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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Yup I will never go back to WinBlows... EVER.. Welcome to the dark side G
  2. Have you tried giving Jos a call? I remember he was cheaper then the US when I purchased mine, and if I remember correctly if he wasn't he would price match. Worth a shot
  3. I have ALOT of clean up to do... The big pine tree took a beating, limbs everywhere... Ugh Time to shop for a chain saw.... G
  4. This whole thread sickens me. so much deception on each side.... we all know where the problem is... No one has the balls to say it... I do. The Nip will NEVER recover if the nets are not stopped and spearing is outlawed, I have seen natives spearing fish on the south river.... and we are talking about spawning fish here... hard to have natural fish when they are speared before they have the chance to mate... stupid. it makes me sick plain an simple.. There are alot of facstor at play on Nip... netting and native spearing being two of them and we are to trust these stewards? no thanks. G
  5. Well the movie Salmon Fishing in Yemen was a complete waste of time.. not what I thought at all.. not even a side boob

    1. Christopheraaron


      Lol, you didn't see that when you looked at the cover? I'm waiting for a deliberate life :)

  6. Thought you sappers would get a kick outta this http://consumerist.com/2013/04/05/maple-syrup-miscreants-now-illegally-tapping-trees-in-maine/ G
  7. The Natives of Nunavut are normal citizens and are issued tags as the article describes... They also have the right to sell those tags, as happened here. I do not see the difference if a native took the animal, or in this case someone that bought the tag took the animal... either way they were going to be hunted. I just hope the natives got the share of the meat from the animals that were taken. And it sounds like the economy got a bit of a boost both from the sale of the tags and the fines levied. G
  8. Holy crap! Thank you for visiting Canada, Do you have any polar bear and Narwhale parts onboard?
  9. I think I will just leave this right here... http://www.glfc.org/lakecom/loc/mgmt_unit/LOA%2013.01.pdf I wonder if Atlantics are mentioned.... Enjoy the read G
  10. I like the part where they talk about Municiple Fishing Licenses... then Later discover the costs of doing so lol
  11. Here are Town Hall minutes, where council brought up this touchy subject.. https://porthope.civicweb.net/Documents/DocumentDisplay.aspx?Id=80339
  12. Thanks Dan, I have all three of those in spades. Great wage, company paid pension and a very comprehensive benefit package. Add to that profit sharing and stocks, Personal days, sick days etc G Edit to add... Sorry if my post de-railed this thread... but I spoke my piece.
  13. I as well belonged to a private sector union. I know of what I speak...
  14. No worries, I'm sure things have been hectic for you, in a positive way! Great too see. It's great to support our own. G
  15. scary times we are living in... when another country owns debt more then your GDP is worth, add to that there is nothing to back the dollar anymore.. all paper cash is nothing more then an instrument of debt.. as every dollar has debt attached to it from the day it was printed. there will never be enough money in circulation to pay back the principle and interest owed. Here where I am, ExxonMobile Films division just closed up shop 100's out of work.. I just hope it is the banks that collapse, not the will of the people. G
  16. Doubt that will ever happen in our lifetime, given the situation the US is in.. They are trillions in debt (plus interest) and guess who owns most of that debt? Yup China. G
  17. Yup... more and more manufacturers will move offshore as unions and governments squeeze them for every nickel and dime.....
  18. If I was'nt working nights I would be all over this
  19. 30 MPH difference.... or ab 60 KM/h over the speed limit... Do that today and your car is impounded and up to a 10k fine... @ 20bux seems pretty reasonable to me. PS... radar works day and night G
  20. PM me your email address and total price... I would like to have one sent to me I will pay via e-transfer G
  21. Yup it was the IO http://www.employeradviser.ca/en/Construction-Employer/Costs-Audits/Independent-Operators/index.htm G
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