Fishng the same old patterns day after day expecting the fish to be there because they 'should' be isn't going to work. You've gotta mix it up. The past two weeks I've been getting most of my big smallies vertical jigging out in open water because they are chasing shiners (Add in some bonus fat walleyes as well). Did very well on Sat out in Parry Soud fishing weed edges in 10-14ft of water catching some giants on topwater (yes topwater, mid day, bluebird skies go figure)..
This year is definitely not like last year, Weed growth is way off, water temps are down,etc.. The fish aren't going to be in the same places. If you spend 15-20mins fishing a certain pattern and it doesn't work, change it up. Sometimes I'll drive around for a good 15mins watching the graph before I even wet a line. I love fishing, but I hate wasting time fishing patterns that don't produce. My oldman gets pissed because we're constantly moving, etc but he doesn't complain when I'm slipping the net under a 6lb smallmouth he nailed off a weed edge fishing a popper