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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. the plekky deal was a steal for the leafs...montreal is keeping half of his salary too. Notice he is playing on an absolutely abysmal habs team, yet he still has a positive +/- Say hello to your new 4th, and next year 3rd line centre...I think we should force him to play without the dicky though. Him and kapenen are gonna friggin light it up in the playoffs, watch.
  2. would installing a decent capacitor perhaps assist with smoothing out the load? Just speaking from my car audio days.
  3. exactly, imaging a 6 foot long musky/smallmouth hybrid that literally jumps like a dolphin...its insane
  4. Well, the deal that I was looking for came up this weekend and I ended up buying a boat on saturday! 1997 skeeter 140 SS with a 2000 Yamaha 130 2 stroke. Boat is garage kept and doesnt have a single mark of boat rash or scratches on the hull. Carpet looks totally brand new. The guy I bought from absolutely babied the boat, properly stored it every winter, new plugs and gear oil every season, boat was his pre-fish boat because his tournament partner has a big 21 foot triton. Hes upgrading now though to his own 21 footer. 2 livewells, rod locker, bank charger, 24 v cabledrive bow mount. Deal was too good to pass up! for the first time ever I am now praying that the ice breaks up immediately!
  5. we are due for our every decade recession, the best plays IMO at the moment are in natural gas and online shopping...amazon is friggin expensive though.
  6. Im not insulting those that partake, i juts dont think that I can agree with it when as you have mentioned we have decimated any potential habitat for them south of what highway 11? There is a whole boat load of deer and vermin down here but not a lot of large predators to control the population. Really though what it boils down to is that IMO hunting for the sake of anything aside from feeding yourself is not something that I can agree with. It's like taking trophy fish to get mounts made out of them, i dont agree with that either. Eat what you kill.
  7. jesus christ...I wasnt using very heavy tackle for mine either just a medium heavy rod and a standard 4000 series reel. My snag started making my line cut through the water from the front of to the back of the boat at 100kmh and then proceeded to jump 10 feet into the air.
  8. ahahaha...oh man just be prepared to literally ruin freshwater fishing for yourself lol First tarpon i hooked into a "juvenile" all 20lbs of it... me - "im snagged" guide - "hold on"
  9. have you fished tarpon before? if not...ha ha....oh what a treat
  10. I disagree with Schloim about the 1 vs 2 piece. I find a huge part of the battle out on the ice is staying warm, especially if you like to move around and not fish from a hut. I also like being able to wear a tshirt and a pair of long johns as my base layer to stay nice and light. There is guaranteed to be more days out on the ice where its cold then when its warm. You will be thankful for the one piece when you are sitting out in -25 and the wind. Thats my 2cents Ive got a nautilus 1 piece float suit, one of the best investments ive ever made.
  11. Bingo I think everything is going to work out...I might be working on closing a deal on a boat by sunday afternoon, we shall see! Also after punching all of the numbers...for a guy that doesnt even drink coffee, you can buy a boat for the cost of your tims every day...this all was a reality check for me and im a little upset i didnt buy a boat sooner! lol I should have bought a boat last year damnit!
  12. A quick update on this for those that care lol, but also some useful info for someone out there perhaps? So after looking into getting a HELOC and speaking with the bank I ended up learning something pretty substantial about loaning rules and my personal finances. Without giving away my entire personal finances, my mortgage is not being done directly with one of the "10 approved" loaners as recognized by our banking institutions, therefore I am not able to attain a secured line of credit. As the bank said "most people get mortgages from outside sources for bad reasons i.e. bad credit, construction loans etc etc..." not the case at all for me. The banks will not even consider doing a value assessment of my home because even though I have a significant amount of equity in my home already, the lender gets first grab at the equity available in my home, and hence the bank wont touch it. I can still get an unsecured line of credit at an interest rate around 8%, but I think i may just have a chat with a family member instead, id rather pay the interest to them then the friggin bank! After researching the HELOC and how cheap it really would be to get the small loan that i need to buy an older used boat, ive really started to look at boats, and i may have actually already found "the one" i went and saw it monday! Ive got a few boats to see this weekend but i really dont think anything will compare to the one that i saw...hopefully its still kicking around by sunday!
  13. hmmmm im gonna say thats more than likely incorrect. Ill let statistics if anyone has them to prove me wrong, but my understanding is that a far larger segment of individuals visiting game reserves in Africa is comprised of individuals visiting purely for tourism purposes. I know quite a few people that have been to Africa and gone on safaris, I dont know anyone personally who has gone there to shoot trophies.
  14. dont know if anyone watched the MLS final 2 years ago (i know different sport, and TFC redeemed themselves this year) but in that game seattle literally did not register a single shot on goal through full time, plus overtime...only to win it in the shootout. Soccer shootouts are even worse than hockey...at least in hockey some skill comes into play. Remember the toews vs team USA at the world juniors?
  15. beautiful fly rods. Id almost feel guilty dragging on of those art pieces through the bush!
  16. im guessing that 900 gets up to a serious clip.
  17. case and point...Ducks unlimited as far as I am aware has done more to preserve wetlands than anyone. Theres a big difference IMO though than shooting a few ducks for table fare, and shooting wolves for not much else aside from shooting them. The whole argument that "wolf populations are doing great" is pretty Bull because when was the last time you saw a wolf in the GTA? How many deer are there around the GTA? hmm something seems out of balance right? Old argument, wow the population of this species is doing fantastic in this very small area...much like ontario elk...great the population is "sustainable" in the area that they are basically confined to live in, meanwhile all of these animals should technically be everywhere but the damage in totally decimating all of these animal populations was done a long time ago...let us not be short sighted about that. Same can be said for cougars...we know they exist but the reason the government wont even aknowledge it is because they dont want to have to open up a cougar hunting debate. People shoot polar bears and elephants too...IMO they are asses.
  18. shame you are retired from wetting lines ohio...i would take you out and show you how to put 20lbs in the boat in the early season using spooks no problem. Once the middle of August hits the topwater bite vanishes...but June...look the hell out. My PB was caught on the weekend following opener using a zara spook jr, stupid me didnt weigh it...you can call it a 2lber if you want. I know it was the biggest ive caught. [/url]
  19. so friggin sad i literally didnt get on the trails once this year and its over...getting tougher each year to justify the cost of a trail pass...thats two years in a row now where we havent had a chance to get out. The seasons seem to be limited to a couple of weeks per year these days...im jealous.
  20. im gonna take a wild guess and say more than a few laughs were caught
  21. Not to skew this way off topic but im sure thats the direction this is all going to head, I am all for hunting as a means to put food on your families table, but I have never been a huge fan of hunting for the sake of bagging trophies or wearing fur...if only 90% of the dummies that wear canada goose jackets understood what making them entails, they probably wouldnt wear them. We as humans have done far enough to decimate our large game and predator species through habitat destruction, there's no need to add to it by shooting for sport. Ive heard of some folks eating Yote...anyone care to chime in on this one? Also my opinion doesnt matter at all...to each his own, if you are doing what you are doing legally more power to you!
  22. salt water muskies...with nastier teeth. Frig i wish i landed the one i hooked into...they are scary ass fish!
  23. These guys literally make the best craw plastic on the entire market...
  24. I wish i could grab a 20 footer but its out of the question, i dont have anywhere to put it. gotta keep it small so that I have storage for it in the winter. If only our dollar was in the total crapper...need those oil prices to drive up again and make the dollar climb a bit. Definitely keeping an eye on the US market, not sure what it takes to get a boat back over the boarder legally?
  25. how big is your boat grimsby? I dont think i will be getting anything over an 18. added bonus is that Ive got a boat house that i can jack the boat up into in the winter for storage. If the right boat comes along, i could pull the trigger immediately...but it would have to be the right deal. So far ive found one boat in the province that fits the bill pretty nice. 18 foot 2002 skeeter with a 100 yammy 4 stroke that had the bottom half redone last year, under budget as well...big fan of yamaha outboards, might have to at least take a peak.
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