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Everything posted by BillM

  1. How does pre-fishing a season opening weekend tournament work?
  2. Check out pinkbike.com. You'll do better in the used market with that budget.
  3. What's your price range? That's the first question that should be asked. You can't beat the deals on some of the left over 2013 hardtails right now (Which is what you'll most likely want) As far as bikes at MEC are concerned, they've got fantastic prices when you actually look at the components on some of those bikes. Ghost hard tail 29r for example, ranks right up there with the Scott Scale 960 I just bought ($1500 bike I got for considerably less then that)...
  4. Sounds like a good excuse to get some more pics! Lew, you catch the fish, I'll make them all look like 80lb monsters
  5. Pete as someone who's deadly allergic to peanuts, make sure the trip is completely nut free. Cross contamination is real issue when you've got only a few knives/forks. Also some of the Mountain house freeze dried meals are pretty good!
  6. I'm going to have to sneak aboard Lews boat one time this year
  7. Modis imagery doesn't show a lot of ice.
  8. Fly-in at the end of May, White Otter start of July, another fly-in mid july, and Nipigon like always in August.
  9. Right on, looking forward to seeing them.
  10. Yup, their regular priced items like Rapalas just make you shake your head but the clearance items are awesome.. I just picked up two Plano Guide Series 3700 tackle bags for $39 each! Regular $80.
  11. Cliff, the officer would never put in the report that you said you'd give them up to $2000 for the repair.. Never, ever... that's the last thing you should be worrying about. Please keep us updated.
  12. Definitely beats chasing owls in -20 weather Joey! Great shots.
  13. If they weren't cute and cuddly people wouldn't care if you hunted them. Those P3TA groups should have zero say on anything hunting related.. Go after people abusing animals, not hunting them.
  14. Agreed, love the never give up attitude. They were rewarded tonight! Fleury should be pulled for the next game, he absolutely gave that game away.
  15. Sagitarious is still in the southern hemisphere, we aren't going to see it until at least June (August is the best time). Also you'll need to get away from the city to avoid the light pollution.. I usually have to drive at least an hour north of Barrie to find complete darkness. If you get far enough away from the city with zero light pollution you'll want to look north and try to find Cygnus, that's the only part of the Milky Way that might be visible at this time of year, it will be right above the horizon and not high in the sky. Here is a great free program I use to figure out what's going to be where, when http://www.stellarium.org/
  16. Another penalty filled game, the refs need to give it a rest. Make that 3-2! Columbus isn't done yet.
  17. I like going into the small local shop, shooting the bull and picking up whatever I need. I'm not going to worry if I can get the same stuff at Crappy tire for $1 less..
  18. The Milky Way is still in the southern hemisphere When I do my Milky Way shots, even with a 30 second exposure I don't get star trails. You might be able to lower the ISO a bit to reduce the noise and increase the shutter speed. Goodluck and let us know how you make out! The coma effect also has a lot more to do with the lens, if you start to get into night photography, check out the Rokinon 8mm fisheye.
  19. This is why the phone stays at home!
  20. Stacking shots will be a lot easier. Make sure you use the tripod and do not move the camera after the first pic, also you can either use the remote shutter or the timer on the camera to make sure there's no camera shake once you've pressed the shutter button. Once you've taken the pic of her with the car, then worry about the stars. You should be able to get a good 'star' shot with the below settings. f1.8, 15s exposure, ISO3200. You'll want the lens on MF and focus out to infinity then back just a wee bit. Your aperture (f number) basically means how much light the lens is letting into the camera sensor,, smaller the number the bigger the hole. You want to use the lowest aperture possible to gather the most amount of light in the shortest time possible. If there aren't enough 'stars' for you, then increase the shutter to say 20s.. But the longer it's open the more chance you'll have of the stars blurring.
  21. Not surprising all these teams with 100+ points when there are so many 3 point games.
  22. There's a trend happening here Shane! lol!!! I can't believe people even attempt shady crap like this... 'Send me some $$$ or I'm suing..' unreal.
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