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Everything posted by PUMP KNOWS

  1. Also I find a UV light works a lot better when charging a spoon.
  2. Awesome. What's your thoughts on people who bottom fish the piers? Last week everyone who chucked spoons got skunked while a guy who was bottom fishing went 4 for 5.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVGzCZh2ovA
  4. Beautiful boat and wow...an amazing space of a garage.
  5. Hi OFC, I was wondering where can I purchase a extra spool for a shimano stradic FJ 2500-3000 in the GTA? I called Basspro and Sail and they don't carry it. Also does anyone know how much a spool usually costs?
  6. Awesome report! I wish I could have those type of adventures.
  7. I've only been catch tiny pike this summer.
  8. How many species of gar do we have in Ontario? 2? Longnose and spotted?
  9. My first fish I caught with the jointed smelt was my first Musky
  10. I'd be all over this if I can find them in the GTA.
  11. Shimano Stradic CI4+ Cabelas $199.99 http://www.cabelas.ca/product/62108/shimano-stradic-ci4-aluminum-spinning-reel Sail $249.99 https://www.sail.ca/en/fishing/reels/spinning/shimano-stradic-ci4-3000-140-10-6-0-1-173962
  12. Caught my first slot sized walleye last night. I'm excited to taste it for the very first time.
  13. I got invited to do some walleye fishing tuesday night, I can't wait
  14. Try to keep your line tight as possible and having a sensitive rod helps with bite detection.
  15. Last year that bird group were harassing us during our family fishing event. They were telling us how fishing there was illegal. They filled complaints that we were fishing recklessly, that we left garbage and that we were harassing the birds. They also claimed that we didn't have a permit to use the park. Those were all complete lies. We even had MNR officers in our event and they didn't witness any of that. After the event last year parks had to put up this sign...
  16. Carp on the pin is fun too. Just put on the clicker and wait. Nice catches!
  17. Here's one we caught on the weekend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhG9WD9xagg
  18. http://www.torontosun.com/2016/07/02/showdown-in-humber-bay-park-friends-vs-fishermen
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