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Everything posted by blizzcat

  1. haha awesome trip! i enjoyed reading your report, it read just like a story! (sorry steve, your report can't compare) wonderful pictures too!
  2. I'm glad you posted this!! I always think to myself that they don't look so good when I see them, so this is very interesting. i hope bpsbassman is right about the biologist
  3. haha i'm late but i got fooled!
  4. wow! looks like you had a really great trip!! and you guys look just glowing down there and with reason! those are some crazy looking fish, pretty cool! It must have been really nice to get away from the weather up here
  5. aww! soo cute. i'm so glad you guys adopted him. does the blindness affect his life much? he sure seems like a happy pup
  6. oh!! thanks for the reminder! i almost forgot it was this weekend..
  7. haha I'd fall for that duck scam in a second. too cute!
  8. aww geez i'm sorry. i lost my two kitties the last couple years and i was just heartbroken. i googled it and there are other cases similar to yours, some have regained vision and others lost it forever.. I really hope your cat gets better!
  9. Looks like a good day! I sent you a PM by the way, I tried calling but I must have missed you.
  10. I'm late on responding, but yay brook trout are my fave with fly fishing! (see <<picture for my mini brookie) i'm not good with fly names, but in late april when the season opens i usually use these small white/light grey (kind of fluffy) flies, or adam's fly is classic as well as one that looks like an adam fly but has a red shiny band around it.. you can usually see the bugs they're eating off the surface and try to match them if you can. *however this is for a small river, i've never fished for them in a lake before... Good luck and make sure you post about it afterwards!
  11. looks like it was a really good time! nice fish too!
  12. my boyfriend tried to keep a brook trout, he chopped up worms and everything but it only lived about 2 months in the tank. it was sad but he knows now not to try it again at least
  13. brutal. i am not looking forward to this summers gas bills.
  14. looks like you had a good day! really nice fish. It sucks because we almost went up on the 15th too. next time!
  15. Isn't it muddy still? I heard the winds last week had it all mucked up for the weekend. Did you end up doing any fishing?
  16. hahaha Good post! I really enjoyed "Daddy's Rules for Dating"! I grew up with an overprotective father (*awww*) so this is just too funny.
  17. looks like the Grand is going good, too bad niagara was too muddy again for last friday.. hopefully soon!
  18. go in and talk to the store managers, ususally they have somee idea of when they get new shipments in and usually they get the wii's and they have them for the morning before they sell out. best buy, futureshop, and walmart all get at least one shipment a week i believe. Good Luck!
  19. from what i heard it's not good at all, very windy!!
  20. wow. great pictures! the trip looked perfect to me, great ideas for things to do, and it looked completely amazing. did it cost a small fortune?? (sorry if thats tactless. haha i'm always wondering how much things like that cost) nice post, i enjoyed reading all about your adventures, except for air canada being a big failure of course
  21. anyone have updates for river conditions this weekend??
  22. haha oh wow you caught him! That bowfin is too funny, I thought it was the craziest thing when he popped his head up, really made my day
  23. that looks so funn!! two of those zipped down the street in my area on sunday too. tis the season!
  24. well I didn't catch it but yesterday I was ice fishing (at fishmasters marina) and my boyfriend and I are sitting there watching the hole and all of a sudden a big Bowfin pops it's head up out of the hole. it opens its mouth a couple of times, seems to look around, then turns around and swims away. haha we were complete deer in headlights, just kinda stared at it confused of what was happening. it even missed the two hooks that were hanging down into the hole! it was crazy the hole couldn't have been more then 6" across, and we were fishing for Crappies.
  25. haha i only got the last one wrong, and i've never even been in a guys bathroom! but i had heard of some rules like avoiding going beside each other. you guys are so picky.
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