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Everything posted by BillM

  1. I've had a few encounters with sailboats on Lake O over the years. I wish they'd learn that while I'm fishing I've got the right of way.
  2. This is when a big muskie bucktail goes right at them.
  3. Nice man!!! I've heard the same, Lake O has been on fire!
  4. If I was going to walleye fish the middle french I'd head east and fish crooked rapids. The scenery out that way is second to none. Also there's a nice flat in front of Cross island were you should be able to find a few. Last time we fished Hartley Bay, we cleaned up using jigging spoons tipped with a piece of worm. No need to complicate things for walleye. Smallmouth bass should basically be unlimited in that area as well.
  5. Probably some smooth brain thinking they're dropping chems on us
  6. All people have done for the past 15-20 years is complain about numbers..
  7. Nets, spears, gaff, it's a **** show down there. People complaining about the low # of returns should be all over this. I'd say extend this reg into the spring season as well and your steelhead returns would probably double.
  8. Let's hope this happens.
  9. Been running one every since I picked up my Lund Pro Sport years ago. Replace the filter every year or so, cheap insurance. I've got my main and kicker hooked up to this.
  10. Now that would be a riot LOL! 50-60-70lb fish swimming around. We'd probably have to stock bait as well!
  11. Triploids. I'll never consider those dirty things for records.
  12. If I was going to hook an onboard charger permanently to the big motor, it wouldn't be a trickle charger.. 10A at a min.
  13. Why would you think you'd need the 20A charger on the house/cranking battery if it's being charged by the big motor? The only time I ever put a charger on my starting battery is over the winter. After that, nothing touches it until the boat goes to sleep in Dec/Jan.
  14. What finders do you have on your boat? Stock wiring leaves a lot to be desired. I was constantly getting low voltage alarms on my Helix 12s until I ran dedicated wire from the house battery to a distribution box and used that to power both my graphs.
  15. I've never unplugged my Terrova when I charge the batteries. Only time it gets unplugged is when it's removed.
  16. Leave the charger connected.
  17. Parasitic copepods like Chris mentioned above.
  18. Toss it on Facebook Marketplace.
  19. Has anyone actually tested this stuff? I'd be very surprised if it contains no ethanol.
  20. Super easy. I run a Yamaha setup linked below, main and kicker attached. Swap the filter every 2 years or so and you're golden. Cheap insurance. https://www.yamaha-motor.ca/en/accessories/outboard-motor/fuel-system/10-micron-fuelwater-separating-filter-aluminum-assembly/MAR-10MAS-00-00
  21. I've run my 23 year old Yamaha F115 on nothing but cheap 87 and have never had a problem.. Do yourself a favour and install a water/fuel separator if you're really worried about it. Motors made in the last 10-15 years are designed to run on fuel with ethanol as well. I'll usually toss in some stabilizer before I put the boat to bed before the winter but that's about the only 'extra' thing I do.
  22. Extang, BakFlip etc. All good brands.
  23. Nope, I think I'm wrong Voltage increases, capacity doesn't. I blame this on not fishing enough this season
  24. They'll get a lot more run time running 2, 12V 100ah batteries compared to a single 24V battery. Something you should consider.
  25. Funny, even though completely staged lol.
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