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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Because we are smart enough to know that a boat ramp is less important than the lives of our fellow Canadians and the safety of our healthcare workers. it sucks but we are putting faith in those that make the decisions are doing so in our best interest. boat ramps will re-open...when it is safe to do so which sounds like it will be soon.
  2. hmmmm...this makes me itch to head to my brookie spot.
  3. HAHAHA! i should but I think this thread is important and the OP has indicated that he wanted the thread to remain informative and not political. I may unleash it in a less important thread. Having worked in an arms reach industry (recycling) which is regulated by government, I have seen this all too many times. Especially in this case where it seems like the entire thing was written up between the period of the nova scotia shooting and the release of the changes themselves. Like in most industries, you have people in certain positions there because they have some knowledge of the subject matter, but the real experts are the ones actually doing the work. Ive seen it while policy was being developed around the management of the recycling of pressurized containers in Ontario, they hired consultants that have been working in the "recycling field" for years, but when it came to the pressurized container industry they have no actual idea about the inner workings of that industry. As such they come up with ideas and concepts that are 100% illogical and not feasible. The more you rush the regulation, the more mistakes, holes and problems you have. Clearly this thing is fundamentally flawed, and to be honest this stuff just becomes cannon fodder for Lawyers. Theres basically 0 way any of the stuff will hold up in court retroactively. Yes this kind of stuff can stop you from purchasing new guns, but anything grandfathered? Good luck having a charge stick. Over time re-iterations and ammendments will be made to the policy tightening its understanding, but as of right now I would say that all this regulation is doing is stopping the further sale of these weapons in Canada...The pandemic aside if Canadian Tire was still open I bet you could probably place an order for guns that are "technically restricted" Thats the other thing, you are also relying on the gun retailers to appropriately understand which of their guns are now "banned" Aside from the direct list of names which would be cross referenced against their systems inventory, any of these weird "energy" limitations take forever to actually be appropriately identified within a retailers inventory systems. Much like my industry where packaging material weights and compositions are required to be recorded for each sku sold (think of how extensive that is for walmart) These things can take literally over a decade to catch up on and become robust. in time once all of the weird mistakes and holes are filled with understanding the law will actually be enforceable. i.e. if you are an airsoft enthusiast, I wouldnt worry too much about having your "gun" in your possession.
  4. lol I know my post makes me seem like im very much "asking for a friend" but I actually am...Im not a hunter and the only time i shoot is occasionally with the 22 at the lake for some targets. Typically though even that I just bring out the pellet gun. The guns around my place were just passed down from my grandfather on the farm. Everything we have is bolt action oldschool boring stuff, no scopes, pump action etc.
  5. I think the guy in pointe au baril still carries leaches I just never use em. pretty sure he had them listed up on the board last time I was there in the fall
  6. Definitely talking about the same thing then...mmmmmm
  7. Capt. I think you should consider the fact that being on the kawarthas vs being on a remote lake are soooo different. Regardless of the fishing, being at a camp with your boys would certainly be a totally different experience.
  8. it will leak/plug itself or your engine will start fouling up if theres a problem. Ethanol is brutal on rubber so if you run ethanol gas you are more likely to have an issue.
  9. are those magazines illegal to purchase if imported from the United States? My understanding is that you can purchase the magazine, it is only technically illegal to install it? I may be totally incorrect here.
  10. Announced today parts are going to be open very soon should things keep trending the right direction!!! We’re in business baby!
  11. Wild leak...just confirming this is the same as a ramp right? my good buddy harvested an absolute pile of em yesterday. So jealous, he even offered to drop me some off but I’m not at home right now. pickled ramps are one of the most delicious vegetables I’ve ever eaten...mmmm
  12. Funny how that account hasn’t posted here since the hockey thread got locked eh? Lol
  13. Big risk in owning illegal firearms, you’ll never know the day when a police officer shows up in your house for whatever reason. guys the OP has asked that this being about informing people, do him a favour and keep the memes and trudeau bashing out of here. create your own thread to get locked elsewhere.
  14. Well guys, I pulled it off, but it wasn’t without a few hiccups, like any project. two things were a problem 1. I had a very difficult time getting the fluid into the system. Every time I initiated filling the reservoir tank it would all shoot back out. A lucky stumble across a YouTube video had a guy recommend using the trim up to get fluid into the pump and rams. I tried blipping the pump up while dumping fluid and it worked perfectly. 2. The cap on the reservoir on my Yamaha is plastic and I quickly learned the hard way that it’s extremely difficult to get sealed. It’s either cross threaded, over tight, or not tight enough. The problem is id fill the reservoir and then try to put the cap on but then would overtighten or under tighten ever so slightly and then drop the motor manually and as the motor hit the rams it would shoot fluid out through the cap. What a pain in the ass it was trying to figure all of this stuff out while manually dropping my 130hp engine and then having to lift it up again by hand. My back is bloody toast. Eventually I got used to tightening the reservoir cap just so and it seemed to magically work in 3 tries. the dust seal on the ram that was leaking had definitely seen better days. Everything else looked pretty good. also I didn’t realize how extensively I needed to use the trim pressure bypass to lift and drop the motor constantly. If anyone ever needs help with this shoot me a message and I will break it down in full detail step by step.
  15. Careful with Ernie! didnt know Limber tail was a thing until I saw my buddies dog get it in the spring. It was clearly very uncomfortable for the dog and took a few days to go away!
  16. Speculating but I think they realize the financial impact that missing one of the four long weekends in a summer can have on marinas etc. I think dougie wants to give those businesses a break and get them running before the long weekend. im getting tired of working on my boat and not launching it lol...that first tank of gas is gonna be gonnnneeeee lol
  17. According to Mike his son accessed the river from the municipal parking lot beside the legion in Caledonia. I’m not certain but I don’t believe he violated any rules by standing in the river. Hence the lack of explanation by the police when an adult showed up and questioned them. just my opinion here, but a kid standing alone in a river that he accessed through a public parking lot that is open, and someone calling the police is absolutely ridiculous. could you imagine calling the police on a kid standing in a river alone fishing...pandemic or not??? Sheesh
  18. saturday we had a crazy hatch of some kinda midges, i ate one when a breeze blew one in my open mouth lol...not that that helped me catch any trout at all lollll
  19. i dont blame the police for not knowing every single law especially as it relates to corona virus. I primarily blame the people that cant mind their own business and waste the police's time and resources by calling the cops on a kid standing in a river alone fishing. You gotta be some kinda person to do that...Ive got some great descriptive words but they arent allowed here lol. Unfortunately these situations are not common at all. My buddies on the weekend were out in the credit casting a particular drift and a home owner tried to ask them to move and when my buddy ignored his request to simply attempt to avoid any confrontation the guy decided to turn it into an argument. He told my buddy dave that he was tresspassing and Dave's reply was that he could assure the guy that as a fisherman he is careful to review the rules and ensure that he is not breaking any laws. The guy then threatened to call the authorities and Dave invited him to and said "go ahead but it was in the guys best interest to not waste the police's time."
  20. Anyone else get the wrong idea when Dave said he’s been all over the Internet on plastic modeling sites lmao.
  21. Important to note he started filming it when he asked the police to provide an explanation as to why they were telling his son that what he was doing was “illegal” the police then wouldn’t provide any explanation or their identification to Mike so he began to film them and they proceeded to walk away from him.
  22. It’s become wildly apparent after seeing what Mike Borger and his son went through on the weekend the whole Coronavirus prevention thing has become a giant pissing match. (Super high level overview, borgers teenage son was fishing alone standing in the grand and had the police called on him...more ensued and If you care to know look on Facebook) People are growing increasingly agitated and the age of social media has provided an avenue for them to release their frustration. At the end of the day, everyone is going to take wildly different levels of precaution when it comes to all aspects of their life. Just like some people would never drive a bass boat 100kmh or a snowmobile 160kmh across a lake, people are going to consider their risk tolerance and make the decision for themselves as to what they deem appropriate. There are laws in place and if you aren’t breaking the law then people should consider holding off on calling the police or being hyper critical. The common consensus though is that we should all understand by this point that we should be staying the heck away from anyone that doesn’t reside within your houshold. I know multiple people violating that rule and it’s disappointing to say the least. when it comes to stay home measures, I think the best approach is a common sense one. First of all, whatever you do just make sure you aren’t interacting with people unnecessarily. Second of all, protect yourself, consider the surfaces you touch and wash your damn hands! while some are critical of others for going out fishing or moving around a bit outside, I’m sure I have the opportunity to be entirely critical of their sanitation practices when they complete their essential shopping. Where I take certain measures to the extreme (I.e. when I shop I wear a mask and gloves, I bring sanitizing wipes and wipe absolutely every surface I touch immediately I then bring my groceries home and wipe every item down with sanitizing wipes, it’s a whole damn process and a pain in the you know what!) others may not consider such drastic actions but then will criticize me driving to a local river to fish. i think we need to focus on the real problem people, the deniers, the misinformation spreaders, the anti government/anti coronavirus law protestors, the rude unsanitary clueless jerks that seem to think that the line up outside the grocery store doesn’t apply to them. Focus your energy on them, they are the real problem, the other 99% of us are doing a pretty damn good job. The stats so far are telling us as such. If you want to spend time roasting people, go and find one of the idiots screaming about this thing being a total scam and focus your energy there. They are far more dangerous than other 99% of us who are doing our best while trying to maintain our mental stability living in our new reality.
  23. Sometimes people forget that lobbying is 100% legal in the United States therefore allowing money to define political action. in this case you have a significant amount of industries that are willing to fill the pockets of governors and law makers for the purpose of ensuring their business can move forward again regardless of the human consequences. im not a conspiracy theorist personally but the total coincidence that when the commodity traded by the wealthiest companies in the United States Of American dipped into negative territory that multiple governors then immediately turned 180 and began action to immediately re-open the economy without any consideration for the potential negative health impacts. I’m glad in canada it’s already been determined that a gentle roll back of quarantine measures will be the approach rather than a 100% immediate re-opening. It’s always safer to spot your jump before taking the leap.
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