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Everything posted by Sterling

  1. This is actually a really interesting question. I'll pass it onto a connection of mine that may have some input. Lake biology is complex and we may not fully understand all the moving parts, but I enjoy discussing the parts we understand. Food for thought, some lakes are protected by ice and slush on opening day, so hungry fish aren't hit as early, which reduced angling pressure.
  2. I guess it depends how you look at it; I guess you could say it's true. Doesn't mean it's a bad thing. Apple makes a great product. If I recall correctly Windows skipped 9 for a couple reasons, first and foremost it's a marketing move. Secondly, they wanted to avoid problems with software detecting windows 9 as 95 or 98 due to crappy coding.
  3. Correction; there are only two baseline video card manufacturers in the world; NVIDIA and AMD. I thought NVIDIA was owned by Intel by that is incorrect. The other manufacturers (ASUS, MSI, gigabyte, etc) license the architecture from NVIDIA/AMD and merely re-package the product. Gigabyte is amazing by the way. Great bang for the buck, and above all the products just work. I've never had a gigabyte motherboard fail to POST. They come up with firmware updates quickly, too.
  4. Going to let you all in on a secret! There are only 2 manufacturers of PC parts in the world; Intel and AMD. Dell, Lenovo, Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Sony, HP, etc etc etc all use the exact same parts to build their laptops. The only difference between one and the other is the enclosure and peripherals. In terms of performance there will be no difference when comparing two brands, provided the guts are the same. That said, get a laptop with a solid state drive. This alone makes a laptop amazing.
  5. Cheers Cliff lots of people would have gone into "I'm going to sue you!!!" mode. Have they told you what tendons are damaged?
  6. Those letters are amazing! They convey nostalgia for a time where I wasn't even alive!
  7. "Sorry boss, must have been some bad crabapples in my lunch or something"
  8. I was talking to some MNR guys here and they say partridge populations work on a 7 year cycle, where every ~7 years there's a huge upswing in population due to the number of offspring or whatever. Can't exactly remember the details. Everybody seems to be reporting great numbers for partridge. I even saw my very first partridge EVER at my place. Funny story but the silly thing actually flew into my window and killed itself.
  9. It's not even a debate. Pot is sometimes used as a painkiller, is it better than ALL pharmaceutical painkillers?
  10. Seriously doubt that. Marijuana is an alternative treatment that can be used as an effective treatment for select ailments.
  11. With you on that. I think there are some legitimate medicinal purposes for weed but some people act like it's a cure-all miracle drug. The main reason people want it legalized is for recreational use, and I think that's a good enough. To those clamoring that weed is harmful etc, I'll only hear it if you have the same views on alcohol (ban both, or support both). I have a few alcoholic friends/acquaintances, and I'd replace their addiction with weed in a HEARTBEAT.
  12. This image is highly suspicous and reeks of propaganda. Even assuming the first quote is correct (which I highly doubt), the goal should be to achieve reach a state where we can make steel (for example) from green energy. Remember; there are powerful companies with a lot to gain by discrediting green energy. https://www.quora.com/Is-it-true-that-the-carbon-released-from-the-manufacturing-of-a-wind-turbine-is-far-greater-than-the-carbon-saved-by-substituting-wind-power-for-carbon-based-power
  13. I don't mind NS, it's quieter and the safety man is less likely to bug you (but work safe anyway please). Only thing I found weird was eating dinner in the "morning" and breakfast at "night".
  14. With this increase I'll see quadruple digit hydro bills this winter. Yes I heat electric and yes there's a conversion to propane or pellet in my near future. I'm all for green initiatives even if it means paying a ton for electricity. I'd rather a hole be burned in my wallet than in the atmosphere. The main reason hydro is expensive is that the company providing it has a monopoly, and it's a public institution. Now excuse me while I go vomit at the thought of this price hike. Edit: we also need to build more nuclear plants and stop relying on power dams which are destroying the north.
  15. Job security is everything. Sure 14 hour shifts might suck, but so does being unemployed. That contract can end any second really, I'd definitely take it up with your current employer and try to secure long-term employment with benefits. I did 4 weeks on, 2 off, 14 hour shifts for almost 2 years, the hardest part was not having anyone with whom to have conversations. All the guys I worked with were duds. Careful with gold mines though, lots of them are shutting down. What property would you be working at? Also that job doesn't sound like engineering at all, are they misleading you?
  16. I'm with you there, feels like I'm voting for the least crappy party, rather than the best.
  17. My dad was once in court testifying for a good friend to try to keep him out of jail. Half way through, a policeman walks into the courtroom and tells my dad he owns illegal firearms. My dad had forgot to transfer the guns from his old place, or something like that. The registry made a law-abiding citizen (my dad) into a criminal. To avoid further punishment he had to relinquish all his firearms, most of which were WW1 and WW2 relics passed down from one generation to another. The gun registry is a terrible idea that no government is capable of executing properly.
  18. If it's wider than 12ft you will need a wide load permit which is more expensive than usual. Take the tracks off and see if you can get the width down. Check all wide load regulations for the provinces/states it's going through. Also make sure you're not shipping during half-load season which means you're paying double. Looks like it's pretty light though, meaning you'll pay for a partial load if you get lucky. I would contact traffictech, brokers I do business with. They're awesome. They can sift through all the Bull for you. Also consider working through an escrow agency unless you trust the buyer.
  19. Yeah if you're stranded in the bush, you can dip makeshift spears in the frog's mouth to make deadly poisonous weapons. Kill a buck in an instant. The mouth foam can be used as shampoo. Totally just made that up, hopefully it sounded cool.
  20. It should be highly illegal to plant ANYTHING in a lake unless it's to restore destroyed environments. Planting/seeding/introducing any organism can have a profound and permanent effect on an ecosystem. Very disappointing.
  21. Haven't been with that outfit yet, but their bungalows look nice. Whatever you don't get pizza in Callander (I live there). The 2 worst pizza places in the world just so happen to be located right in Callander. Unless you like soggy bread with Tomato paste on it. And cheap, cheap cheese. And bologna slices.
  22. Wonder how suitable these would be as fishing shacks? Doubt you could pull these without some sort of buckling.
  23. That thing is massive! Awesome fish, thanks for posting.
  24. When it's a smartphone you can be fairly certain the date hasn't been manipulated. Like I said, can of worms. Not always illegal either, there's a reason I'm not mentioning any names . Still lots of sites not stripping exif. It's very common. One of them is OFC. Try it; Here's the direct URL. Now you're talking!
  25. Thought long and hard whether I wanted to open this can of worms... figured I might save one of you guys from getting in trouble. Then again, this might get someone in trouble too. When you take a photo with any device, additional data is written to the image file. This data, called EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format), stores information about the photo and the device that took it. This includes; Camera model Resolution Software Post-processing Exposure time Flash yes/no Camera pointing direction Much more.... And GPS COORDINATES - but only if your GPS is on (duh). So by sharing photos of your fish, you could be inadvertently sharing the lake on which it was caught. If the photo was taken right where the fish was caught (as they often are), you're also sharing the exact spot on the lake. I was able to use EXIF data to pull GPS coordinates right off photos here at OFC, so this is not theory, it is real. Some devices make use of A-GPS, meaning you don't need an actual GPS to get coordinates. These devices use cell towers to triangulate your location. I don't own such a device but they are quite popular (most Apple tablets for example). I don't know if it's possible to turn this off. What's more, EXIF also stores the exact time and date the picture was taken. I found photos of fish caught out of season right here on OFC (people just wait and post them when in season). The DO's and DONT'S: DO turn off your GPS when you don't need it. It sucks up lots of battery power anyway. DO use photobucket or imgur to upload photos. These services strip EXIF data on upload. DON'T fish out of season, jerk. Here's an example using a turtle picture I took a couple months ago: Anyway, hope this saves someone from inadvertently sharing their favorite spot(s).
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