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Everything posted by Sterling

  1. The emergency unit in North Bay (and in many other areas I'm sure) have a dedicated area for fish hook removal. Same room as stitches. There's a wall with cabinets full of fish hook removal tools, it's actually quite fascinating. I asked the doctor about it last month while getting stitched up, he said they have people come in almost daily with fish hooks needing removal. Worst he's seen was 8 hooks in the back of a musky fisherman's head.
  2. Then perhaps I'll camouflage my cannonballs. I want them fish hitting a HOOK!
  3. They look good but do rigger weights actually attract fish? I think practicality is #1 when talking rigger weights. Terry makes a good point with tracking. Side note, their website could use some TLC. The store (https://powcasting.ca/index.php?action=store) actually gives a red flag to which I had to manually add a security exception.
  4. Awesome report. Nakina Outfitters have some great outposts, a few guys from work go there yearly. Didn't know about that brookies though!
  5. Lets convince Asia that Asian Carp dung makes you live forever. Problem solved.
  6. Someone else is taking care of finances so I'm not sure. Though I hope he's being paid well. PS we did find someone to boat us around.
  7. No need to contact navionics, just "box in" all of Ontario when you download a map. If you have 3G reception (or better), you can turn your phone into a wifi hotspot, all I phones can do it and I believe samsung phones can too. You then connect to the wifi and download maps.
  8. Raycaster that's too bad you didn't have depth charts. Did you have cell reception? It should be possible to download all of Ontario at once if that's what you need. It'll be a huge file though. Temagami alone is 100MB I believe.
  9. Sterling


    Seems like it would be really hard for COs to convict anyone on that. What if I hold an Ontario and Quebec license? Do my possession limits stack? What about fish I purchased? Can I buy 20 fillets from Eagle's Nest and still be legal? What if I keep that receipt and use it to pretend the fish in my freeze was purchased? For the record there's 1 fish in my freeze and it's an Aurora - I don't break the rules. Devil's advocate always brings heat to a discussion.
  10. We usually have 4-6 boats, most captains aren't anglers so they don't know what to do. The boats that DO know what they're doing can bring in well over a dozen fish a day.
  11. Actually someone with a nice boat would do just fine. I'll do the guiding . Most boats get skunked anyway.
  12. EDIT: BUMPING old thread - need a charter/guide/boat this year again! No experience on Temagami needed, we'll send someone with you who knows the spots. Date this year is JUNE 4TH. Looking for a guide to take out a small group (3 people) for some lakers on Lake Temagami. June 6th, all day. We'll be at Deepwater Lodge. Any tips? We've already booked Rick Lockheart. If someone from these boards wants to make some easy money, speak up . EDIT: A boat rental will do just fine!
  13. I read somewhere that drinking kills weak brain cells, leaving you with a noggin packed with strong brain cells. That's the theory I'm going with.
  14. Oldest problem in the book. Acid rain was a huge problem in the 60s and 70s, wiping out fish populations from lakes north and south. Dramatically improved though. But the problem still exists which is why the MNR routinely limes lakes. My father in law did sampling for the MNR for 30 years, what they found is that there is a direct relationship between water pH and larvae maturation. It's a tough problem to diagnose and fix, especially for more remote lakes.
  15. Sarah Palin is a joke and it's embarrassing that a response from Bill Nye was even warranted. My trust is with scientists that devoted their lifetime to studying the planet, not some lunatic with a communications and journalism degree. There is no debate, climate change is real, it's caused by humans. Even here in Ontario lakes are becoming more acidic which means I catch less fish!!! I like Nasa's climate change website; http://climate.nasa.gov/scientific-consensus/
  16. I had a dream where I was in the future, explaining to my grandchildren how we ruined the planet. Told them Canada didn't take part in cleaning up its act because other countries wouldn't follow suit. If my neighbor doesn't pick up his dog crap, I shouldn't either. Also, we stopped building windmills because they didn't look nice. Instead we kept pumping CO2 into the atmosphere - at least that's invisible. We didn't trust the 99% of scientists that agreed human-driven climate change was destroying everything, including the oceans. Besides, there were still the 1% of doubtful scientists to re-assure us everything would be ok.
  17. I was always under the impression it was purely a knick-knacky home-decor type place. I was pleasantly surprised by what I found.
  18. I got dragged into TSC in Liskeard the other day and was pleasantly surprised that they're liquidating all their fishing stuff (company-wide). Everything was at least half off. Good stuff too. The cashier told me all local stores sent their fishing stuff to Liskeard as they could liquidate it faster there. Blue fox spoons $3, nanofil $15/spool, minnow traps $5, premium hooks $1/bag, powerbait trout dope $3 a jar, etc etc etc. I walked out of there with a 3ft receipt.
  19. That's amazing. This will be a good read with coffee first thing in the morning .
  20. This channel is great, French but highly entertaining; These guys go after unique fish. In that video they're after golden trout in Quebec. Half of the words they speak is english anyway ;D.
  21. From what I read there is a distinct absence of American and Canadian names in the documents. This company serviced mostly european, asian and middle eastern clients.
  22. Many energy companies can gain from discrediting wind power. I'm surprised to see such opposition to wind power coming from a community like OFC. We can either accept the wind turbines in plain sight, or turn a blind eye to carbon fuel destroying the environment in the background. Personally I would pay a premium for renewable energy if it meant ridding us of dirty carbon emissions. Out with carbon energy and in with solar, wind and nuclear.
  23. I believe wkrp was making a well-concealed joke.
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