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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. estimated 10,000 people just went to trinity bellwoods park in Toronto. Safe too say parks are getting closed again? Say goodbye to public boat launches if thats the case. if you look close enough, you can see covid wave 2...So many man buns, so little brains. https://www.cp24.com/video?clipId=1964368
  2. I’ve got a few friends like that that I feel like they could easily fall into this lifestyle given the opportunity. They absolutely love fishing when I take them, I just wish I could push them over that edge that makes them interested enough to start buying gear and really take it on.
  3. Supposed to be 30 come Tuesday...literally woke up to this 10 days ago?
  4. I’m thinking the guy you are referencing at cabellas is buddies with that seabass outdoors guy and does his “podcast” with the guy. That guy knows what he’s talking about. The last time I went to bass pro I think I asked where I could find EWG hooks and the girl working the fishing section had no idea what I was talking about. the guys at sail in Vaughan are good especially once you start talking to them and they realize you know what you are talking about. A guy named James is top notch. You gotta be careful when you start talking to him though, too many times me and my buddies have gone in just after 6pm on our way up north on a Friday and we end up chatting with him until close at 9 lol
  5. sail has the most competitive pricing and the staff actually know what the hell they are talking about. At least as much as they can...they also carry stuff that you actually want. I obviously prefer to shop at Pro J and keep it even smaller but Sail > cabellas or bass pro every time for damn sure.
  6. The blackflies in pointe au baril on Monday we’re almost as bad as I’ve ever seen it. Weren’t biting too bad yet but the swarming was brutal.
  7. Taking the boat out of storage this year I found that a mouse had made residence in the compartment under my seats. That called for a full vacuum and wash of the entire boat. Then the boat launches were closed, which meant even more cleaning and waxing to pass the time. I realized I didn’t have a photo of the boat with the new seats in it. its nice to know that if you take care of a even a 22 year old boat they can look nearly new.
  8. Yup, you can order more cards In fact when I lost my card they wanted to offer a deal on buying 4 vs 1. now I have a stack of cards at my place, one for each boat at the cottage and one in my wallet. I’m obviously very “forgetful” so stuff like this seems to have a way of finding itself missing on the regular. This way it never leaves my boat. honestly I wish they’d do the same for bloody fishing licenses. I constantly find myself without mine by accident. PITA I keep a copy on my phone for just that reason but who knows how much of a hardass the first CO I run into will be when I’ve forgotten my card in my pfd or in my boat when i hop in my dads boat.
  9. Hey guys, just an update on this and to spread some knowledge at the expense of my many many many far too many hours of reading... as many already know there are basically 3 battery companies that manufacture the majority of both lead acid and AGM batteries in North America. typically the quality of them is considered by ranking them in the following order east penn/deka johnson controls expride you can throw Trojan and odyssey in the mix if you want but I would consider them to somewhat be in a total league of their own. I came to the conclusion that they were indeed out of my personal price range. $500+ tax was just a bit too much for me. After reading more and more and attempting to determine who makes what for who I finally was able to come to a conclusion of who owns what. Expride seems to have basically disappeared johnson controls makes Kirkland, energizer and optima batteries east penn/deka owns deka battery, USA battery, but within the last year and a half has now started manufacturing canadian Tire’s ultra AGM batteries. This was huge news and finally explained why the heck the nautilus AGM batteries were so bloody expensive. People have cross referenced and you’ll actually notice that the canadian tire batteries have an identical casing to deka batteries with the exact same ratings. Canadian tire now also offers an industry leading 4 year totally comprehensive replacement warranty for their ultra AGM line of batteries. And most crazy of all the specs of their smaller ultra AGM batteries actually exceeds the cranking amps and amp hour specs on larger batteries. Saving me some much needed weight and space. so the decision was made, lucky for me they actually are on sale right now too. i figured I would share this info with everyone because it saved me a few hundred bucks, got me a battery with an unparralled warranty and has some of the highest quality components in the market. good on canadian tire for stepping up and providing a quality option in the canadian market at a reasonable price. Unfortunately it seems the battery brands change hands frequently.
  10. Definitely not as crazy as a typical long weekend up here. Partially due to the fact that a huge portion of visitors to PAB are American. There is 100% a very significant influx of people though compared to how insanely quiet it was just two weeks ago. water is bloody cold 49 in most places although I’m sure it’s warmed up a bit today with the sun. Fish are still out deep waiting for the shallows to heat up more. i spent the whole day swimming in a dry suit. Just came in after 10 hours out there. The ice in November broke up during a big storm, the water levels came up huge and carried our dock way out into the lake. Had to re lift all of the weights holding it in place...what a pain in the you know what. black flies are definitely out...cant believe we went from snow to insane blackfly season in 5 days. What a joke.
  11. Sounds like a lot of us will be fishing this weekend. I leave for pointe au baril at 8! Boat will be in the water by noon! Stay safe everyone and remember to bring gloves/sanitizer with you if you go to the launch. The docks etc etc can be contaminated! Stay safe and tight lines WOOO HOOOO!!!
  12. Just proving how fast this stuff is moving, my township wrote up a document about opening the township marina, but got too tied up in the "making this stuff only available for people with property in pointe au baril" language, that the wording now implies that if you have road access even if you live in pointe au baril full time that you cant use the boat launch. Ive contacted the muni to see whats the deal.
  13. lmao holy crap. Interesting they are using a turbo diesel for power. I guess they are probably grabbing small truck engines. When I heard 60psi I was thinking What the literal hell? Then I realized it was a turbo diesel lol. I wanna know who was the first guy to figure out you can go that fast on one of those hulls. Holy crap it seems scary and dangerous as all hell...probably because it is lol. Absolutely wild.
  14. ...except for any rods, reels, electronics, mapping software, trolling motors etc etc etc (should i go on?) that you use. All of that tech, refinement etc etc is alllll driven by the bass fishing and inshore fishing industry by our friends in the united states. The refinement of lures and reels comes from the guys on literally one specific lake (Lake Biwa) in Japan. Its the exact same relationship that F1 maintains with the car industry. Youd think that F1 has absolutely nothing to do with the pickup truck that you drive...except for the fact that every single vehicle produced has a limited slip differential in it. Trust me, the canadian tinner based walleye/trout fisherman makes up the smallest amount of revenue in the entire industry. Was talking with Dave Chong last week about this, the entirety of Canadian Bass Boat sales is trumped by almost any singular state in the United States. Thats pretty unbelievable isnt it? Population, and buying power, a strong dollar are pretty incredible things. Grimsby, the MNR by law openly publishes any charges/fines that they impose on people. Its all public record. I know that B1 addressed the issue because of Optics...which in any corporation are as important as almost anything. Could you imagine the optics in 2020 of catch and kill tournaments? Weve gone way past that, but personally I think even more can be done. Just look at what MLF is doing. (I dont personally know if that specifically is the answer because I still think weigh in's add a certain dynamic to tournament fishing) but at the same time this wasnt a small local family tournament, B1 is the real deal, big money, big names and they really really messed up. Im glad they addressed it, but I stand by my opinion that after seeing what happened happen, we should be doing more to protect our fisheries and to make sure that it doesnt happen again. We may just have a difference of opinions on the matter.
  15. I don’t have a solution, I don’t know enough to know what the solution is nor do I have the resources available to me to know. Corporations and the government do though. Hence my point. The total lack of repercussions/changes to ensure that it never happens again is what I take issue with.
  16. There’s a lot to the equation, but seriously that tournament alone had a devestating impact on the local fish population. Considering it specifically targeted the largest best spawning fish and killed hundreds of them from a specific stretch of water. That specific area is host to many many tournaments. If they continue to have the same problem’s it will literally finish the fishery off for good. Not far different from what happens in the lakes in the southern United States. Guntersville, santee Cooper, Kentucky lake, chickmauga all are tough fisheries and it’s because of the pounding that their tournaments place on their lakes. Even worse down there because they hammer them during the spawn. I fished santee Cooper last year and got skunked for three days straight, during the spring! That’s telling of what’s happened to that lake because of the extreme spawn tournament pressure considering a decade ago it was taking 40lbs pushing 50! In some instances to win tournaments on it. once again, I’m not anti tournament, but I’m also not anti common sense. We are blessed with the literal best bass fishing in the entire world in Ontario. If capitalist organizations want to use the resource as a revenue source, they should be held accountable for the health of the fishery. thats part of the problem, the outright disconnect between our tournament fishing organizations in canada and conservation efforts. whats going on in Texas with their share lunkers program is something that’s imo desperately needed up here in canada along with our already tight seasonal regulations.
  17. I think when I last posted about it, the tournament wasn’t even over yet. They had over 100 competitors fish for 2 days with a 98% (I think is what I last read?) mortality rate. My original math was actually too low the first time I posted about this. Friggin unbelievable really? And on the st Lawrence? Not too many competitors coming in with less than 3lbers. im 100% a fan of bass tournaments, and am not one of the “anti tournament crowd” I realize bass tournaments are what literally keeps the entire fishing industry afloat for the most part because of the accessibility of it...but seriously, what happened there was simply not acceptable and means that either the company needs to invest more to manage fish suffering from Barotrauma, and hire some people that know what the heck they are doing. I don’t have the answers, but in speaking with a local, he has noticed a substantial decline in fishing in the area and it’s pretty apparent that it’s the tournaments that are causing it.
  18. The best thing for that fishery would be to not allow B1 to kill 400 4lb smallmouth over the course of a weekend without penalty.
  19. i like what my muni did...kept it closed but allowed the marinas to put local's boats in the water. Stops people from coming from everywhere just to visit the community. If you have property you can come through a controlled environment and launch. (the marinas are being extremely strict and are requiring that you book a time to launch!)
  20. We’re literally about to go from snow and winter right directly into the buthole of blackfly season lmao more importantly though, my bug is gonna be eating up that ultra 91! Here we goooo
  21. Pointe au baril marinas are now open to ratepayers. No visitors allowed still. guess I’m in luck!
  22. Walmart is doing exactly what amazon has done. You’ll notice that now all items that are available in the United States are now available In canada as well. Same concept of using suppliers to feed their inventory network. good news for buying boat parts etc. they have a strong automotive parts network as well in the US
  23. just to correct you...Thursday May 14th is their targeted opening. its posted on the kawarthas website
  24. i paid about $900 for mine two years ago used. It was almost brand new though as well. The generation two models have an upgrade ipilot that is indeed better than the older generation. For more reference i also sold a Motoguide digital tour for $350 a good place to look at for used pricing http://www.bbcboards.net/forumdisplay.php?f=23
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