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Everything posted by MJL

  1. I don’t have very many old fishing pics (not many prior to 2004)...I really didn’t start bringing out a camera until 2005 when I got a cheap 3mp Canon digicam as a gift (which I subsequently dropped in the river a half a year later) Some pics I do have: Kiddy pic from the late 80’s My dad and I used to visit Algonquin park for smallies once or twice a year...Pics are from 1999/2000 Made the papers during 1st year university. My profs were cool with me wearing my waders and vest to class . My mom was less than impressed First ever laker to celebrate my 15th B-day I used to do a fair bit of salmon fishing early in the run with my dad. We would drift our ‘top secret’ glow-in-the dark baits . I was around 14 in the pic As you can see, I still look like a 15yr kid
  2. That’s a beautiful pup Mike...Having played with GSP's at the local tackle shop the past 10yrs, I can understand why you love the breed so much. How about Genny? Or how about we hit up the Genny?
  3. Thanks again guys Most guys have a little voice that tells them when they shouldn’t spend more money on new tackle...In my case, I don’t...It’s called being single I was also given some great advice via PM about NEEDING to fish some of the rivers out on Vancouver Island before I get married...I’d NEED new tackle for that too! Next year, we need marshmallows if you get that peg again...And shots for malaria That water looks insanely froggy. I’m not sure the start-up on any ‘pin would be good enough for that stretch. I haven't fished Bronte in years...It's good to see the crowds have died down
  4. Great photos and some really nice specimens WTG
  5. 4.5 inches...I was tempted to also get the 20th anniversary model (4.75") but maybe that might've been excessive
  6. I haven’t had a chance to handle the new St Croix carp rods. From a price point on a carp specific rod, made outside of Asia, using fairly good components, IMO $250 seems like a reasonable price compared to those made in the UK. Most probably aren’t aware that G. Loomis a few years back had their own line of carp rods (briefly), which won various tackle awards but were retailed for $700US (they were only available in Europe too). The specimen carp rod is designed really only for 2 things: 1. First and foremost is casting. 2. Fish playing From a technical standpoint, the European specimen rods aren’t rated like our normal conventional spinning/baitcasting tackle. They’re rated more like fly rods. In the case of fly rods, they use line weights (like 2wt, 8wt, 10wt, etc). With carp rods, they are typically rated in ‘test curves’…What test curve the St Croix rods are, I don’t know. Generally speaking a 2.5lb test curve rods is designed to cast a 2.5oz lead sinker or weight. The higher the test curve, the more weight you can chuck and theoretically, the further you can cast. Can you catch five times as many carp on an ugly stick than a specially designed 12ft carp rod costing $250? Absolutely...I still use my Salmon/Steelhead rods for close-in work...But when you need to cast a lead weight weighing 3-4oz, 80+yards to where the fish are, than I’d have no reservations on spending that money on the 12fter that costs 5 times as much. For me, I’m typically fishing extreme venues where I’m either fishing in insane current or I’m casting long distances or both (As seen during my last tournament on the St. Lawrence. I was using 5oz leads to hold bottom and 7oz when the hurricane was passing through). If you were to grab a high-end carp rod from the UK, you’d typically be paying in the neighbourhood of $450 - $600 for something made by Harrison, Century, Free Spirit or a Daiwa Infinity. In my case, I just ‘had’ to have a custom Harrison done with components of my choice for a little more than that... As always, match the tackle to the fish that you plan to fish for. Match the tackle to the waters that you fish. Simply put, buy what you can afford. There are some incredible carp rods (IMO of course) that I’ve used in the past that really impressed me in terms of value for what you got – They were in the $130 range I believe. As with everything in the tackle industry, there’s a disproportionate increase in price compared to the performance you gain.
  7. Cheers guys and thanks again for all of your help. It's hard not to have an upbeat and positive attitude when I'm surrounded by people who I'd consider as close to family as I can get The reports the last few weeks here on OFC and the PM's kept my mind off things. I still have a full bottle of Tylenol 3's waiting to go to the highest bidder (j/k) On another note, thinking about it, I'd give my left nut to see the Leafs make the playoffs...Oh wait... A pair of AngSpecs...1 in a bigger, more ported version of the one I already have, and my dad got an AR model to play around with. My dad bought me a baby 4" offset a few years ago as a graduation present...I've got to pay for my own one this time On the bright side, his fishing toys are also mostly mine too Now I just need to build a new rod to match the reel... Mike
  8. She's working?! That's incredible. She's simply an amazing lady. If she's working at Ryerson, I might run into her when I visit a few of my old profs in the new year The force is strong in Jen...Judging by the pic, her light saber is out and ready for action Best wishes
  9. ...But OFC was the best medicine I could ask for It’s been a month since my last fishing report. As many of you know, I’ve been dealing with some health issues and trucking through them the best I could - Obviously with the support of family, friends, OFC, CAG and the nurses that poked and prodded me at the hospital on a regular basis...It didn’t help that they pointed and giggled though . I’m still going through various tests to see if the cancer spread to other areas (some of which sucked considering I hate needles). I nearly puked during my CT scan on Friday...I thought I was having hot-flashes when they injected the dye! Over the last couple of weeks, you’ve wished me well, chatted with me to get my mind off things (mostly fishing related in Tuesday night chats) and kept my spirits up...Many of whom I have never met before, may never meet in person, or knew of prior, sent me PM’s of hope and support (a couple of whom dealt with TC) and for that I can’t thank you enough The day after my surgery, good friends Victor and Anthony (Frozen Fire) and his girlfriend, Christine brought over a couple books on ice fishing/photography to read and DVDs for me to watch while I was mostly immobilized. It’s hard to ask for better friends. My friend’s dad also sent me an old school steelheading book from his library Spiel also mailed me some amazing reading materials such as the ones below – some of which might be considered collectable dating back to 1978. I always was, and probably always will be a fishing nerd. For me I was blown away by Chris’ incredible generosity – It’s not the first time either I’ve been healing up nicely since the surgery. 4.5 days after the surgery, I slowly limped into a job interview with my portfolio, a dry erase marker and a telescopic pointing stick. I managed to score a new job that should pay enough for a new spey rod and a steelhead trip to BC...Maybe only one way though . I gotta thank Hammercarp for his support with that There’s not much I can say or do to fully thank OFC and its members for the help you’ve given me during this time. I’ll let you guys know how it goes and hopefully if I don’t need additional treatments/procedures, I can hook up with the members I promised I’d fish with before year end. OFC is simply an amazing community Mike And Yes, my dad and I finally spoiled ourselves by ordering a couple new custom centrepins due to arrive in March. As always, I had to get mine in black
  10. Incredible pictures msp Reports like these have been getting me through the last few weeks
  11. Prayers and thoughts be with you and them Geoff. The power of positive thinking really does make a difference
  12. Nice fish Daryl I remember that day last fall. You caught a pretty little brownie from that same pool if I remember correctly. I actually haven't fished that river at all this year but I'm tempted to return when I can move a lot better.
  13. I bet you haven't used C_ _ _ T _ _ _ S yet...A bait of mass destruction that I can't even spell it out in full for fear of piscatorial annihilation
  14. Surgery was delayed by 4hrs but it went well from what I was told by the people doing it. No swelling with only some pain where the incision was made for now - They opted to use staples to zip me up. Pain isn't enough to really warrant use of pain killers...I actually put myself through a lot more while doing the Navy Seal fitness program for the months prior Frozen Fire, his girlfriend and Victor stopped by last night and dropped off a couple fishing/photography books and DVDs Thanks a lot guys. Really appreciate the support you've given me over the last couple weeks
  15. Many thanks guys In the situation that will shortly be presenting itself, I'd like to think about the package being half full...Not half empty Cheers Mike
  16. I have a canon 40D. The UW case I plan to get is more like a glorified zip-lock baggie with a lens port (EWA Marine). For $260 It's way cheaper than the replacement cost should I dunk the camera...I tend to destroy cameras while steelheading...At least 1 or 2 per year Alternatively, I could save up for a professional polycarbonate one with full controls...but I'd rather spend that kinda coin on some new fishing tackle
  17. Very sweet fish Frankie Hard to beat the feeling of a big chrome fish smashing hardware
  18. Thanks guys...Can’t say it enough and won’t stop appreciating it all. Rick has been as close to a big brother I could ever ask for during this time, and has been guiding me through the processes (some of which will suck but that's the nature of it). I consider OFC and all of its members part of my lifestyle, my religion and my family I promise I won't lick my stitches... Or my genitals That would depend on the nurse Definitely! One other athlete I do admire a lot is Lance Mackey (an esophageal cancer survivor and 4 time winner of the Iditarod...Along with a few Yukon Quest victories). I may never race 16 sled dogs across Alaska in 9 days, but his upbeat, positive and humble attitudes are what I admire the most and will probably get me through the times that really suck Cheers & all smiles
  19. I may be only 26...But I learned long ago that females (of every species) are like that. When they actually open up their mouth and bark at you, they either want you to paint, move or do something
  20. Cheers guys. After visiting various clinics for ultrasounds, blood work, X-rays, etc, I will be going in for surgery on Thursday. Doesn't sound fun by any means - especially after looking at various diagrams - but the only choice my urologist gave me were stitches or staples.LOL On the bright side, I plan to spoil myself with a new underwater case for my DSLR and may order a slightly bigger version of the centrepin I already have but really do love - In stealth fighter black of course Thanks again guys for your support. The last few days have been way better for me mentally Physically, the doctors and lab techs are impressed with my fitness levels and are optimistic about my recovery...Steelheading and bushwhacking trout streams will do that for you I can't wait Mike!
  21. Hat-trick through the five hole WTG Ryan (thumbs up like the baby)
  22. Super cool lures Jacques. After making each one by hand, I'd hate to lose one to a brush pile on the first cast It's marginally better to lose one to a pike though.LOL Sweet ride too...I'm jealous...My 94 Accord has no cup holders
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