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Everything posted by Sterling

  1. "Doug told me the story about selling his two insanely wild dogs while he had them on valium. No one in their right mind would take them off his hands otherwise. Poor new owners were in for such a surprise when those dogs came out of it." :clapping:
  2. Might be a tad slow for chinooks. I think 3mph+ is preferred. But I'm sure you're somewhat limited on a kayak .
  3. I lose bottom almost immediately with my depth finder. Believe it's 200hz transducer. Would having a higher quality transducer (CHIRP?) fix the problem, or is this poorly mounted?
  4. Mike's excellent report in case anyone is wondering; http://www.canadafishingguide.net/trophy-brook-trout-of-algonquin-park/ I do recognize that one lake though. Refer to this google maps link Sorry while funny it breaks our rules. Feel free to P.M. Sterling for the link. Art
  5. I found the part about the garden of eden hilarious. I'm not very religious but I believe Jesus eats fish in the bible, does he not?
  6. Worst I've experienced was actually from shore. We hiked into a remote lake near Temagami and had a narrow piece of shoreline from which to fish. There happened to be a couple of old guys in a tinner on the lake as well, they had hiked in from the other side. They had the entire lake to fish from. Where do they decide to fish? Right in front of us. One of the boys "accidentally" cast a jighead onto the side of the tinner, twice. Eventually they moved on, but man....
  7. It's genius no? You paid for launch via the parking ticket! System seems to be working "fine" to me.
  8. Yeah. Was at the Erie cottage this weekend. Might have to cancel the August fishing trip there. Just too risky...
  9. $200 if you order a pair direct from them. Not like that's cheap either LOL Old Ironmaker: I contacted Angling Outfitters, they don't carry these nor can they remember doing so.
  10. Crazy idea, how far does the shed extend into the septic bed? And do you need to have a stone in the corner? Could you offset multiple stones closer to the centre of the shed and get away with that? Know what I mean?
  11. My dad is in the septic business, (not system installations though) give him a call and maybe he can help. 705-494-6660 Benoit septic. Ask for Bernie and say you're a long time enemy of yves. I've never heard of this spiral type system. I guess the idea is that water will travel out in this spiral.... Not sure if this would work. And as others have said, maybe it's not code so best to keep it hush hush.
  12. Care to PM me the location? Purely out of curiosity, I grew up in Rouyn, occasionally returning for work and asking how the lakes are doing.
  13. Saw these on youtube and was intrigued: http://www.liquidzone.fi/index.php/ Zoner divers are like electronic dipsies that take your lure to a specified depth or temperature. Pros; Eliminates need for downriggers, batteries, etc Far less drag, can use regular rod Exact depth can be targeted Exact temperature can be targeted Teaser mode (goes up and down regularly) Floats if snapped off ? Cons; $200 CAD each (if bought as a pair). Going to be anxious dragging something this expensive... Possibly hard to retrieve in wavy conditions if/when snapped off Limited line behind unit, just like dipsies ? Thoughts??? Anyone have experience with these units? I've read some scattered threads about these units and it seems there is lots of positive feedback, but very little traction, possibly due to price.
  14. Family used to have a cottage on the French, around mid-June the walleye would seek cooler water so we'd have to find them there. Of course depending on your location, deep water may not be nearby. My experience anyway, your mileage will vary!
  15. Happens every year. There are usually thousands washed up on the north shore. Paging Old Ironmaker
  16. Surprised you even got a single walleye! This time of year they've all ran into the main lake area.
  17. Dude that's awesome. Catch a bunch of fish, write songs about fishing, post them on the internet. Where do I learn to be this cool? PS: that was a huge brookie. J'ai capotter
  18. This year I actually missed my yearly trip to this relatively small lake near Temagami but I'm posting a report because I know you guys enjoy good pictures. The lake is mostly known for lakers and the boys limited out within hours. What was really special was the sheer size of the walleye this year. Normally we hook into a few and size is pretty good, but this year was special. One of the boys, let's called him Jay, pulled in a 10.2, 8 and 7 pounder in 2 days. All on home-made harnesses, I believe with heavy duty fluoro, large plastic blades and beads. Pictures below... these walleye are big even by Erie standards, but they came out of a small northern ontario lake. See for yourself! Edited the pictures because I haven't asked the guys to post Album link: http://imgur.com/a/P4GE6
  19. He has better technique than most adults I know lol. Rod tip UP!
  20. Oh man. Looks like you guys had just as much fun watching the kiddo as he had fishing! Cannot wait until my kids are old enough for this.
  21. Lady Evelyn is a beauty. Last time I was there the walleye were on fire, small and big. Looks like you had some good times with dad, walleyes are just a bonus right . I'm guessing you were in the western area of the lake, right?
  22. Buy them from Gramp's place https://www.google.ca/maps/place/Gramp's+Place/@46.9187376,-79.7500101,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x6a71363695238f8a?sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjaj63i5tTUAhUBzIMKHaYIA_oQ_BIIdzAK
  23. Best strategy for catching walleye during the day on Temagami is to be REALLY LUCKY. But on a more serious note, if you want to target walleye, make sure you're out there between 7-9:30. When the sun hits the horizon, you'll have the best shot at hooking into one. Simple worm or leech presentation should do the trick. For some reason pike seems to only thrive in the southern areas of the lake (from which you're like 2 hours away). Best bet is bass. Cast into any structure, docks, etc and you'll get some for sure. Get yourself a paddleboat and you're golden.
  24. Right - it was the spawning that was disrupted completely, not the existing population. My bad.
  25. This is correct. Some 50 years ago a train derailed near the lake and polluted the river where trout spawn (four mile creek). The lake was closed entirely and pollution levels have been monitored since. Once contaminant levels returned to reasonable concentrations, trout were re-introduced but the population was so fragile that the MNR kept the lake closed out of fear of wiping the trout out once again. At some point they decided to open the lake for 1 week of the year to give anglers a chance at catching the monsters of trout lake. Fun fact, you have a pretty slim chance of getting a keeper there, since most fish are big and not bothered by angling pressure. Last year someone pulled a 39in monster from the lake and quickly released it https://www.baytoday.ca/local-news/local-man-cathes-huge-fish-331369. Funner fact, Atlantic Salmon got into the lake somehow and do reproduce naturally. This is the only place in Ontario, aside from the great lakes, where you can catch land-locked salmon. The end.
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