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Everything posted by BillM

  1. The Zalmons are coming!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. You didn't stand a chance, lol!! Good luck and let us know what you ended up with.
  3. That was awesome. Also, I forgot about the time we came back from that back lake in Algonquin in those giant waves Lifejacket was definitely on for that little ride.
  4. You bass boat guys are nuts. If I was hauling ass across the lake at 70mph, I'd have mine on as well, lol!
  5. I didn't want to hijack the PFD thread, but I thought a few of the responses were interesting. I never wear one, unless the conditions call for it. I can count on one hand the number of times I've ever had one on. I'm just not one to put myself in a situation where it will ever be needed (ie the guy in the 9ft dingy out 5 miles on Simcoe jigging in 3ft rollers).. The last time I had one on was a few years ago on Lake Nipigon, before that Lake Superior many years ago. I know I'm not alone as 95% of the people I see out on the water aren't wearing them either I'm sure this is going to turn into a crap fest but I'd at least like to see a few reasons from the other guys that spend a lot of time on the water.
  6. Sorry for your loss Matt, my condolences bud
  7. BillM


    Nice Dan! Here's an old boy I got a pic of earlier in the summer. He didn't care much at all about the boat being close [url=https://flic.kr/p/nW9R5L]
  8. if you want to run a dipsy you'll need a pretty stout setup (unless you run the super small ones, but then you'll need to let out way too much line to get down to 60ft). Personally I'd vertical jig them.
  9. With all the rain we've had, I wouldn't be surprised if there's slim pickings at the mouth.
  10. You definitely want something like a TrollMaster to accompany the kicker as well. Remote throttle control is a great feature.
  11. No need to use riggers in 40ft of water when you've got dipsys. Great job man! That Atlantic is gorgeous!
  12. Yamaha T8 High thrust besides the F115 main on our Lund 1700 Pro Sport, killer combo. I can troll that thing down to nothing (less then 1mph)
  13. Davey, check out Spoonpullers for the latest info on Lake O. Salmon are pretty much done in the lake but guys are still hitting lots of steel.
  14. Craig, I think you're the exception. Some of these guys will post more in this thread then the Leaf fans themselves, lol.
  15. http://www.kipawapropellers.com/propellers.html
  16. Dion needs his minutes cut, when that happens he'll become a better Dman (not like he's horrible now, but look at the minutes that guy places against the best in the league). It will be interesting to see what Robidas adds as well.
  17. I've got that exact motor on a Lund 1700 Pro Sport, it works great. Never been pushed off a spot because of wind/waves yet. Recently put a 3 blade prop on it and it's even better then before. Make sure you go for the I-Pilot Link as well.
  18. Clarkson will be just fine this year.. The pressure of coming back to TO is gone, I'm sure he'll be back to his normal form. Still not a huge fan of that long contract however. Can't wait to see the new guys we picked up finally hit the ice (Santorelli especially)
  19. A lot of you guys seem to be wasting a lot of time posting in a thread about a team you don't 'care' about.
  20. Also, no need to run the dipsys at a #0 or #1 setting, #3 for sure especially in the depths you're fishing. Get those baits off to the side and away from the boat. Although I wouldn't call lake trout a spooky fish..
  21. Mike nailed it, lol!
  22. Dipsys work great, the problem isn't your setup, it's the lake you're fishing. Haul the boat down to Lake O and run that exact setup for salmon, you'll have a lot more fun.
  23. I was thinking less cartoon, more naked ladies!
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