, much longer than it would with a regular rod and reel
  9. I have a crazy idea...it spawned from the need to pin due to nervous twitch. Ill be back with a report later tonight, just know that the pin has been dusted off and crazy things are soon to happen. EDIT REPORT TIME Headed down to the local haunt, and found small mouth bass! Float worms just like I would for steel. What a BLAST on the pin! Big fish was almost 19" what a cool way to spend an hour...here are the pics and a cool one from last night at scugog
  10. There was definatly a tornado, a co workers daughter snapped a bunch of shots and he brought them in...scary stuff
  11. Im 18, they catch me going that fast and its example making time! No speedin for me, Id like to keep my licence please. plus, I cant affod the gas to go that fast
  12. WOOOOOOOOOOOO cant wait for the steel slammin EXTRAVAGANZA!!!!!
  13. blue pike? maybe, but those seem to be pickerel blue chain pickeral? reject pike?
  14. youd think with the price of gas they could build a station that didnt fall over like a cheap house of cards
  15. interesting... except we just watched someone die
  16. I picked up a shimano combo at kostco a couple weeks back for 41.99, assuming the retail was much much more. Sure enough yesterday I was in a popular shop and the retail was 79.99 shimano has some great deals to be had, just gotta look. Im now wishing that I bought 2 or 3...
  17. I mean REALLY, who needs 4 float rods! 9'6" 10'6" 11'6" 12'6" 13'6" oh boy.
  18. I guessed that I had about 10...then i counted 18! what the hell!?! a rod for every year of my life i suppose....someone get me a doctor
  19. Dont break it off, I have yet to find a snag that 40 LB PP couldnt either drag into the boat or straighten the hooks out on my lure. If you cast onto shore, go get it! If it is someones property however you may want to consider just cutting the line. whatever you do, DONT PULL WITH YOUR HANDS good way to lose a digit
  20. spinner baits? or in line? white white white white white for spinner baits with a silver blade otherwise i think classic silver works best
  21. Try it out, off just about any dock in the kawarthas you can catch walleye on a frog at night, just make sure to check the regs because there is only one type of frog you are allowed to use as bait
  22. spinner baits are pretty basic. I use the 3.49 ones from many bait shops, cant think of the name right now maybe northlander or something like that?
  23. thanks all, still workin on some more pics
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