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Everything posted by MJL

  1. Sweet pics Bill I really like the pic with the eagle carrying the fish away...Really great shot. How long was the exposure for the night shot? I'm actually looking into doing some night time timelapse stuff.
  2. I use whatever every other angler is using out there...You know...To match the hatch 40 pink worms going down river in unison can’t fail!
  3. I guess it's a good thing for Skeeter, you didn't pop the word "Master" in there somewhere...
  4. Also not to forget that DSLRs aren't waterproof
  5. Never used D40 for $500? It's hard to say. Henrys was selling open-box ones for $300 I think about a month ago (with a warranty too). Sometimes you can find them on Kijiji used for $250 or $200 body & lens. The D40 is a great little camera though. I used my dad’s for a few years before I got my own DSLR. My dad has no intention of upgrading from it anytime soon. It does take some seriously great pics. At 6mp, if you don’t plan to crop or blow the pictures up on large prints, it’s great. If you are willing to spend $500, you’re better off looking at a used newer model, IMO. In my case, after owning a couple more recent models (both Canon), it’s hard to go back to using the D40...Some of the basic settings can only be changed by scrolling through the menus (which can be a pain considering on most newer cameras, there’s a dedicated button for them). Features-wise, it seems like a dinosaur even to cameras 3yrs old.
  6. I'd seriously love to swing a fly right behind that camera right now.
  7. "but she's so pretty" And the robot bear. I love it
  8. Thanks guys...Glad you like the pics Thanks guidofisherman and whitbyboatguy. I was using a Canon 40D. Underwater photography is definitely the hardest type of picture taking I’ve ever done. I’m still learning as I go and TBH, a lot of what I shoot is a result of pure luck - I'm shooting blind 100% of the time, usually just with one hand (the other hand is on the rod.LOL). Prime conditions for underwater photography (Gin clear and high-noon sun) make for some very tough fishing so getting something to take a picture of can be challenging. In many places, the water never really becomes clear enough to make shooting worthwhile. No shopping carts yet but I am tempted to bring my Marcum underwater camera to the river notorious for them...I want to take pictures of browns in their natural environment
  9. Sweet reel From the few Paine Falls reels I've been able to see on the local rivers, they feel solid and very well made. I think he made a small batch of black Apex knock-offs a couple years ago...I'd love to own one of those.LOL
  10. Really cool video Justin. I'm not really into bass fishing but being able to see everything from the approach, the cast, the technique used, the strike and capture made it all very entertaining and educational (at least for me)...I have to admit, seeing the fish boil on the lure through the slop was pretty exciting - And I wasn't even fishing.LOL
  11. Fantastic report After seeing all the pics, I also want to catch a number of PB perch to put in a livewell full of clarified butter
  12. When I was a kid learning how to fish for steelhead, I was told that rivers are a lot like women...They have nice curves I love fishing rivers...I never seem to get bored with the sight and sounds of moving water. The last few weeks I’ve been probing various rivers of all sizes with my camera (and fishing gear) hoping to take some nifty shots of fish in their natural environment. I even bought a cool remote for my camera with the hopes that I’d be able to leave it in the river while salmon and steelhead swim around it. After my carp tourney on the St. Lawrence earlier in August, I hunted the giant goldfish in other rivers closer to home. A corn-eye or doughball-eye view Resistance is futile! Freedom With less than a month left in trout season, I probed the underwater world of brookie streams...My goal of catching a steelhead-sized speck has not yet been achieved ...But it was fun trying Reflection Unfortunately, the big brownies didn’t co-operate as well as I’d hoped. But with the salmon in the rivers the last while, I left my fishing gear in the car and set up my camera in a slow, shallow run for an afternoon. I ended up clicking away with the remote while picking up litter left by fishermen (the unfortunate reality of the salmon run)...Unfortunately out of the insane number of pictures I took, none of them came out all that good (I'm guessing they swam by too fast)...For an hour, I waded in the shallows of 1 pool, away from the other anglers, with camera in hand waiting for a fish to swim by. Only managed 1 fuzzy pic Salmon trying to evade the snaggers A double fisting bounty consisting of water bottles, vodka bottles (not the cheap stuff either), cigarette packs, beer bottles, loose line (mostly braid), a wading boot box (you’d think it would be easier to put the boots on at the parking lot ), glow stick packs, pop cans, carton of lactose free milk, a plastic baggie with roughly 4lbs of rotting skein and more. Early on I was taught that if you treat the rivers right, the river goddess will treat you back with karma...Karma powerful enough to put steelhead-sized specks, salmon-sized steelhead and blimp-sized carp at the end of your line ...I can still dream... Hope you enjoyed Mike
  13. Just incredible Mike...Thanks for sharing...Really enjoyed that report One day I'd love to try a fly-in trip...The airplane ride looks kick-ass!
  14. But Brian, old people forget Just like how you always forget to invite me to hit up the Notty when it’s prime. P.S. Cudz, if you need any help shopping around for new gear when you get back into it, let me know...I can be very persuasive . I only charge 2% commission on each impulse item I make you buy
  15. Do what you gotta do and best of luck ...But before you do, please send me a list of all of your hotspots with GPS waypoints...For safekeeping of course, just incase you don't remember them 5yrs down the road...I’ll have them handy to remind you
  16. From Ask a CO website relating to the exact same subject http://www.outdoorontario.net/AskMNR/mnrfaqfish.html Question 124: What should a person do if they were to hook a walleye that would definately not survive if released due to the way is was hooked? Is it up to a C.O.'s discretion or must it still be released? Asked June 28/00 Answer from the MNR I am assuming from the context of your question that the walleye that you were referring to was in some way illegal. Otherwise, its butter and flour time! The answer, if the fish is illegal (out of season, under or over size, over limit, illegal gear, etc.) is that the fish must be immediately returned to the water. By regulation, this must be done in a manner which causes the least amount of harm to the fish. Even if the fish were dead, it must be returned.
  17. But ospreys are the ultimate anglers...So it's still going to be a fishing site
  18. Got that right We fish for something that is plentiful everywhere, grows big, fights hard and are just as inedible as Lake O salmon...The only thing we strip and sometimes poach are corn cobs I guess you could milk tiger nuts to make horchata
  19. Dude, that's a sweet report. Love the frog pic Hate the fact that Kelvin has the same carpy Buff headwear as me Ewwwwwww! That's nasty! Not that there's anything wrong with that...But this is a family oriented message board
  20. Did you put any mono backing on the spool before you spooled up with braid? If not, I'm very sure that could be the reason. I've had it happen a few times before with spools of straight PowerPro (no mono backing) always in colder temps.
  21. - LL Bean Kevlar/Gore-tex waders...Check - Centrepin loaded with 200lb wire...Check - 17ft 15/16wt spey/float rod conversion...Check - 17,000lbs Stay-Puft marshmallow man...Check - Plane ticket to Puerto Rico with overweight baggage fee...Check - Check internet for more recent fishing reports...Check Getting the news that the pics were fake...$55,000 ...Anyone wanna make s’mores at the Ganny tomorrow night?
  22. It's better than being called a bearded lady...
  23. Prayers be with you Mike and your family Mike...The power of positive thinking will prevail
  24. MJL


    Incredible Bill...That's definitely one trip I'd like to do at least once in my life...The brookies are stunning
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