I did not ignore that part, it was included in my quote. Taking it out of context would have meant removing that part of the quote.
Your point was heavy on a) this affects the old and b) why aren't we doing more about drug overdoses.
a) It affects the old and the young. And the old aren't worth less than the young.
b) It is not binary. We are doing a lot (and could do more) about drug overdoses. We can do two things at once. People dying of drug overdoses is not a reason to let COVID run rampant because lockdowns "DON'T work" according to you. (Again, your quote and your capitals)
@scuro2has diligently and accurately argued that lockdowns do in fact work and I am in agreement.
It is easy to say what we should do when we have no education in the matter (how many epidemiologists are members of this board?) and no data to drive good decision making. There are too many YouTube experts here. We have Public Health departments for a reason.
You have already said you are moving to Florida because Ontario has gone insane, so you are right, "there is no point discussing this."
But here we all are, arguing politics on a fishing board with a no political posts rule...