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Everything posted by BillM

  1. Tony, add those little treble stingers guys use for walleyes to the end of your tubes
  2. Half and half hammered Williams ice spoon for sure. Although the key to catching Simcoe whities is to not sit over a school in inactive fish. I don't care what lure you are using, if they aren't in the mood, you'll just be watching your graph all day.
  3. We tried those sound things in my parents 5th wheel, mice didn't seem to mind them, lol! Traps + cheese always work
  4. My dad made storage racks for all our rods/reels. Unheated basement, never an issue.
  5. I love the humps those big river males get, so awesome!!!!!
  6. Dude, there's water on your lens :)
  7. Don't get me wrong, they work great in the fall when the water is warm, but I'd put them away when it gets cold
  8. Not true. So many things are dependent on what you'll be throwing in the fall or spring. No two rivers are the same. You can't go to the river and think 'Hey, it's the fall I should be running small bags'.. It doesn't work that way... One thing I do find is that worms work really good in the spring along with minnow imitations (Crappy tubes, jigs, etc)..
  9. CLIFF I THINK YOU'RE SUCH A..............................................nice guy
  10. Yup, bigger the bag the larger the hook. I'm not one to run tiny hooks, I know guys that run 14's sometimes... I think they are giving the fish way to much credit I ran size 6 hooks with small bags this weekend, no issues. Like I said, I like that size for pretty much anything. Unless I'm running single eggs, then I'll down size to a 10 or so.
  11. I think we need a Steelhead 101 thread just for you Mike, lol!!!! It really depends on the river, clarity and water temp. My goto would probably be nickel size chartreuse scrape. Species of eggs really doesn't matter, although I love tying up brown roe more then anything else. But this weekend I did well on overcured loose chinook eggs in white... So go figure. As for hooks, I usually run a 4 on the big end and 10's on the small end. I really like the DAIICHI X510 in size 6 for an all around hook.
  12. We could use a 'Off-Topic' forum to be honest.
  13. I fish both softwater and hardwater in the winter Icefishing is a nice break from steelheading.
  14. No one wears their seatbelt on the ice.. Floater suits on, windows open, doors unlocked. I thought that was common knowledge.
  15. I was messing around with it in MSPaint, I dunno what happened, lol :EDIT: Fixed.
  16. Probably better places to fish.
  17. Great way to introduce an invasive species..
  18. Goby isn't a sport fish, I don't see why that would be illegal.
  19. Throw them into the woods! Or smack them off the motor like my oldman used to do with rock bass, lol!!!
  20. Not wearing your seatbelt will most likely result in a very well deserved Darwin award.
  21. Sounds like a great place for spare parts! LOL!!!
  22. Just made the long haul back from Michigan with something hitched to the rear of the truck I'll post up some pics when I can.. As long as you have your ducks in a row, it's a very simple process.
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