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Everything posted by Beavertail

  1. Cool pics Rodcaster. Definitely looks different than a Coyote, at least the ones in my neck of the woods.
  2. Ok, now your posts make more sense to me! Didn't realize you were talking about Brush wolves (aka Coyotes) Didn't believe for a second that your dogs were taking out true Wolves (aka Gray/Timber).
  3. Good luck on your trip, hope you see lots of birds. I do all my hunting in southern Ontario, but a co-worker heads to the Chapleau area for a week every September, they usually do pretty well.
  4. Yep, Chukar for sure. Introduced upland game bird, my guess is they escaped from a farm.
  5. iboats.com I don't have any personal experience ordering parts but a friend uses them regularly.
  6. It never ceases to amaze me how low some people will stoop. Too bad the bear didn't free himself as that guy was hoofing it's back, and took out its frustration on the guy instead of the tire. I hope there was a lot of vodka involved, not sure how else to comprehend this??
  7. Couldn't ask for a better outcome, glad to hear.
  8. I remember watching a show called 'the Barefooted Bushman' hosted by Rob Bredl. It was a great show, not all jazzed up, just a guy surviving off the land, eating everything he could catch. Very knowledgeable host.
  9. Sounds like my kind of show, will have to start watching.
  10. That is neat, I enjoy anything older with regards to fishing.
  11. Hey that's good to know, thanks. I have to go out of my way to hit the Shell station, more options are always a good thing.
  12. I run the same combo in my outboard and lawn equipment. Funny though, the other day while filling up my vehicle at a specific Esso gas station I noticed a prompt scrolling across the screen on the pump stating their gas was ethanol free. Who knew? That is the only Esso where I've seen that, makes me wonder how legit it is.
  13. Sorry to hear about your motor troubles, what a let down that can be. Hope it's not too serious, IS still covered by warranty and you're back out on the water soon. I'm curious to hear what the issue is.
  14. Cool footage! You were in the right place at the right time. Amazing the patience Herons possess while waiting for a fish to swim by.
  15. Eye-yi-yi....what a porker. I think that fish has a thyroid problem. In the picture I can see your neck straining!! You know it's heavy when....
  16. Not trying to de-rail this thread but...do you mean one dog taking out a whole Wolf pack at once?? If that's the case that IS one tough dog. I mean wolves live 365 days a year in the wild and hunt/kill daily. They take down Moose and even Bison out west, which is the largest land animal in North America.
  17. Sorry to hear that, brutal. Sounds like he led a good life though.
  18. I like pretending, it's very convenient.
  19. She's a cutie! You must be proud.
  20. Sounds like a great way to spend two weeks, and judging by the smiles on your kid's faces I'm sure they'll remember these times for the rest of their lives. That was also a solid Pike you caught there, well done. Thanks for sharing.
  21. My deepest condolences. May you, your family and especially your Jellybean finally find peace after 5 long years.
  22. Yeah, keep in mind that most of the pump guns produced today (eg Rem Express, Mossberg) will have cheap, low grade wood stocks with no grain and pressed checkering that aren't very strong at all, and IMO look even cheaper than synthetic. If you want nice walnut, go with a Wingmaster or Browning BPS.
  23. Next question would be... if I were to buy a brand new gun.... do you go wood or synthetic? Personal preference...I'd go synthetic on a utilitarian pump-combo gun that is probably going to get dragged through the mud and abused, especially a first gun. On your next gun you can spend a lot more once you confirm your love of the sport and buy a real purdy, shiny blued, fancy walnut stocked side by side 16 gauge for grouse that you will only use while wearing cotton gloves and the sun is shining : )
  24. Ain't that the truth.
  25. Yep, I'll jump on the big green wagon too...Rem 870 pump would be a good start. Still have mine two decades later (my first firearm purchase) and I've harvested just about everything with it. Right now it has a dedicated rifled slug barrel and scope on it, and that's the great thing about them, very versatile with many aftermarket options for them. Being a pump you most likely won't have any mechanical issues with them either, very reliable. Like I said though, it's a good start...I guarantee it won't be your last one! Welcome to the club.
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