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Everything posted by Beavertail

  1. What I meant Brian, is what do I tell the guy? What would fair compensation be? Nevermind, just read your other response, thanks. I just put a stop payment on the cheque.
  2. Serious, then what?
  3. So my new 30hp Etec motor finally came in...took the boat down to the marina to have it mounted. I stood and watched as the "mechanic" used a jig and drilled 4 holes through my transom. Just as soon as he was done I could tell just by eyeballing it that the holes were off centre so I asked him. He measured again and sure enough they are off by over 3/4". Now he has to drill 4 new holes!!!! In essence each hole now looks like a figure eight. He gooped them up with silicone and said it wasn't an issue. However, I am very pissed off at this complete lack of professionalism. Turns out the guy isn't a mechanic but the salesman/owner and filling in for the mechanic who was on lunch. Am I out to lunch and making a mountain out of a molehill or is this a legitimate concern?. I realize mistakes happen and what's done is done, but I feel like the oversized holes compromise the mounting system. What would you do?
  4. Great report! Glad to hear this trip worked out better than your last.
  5. They'd probably be ok Lew, but personally I would go a bit smaller. I have a pair of 8x42 (Bushnell Legend Ultra HD's from SAIL) that I really like and won't be near as heavy as those 50's. As with all optics, you get what you pay for. If you don't plan on using them too often I understand not wanting to spend a small fortune, but It definitely is more enjoyable with quality glass...brighter, clearer images and less eye strain for sure.
  6. 1st pic - can't remember name 2nd - Blue False Indigo 3rd - Lupine 4th - Lungwort 5th - Lady's Mantle + Asters 6th - Hollyhock Mallow Don't overthink it, gardening doesn't have to be complicated. Water, weed, mulch and maybe divide/remove plants when they they too big or aggressive. For the most part they take care of themselves.
  7. This thread is killing me! I hear Loons in the evening too...but they are flying down the Expressway on sport bikes or tricked out Civics with fart pipes! Serenity now, serenity now..... Come onnnnn 6/49!
  8. I hear ya...I'd do just about anything to live in the country but it ain't going to happen for awhile either. Compromise is buying a place on the edge of town but where we live (Waterloo Region) the price of even a small property is crazy! Lew, sounds like you are a lucky man.
  9. That must have made your day! Very nice.
  10. Sounds like a pretty great day, what else could you ask for?
  11. Nice report and great pics...wow does that ever make me want to load up the canoe with gear and hit the water!!!!! Looks like a fun trip, they always are. Your puppy must have had a blast as well.
  12. Nice report, glad to hear the walleye haven't gone extinct on the French! Sucks that you had to end your trip early but better luck next time! That weather change was something else.
  13. Like the saying goes...good fences make good neighbours. If you want privacy that's what I would do.
  14. Really feel for the family, can't imagine what they've been through and glad it's finally coming to an end. This story kind of reminds me of a book I read, "Into the Wild". True story and unfortunately things didn't end well for that young man either.
  15. I think sometimes humour and sarcasm are lost through texting, happens a lot on here.
  16. Sounds like a great opener! I kinda like the French too, just a bit.
  17. I don't see the big deal...you buy a couple items, throw'em in the boat to keep the authorities happy, let them check. They've got a job to do, people gotta follow a couple simple rules, am I missing something? I can think of worse things to moan about.
  18. Yeah, funny thing...friend of mine just purchased a 40hp Etec tiller and his does not have the touch troll feature, not even sure if it's an option. His tiller is also quite a bit longer. On the 30hp and under its a standard feature on the tiller, seems odd to me. I could be wrong, chime in if anyone knows more.
  19. That's very cool too, not enough of those around anymore.
  20. That IS a big boar!
  21. Looks like you are living the dream out there, IMO anyway. What a great place to grow up for little ones too...I would have given my eye teeth for that when I was a kid!
  22. Cold weather aside looks like a great day!
  23. Well, thanks for all the responses. I decided to order the new motor with the power trim...not sure how much it will help on a 30 but even just for the convenience at the launch, why not?
  24. Chevette power! I love it! too funny. You could buy a few of them for 60M.
  25. COOL story, thanks! Glad all parties involved are ok. They are in the Weasel family, which also includes the Wolverine - enough said! Seriously tough and tenacious dude's...pound for pound I don't think anything comes close to that group of critters.
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