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Everything posted by Sterling

  1. That, and my understanding is that there was some REALLY shady stuff done to manipulate the results against Sanders. Not true, Trump has taken and lost the lead twice now. Guaranteed he's keeping his best moves for the final show. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/us/general_election_trump_vs_clinton-5491.html
  2. Nail on head. Both candidates are awful, and you can't polish a turd. It drives me nuts when I hear women voting for Hillary because she's a woman. Since when is it a good idea to vote based on gender, religion, or anything of the sort? Sanders is the only one whose heart is in the right place and he was cheated out of the nomination by the DNC.
  3. Side note, our friends across the border plan on stocking the Mississippi with Alligator Gar. Apparently it's a last ditch effort to manage asian carp. I'm all for it personally, since supposedly they were native to the Mississippi anyway. http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-asian-carp-snap-story.html
  4. Check these out; http://dev.downriggerrelease.com/products.html Apparently they work awesome. You can set individual tension for bite vs rod. 0.5lbs vs 4.5lbs for example. I have 2 in the mail, picking them up tonight. Their stackers also look amazing.
  5. Maybe I'll post something about minnow trapping one of these days. I did that as a summer student for a number of years, learned quite a bit about it. Can't help with the throw net though.
  6. None whatsoever, but the winds were blowing everything to the other end of the lake. Didn't travel that far!
  7. So I've returned from my week-long trip and figure it's good form to update threads like these in case someone else lands here via google in the future. I didn't expect much from Wanapitei given its proximity to Sudbury (less than 1 hour). I was pleasantly surprised to find the lake was VERY quiet traffic wise, with only 1-3 boats fishing in our area during prime time. The lake itself is very deep, and relatively easy to navigate since there are few bays and arms to get lost in. The locals were super helpful in helping us locate fish, so I can't disclose their spots or anything, but if you're on the lake, just look for busy areas and you'll know that's where the fish are. We were successful with lakers all week long. Didn't throw back a single fish - all were 16+ inches. Walleye were tougher. We tried the north channel briefly without success. There were locals jigging near old piers and seemed to be doing okay (one guy put up 3 fingers when I asked how he was doing). Lakers were found in 60ft+ of water (this is mid July). We used live bait and spoons, both to great success. Speaking of spoons, it seemed the fish were attracted to color more than anything. Our silver, gold and bronze wablers seemed useless. Blue Fox spoons and the like were MVPs. One thing to note; the lake can get NASTY when winds pick up, and there's nowhere to hide. So keep an eye on weather! Edit: here are a couple neat screenshots of structure we found in the North channel; There were DEEP, scattered holes in an otherwise shallow channel. The water level has actually dropped a few feet, so the holes are even more noteworthy. Here's a cool crevasse we meant to hit - never got around to it though. Curse you, weather!
  8. I searched this forum and surprisingly this lake hasn't been discussed at all. Apparently the fishing in the area is alright, Lake Wanapitei included. I'm more interested in the spattering of lakes nearby - does anyone know of a couple lakes that have decent fishing? I'll be there for a whole week, so plenty of time to explore. Any pointers are appreciated!
  9. How much does a flight cost and what do you want me to bring?
  10. These look amazing, they have stackers too. Ordering a pair of each right now.
  11. Could have to do with the record hot summer and fish just moving in deeper. That's my 0 cents.
  12. Another good trick is to use braid instead of mono. Mono stretches, braid doesn't. Use a 6-10ft fluorocarbon lead and you're golden.
  13. Sounds wayyyy off to me. You're telling me 523,000 people in Toronto are fishermen? Maybe that many have tried fishing in some form or another. But I doubt 523,000 fish on a regular basis.
  14. You will have to pay taxes on the boat. I paid mine locally here. Registration can be done online; https://www.tc.gc.ca/eng/marinesafety/debs-obs-paperwork-paperwork_boat_licence-3212.htm All mail registrations go to Fredericton now, it's the only office handling that stuff now.
  15. I second what Dabluz is saying. Direct tie light line is the way to go. I however prefer fluorocarbon but I may be splitting hairs at this point. Try leeches too, they're more durable than worms and seem to work just as good, if not better.
  16. +1 for hammered wabblers. Nothing beats live bait though, Joey got me started on threaded suckers and I'm never going back.
  17. So I'm entertaining this weekend and need to put some guests on bass (their preference). I never actually target bass actively, does anyone know some goods spots on Nipissing for them, preferably near Callander? I will do you a favor and eat them to boot.
  18. This was my theory with post-spawn eyes (not opener). Correct me if I'm wrong, but they need to recover after spawning and go dormant for a while, which could explain why they weren't interested in anything.
  19. Try drop shotting if you're getting snagged a lot. Might be a bit challenging with a minnow though.
  20. Looks like a small lake with 2 rivers inbound. I'd start there.
  21. Are we to expect a large number of them in North Bay as well then? They haven't been bad since ~2004 or so. Back then it was dangerous to drive because roads were slick with mayfly guts (shad flies we call them here).
  22. So, any luck this year guys? Missed a couple landed a couple over 2 afternoons, including one dandy 28 incher (quickly released). I kept hearing "the fish are deep!" but I had one downrigger running the thermocline @ ~52 degrees and one rigger ranging between 60-100ft. Almost every hit was on the shallower line. Possibly just chance. PS sorry about the nakedness, I was trying to catch some sun and wanted a quick release - no time to put a shirt on!
  23. It's interesting you say that. I'm relatively new to downrigging (first time 3 years ago) and I would say that a majority of people I've downrigged with have a setup that allows the release to come out on a strike.
  24. Here's the page regarding motor restrictions in case you're curious; http://www.algonquinpark.on.ca/visit/park_management/motor-restrictions.php
  25. So I guess it's good form to update these threads after the fact. We had 4 boats on the lake fishing all day. Every boat using mostly threaded minnows or ripplin redfins. One boat was skunked, other boats got 1, 4 and 12 fish respectively. We fished in and around Narrows Island and market lots of fish. The fish weren't hitting hard at all, in fact we only had 1 knockoff. Suppose that has to do with the depth at which we got them (70ft). Otherwise a great day with coworkers and friends. Nobody got a trophy but we had a nice fish fry. As I pointed out we had already booked Rick .
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