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Everything posted by BillM

  1. How much gas money does he owe you? How long of a trip is to the lake from the city? If I'm going to the lake and I want some company, my buddies are more then willing to pitch in for gas money. If it's a 15 min romp from the house and they are already traveling over an hour to get here, I don't ask for a cent.
  2. I wouldn't advertise that, it's extremely illegal what that guy's doing
  3. Spotted grouper is my guess.
  4. So instead of improving the spawning habitat, they just dump a million fish a year into the rivers. I'm sure that works for a lot of people, but not for the guys that are out looking for quality fish. Most of the guys I fish with (myself included) much prefer quality over quantity. I don't we should be taking queues for our friends south of the border when it comes to fishery management.
  5. Sweet Haliburton brookie! Good job man.
  6. Ah ok, I knew I saw it somewhere.
  7. Didn't Milo already post this?
  8. Mr.Jones is that you? LOL
  9. Bring ice skates, should make the walk down even more fun!
  10. I really don't rely on the sales people too much to be honest (Except for asking them where a specific item is).. I'm only worried about selection and price.. Retail is a cut throat business.
  11. Big box retail, I don't know why anyone is surprised. Happens all the time, especially during the Xmas season.
  12. Absolutely. This kid hasn't even started to become the superstar he will be.
  13. Frankie, you aren't going to find a fixed out in the laker/whitie grounds with this weather.. I'd definitely talk to Ryan and see what he can provide. I've been out with him a few times this year, he's always into the fish!
  14. Yeah, I wouldn't be out on that lake tomorrow. Unless you bring your swimsuit and fins!
  15. http://www.usaddressinc.com/mailbox.html
  16. BillM


    Dave, do you have your tinfoil hat on? Even with WEP, WPA, WPA2, breaking into a wifi network is anything but hard.
  17. Magic lures!!!!!!!
  18. That's a tank Steve!!! A buddy of mine got spooled the other day. Would have been nice to see that fish.
  19. BillM


    One can access that wifi network without a password.. As far as someone see what you're typing? I wouldn't worry too much, lol.
  20. I wonder how many of those gun deaths are gang/drug related..
  21. Lots of sauger in the Ottawa river.
  22. Google, it's amazing at the things you'll find! Muscle Pharm has nothing to do with steroids.
  23. 1pc 8ft H action Shimano Compre with Abu Garcia Record 60 2pc St.Croix 7ft MH with Shimano Calais. Funny that my biggest pike (48.5in) came on a 6'6 medium action Shimano Clarus with a Shimano Saros 1000 and 6lb Fireline, lol!
  24. Maybe per litre, lol!!! I use Mobil 1 TDT 5w40 in the oldman LBZ. About $42 for 5L's at Wally World.
  25. Wayne, I usually let other people venture out before me. No way I'm putting my life in danger for a silly fish!
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