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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Bubba, I will be up there on Friday after work... as will most of the rest of the crew that is in discussion in the "Hook ups" section.. be sure to stop by for a pop or two! Gerritt.
  2. Mike... is Merit not the end all be all for Grubs? is it harmful to pets? I was wondering as I was considering an application on my lawn this fall and spring.. Gerritt.
  3. New site looks good! Just a bit of tweaking and products and it is all set! will you be setting it up so people can purchase products online? or order products not normally carried? Looking sweet though guys! Keep up the good work!... Gerritt.
  4. Nice to see you guys had a "busy" weekend LOL... Nice report too.... Steve what did you nail the smallies on? Jen what did you nail??...... I dont see any pics with you holding fish, did you catch anything? other then a few Z'zzz hiding in the brush lol Gerritt.
  5. No doubt!! Shogun was OWNED! Griffen does deserve to be in that ring with top rate talent Jardine what an unorthodoxed fighter....Liddell got beatup plain and simple Sanchez should have been a sure bet... he got schooled Made for an exciting night of MMA thats for sure... I bet a ton of people lost a ton of money! G.
  6. Well it is that time again... Chuck Liddell Vs. Keith Jardine <- I'll take Liddell Mauricio Rua Vs. Forrest Griffin <- I'll take Shogun Jon Fitch Vs. Diego Sanchez <- Sanchez Kazuhiro Nakamura Vs. Lyoto Machida <----Uhmmmmmm..... Thiago Tavares Vs. Tyson Griffin <- Tavares Gerritt.
  7. Welcome to the board!... Love the motor choice BTW.. Gerritt.
  8. One word of caution as I have seen it more then once... ensure you have bridging between your floor joists! Foam insulation is great... but it is STRONG! I have seen more TJI's and joists twisted and warped due to the pressure Sprayfoam can place on the substructure.. especially by novices... I have seen companies have to use saw-z-alls to relieve the pressure off the joists. Foam insulation is a great choice! Just be sure to do the proper prep beforehand incase you over spray in the joist cavity... Gerritt.
  9. How quickly it went downhill... I personally thought it was an interesting link... Funny how the thoughts of a few effect the many... I dont see Nelly as the "trouble maker" in this thread. Rehashing past posts (which is also a post I saw little wrong with) is foolish IMHO... Heaven forbid I post a dead Pickeral gutted with the head removed... WAYYY more pressure on Pickeral then Muskie.. Hence the restocking effort on THOUSANDS of lakes. Kinda reminds me of Nemo.... "Fish are friends...not food" ...great now I need to find a tree to hug. Gerritt.
  10. Hands down you have two choices for the west arm of Nipissing.... Welcome Lodge (highly rated) or Lakair Lodge ( probably the best) you can find them here.... http://www.ontariofishing.net/linkspages/F...Lake_Nipissing/ Stick with the lodges included in the link I provided... they are listed on this site for a reason... because they are recommended.. Kevin and Leslie own Lakair Gary and Angela own Welcome Lodge.. give these two a call and see if they meet your needs... their sites are located in the above link Have fun no matter where you decide! Need more info PM me.. Gerritt.
  11. well I hope this helps... local hamilton conservation spots with camping... I know there are ton more!!... but hell it is 12:20am and you are leaving tomorrow... http://www.myhamilton.ca/myhamilton/ArtsSp...oor/camping.htm Gerritt.
  12. HUH???..... Is it me....?? am I getting old?? please tell me it is not me getting old!!!!! I beg of you!! and welcome young fella!!!! Gerritt.
  13. Corey, I called before I posted... nothing they can do... as the DB is corrupt... I know there is a way to do it... as their are companies that specialize in it.. But Sage was useless and we have a support contract... The problem is this.. we have a book keeper... she is used to things her way (as she has 15 other clients) I implemented a server with raid0 strictly for this sort of situation.. she wont back up to the server as she does not have to do it for her other clients and finds it confusing.. (requiring a password and all that fancy jazz)... needless to say it is up to me to come behind her and back our files up to the server... problem is I cant always be there due to the hours I work... I should also add that I have not been as diligent as I should be in doing a backup to the server whenever I add a payable... sometimes 1 a day... or 60 in a day... SA is fairly bulletproof... unless the power goes out as soon as you hit the "Post" button....(Adding a payable to the GL.) I cant fault our book keeper... As it is my fault for this mishap... Last time I backed up to the server was August 29th... and I entered a couple payables two days ago once I got approval.. I should have backed it up... But knowing that SA is bulletproof I became a little lax and backed it up once I wrote cheques... Anyways... I used the August 29th file (last backup I did) and re-entered everything manually... it took some time and I have a few corrections to make... but we are back on par... as for the previous posts... they did not make too much sense to me, knowing SA is proprietary.. But I had Very little time as I was busy repairing the damage done... Thanks guys.... but I certainly have learned a valuable lesson.. Just because software can be trusted... electricity cannot... Gerritt.
  14. Holy crap Just glad to see you guys home safe and sound.. what an experience I bet.. Time for me to start looking at a VHF for the boat... Gerritt.
  15. it is a redirect Roy... I tried Gerritt.
  16. it is a redirect Roy... I tried Gerritt.
  17. Anyone have any experience in repairing Simply Accounting Databases? Gerritt.
  18. Joe, You, Me... Next Weekend Lake Ontario (or somewhere else)... you can school me in Planer board trolling while we try and catch some fish... Interested? Gerritt.
  19. Humans destroy pretty much everything we touch.... we are screwing with mother nature WAY to much... this is yet another example... Instead of looking at what is causing the problem (already known) and stopping destructive practises, we are devising plans to alter nature as we see fit...Look at our crops, our livestock etc.... We are willing to pay more for apples not grown with chemicals (Chemicals cost $$$!!!) then you will for apple grown without hormones/pesticides etc.. one would think organic apples would cost less to produce!... I have to say I have changed some of my practises over the last years... I no longer purchase store bought Beef... I buy directly from the farmer I have known since I was a kid.. I know exactly how he treats his animals (they roam his acreage) they are not kept immobile.. and are not fed anti-biotics/hormones to keep them alive.. yes I buy the whole animal.. but myself and family members split it up.. it is the best beef I have ever had and they agree as well... When I say the best I say that from a taste/texture standpoint.. not an ethical one... however I feel it is more ethical to purchase a cow directly from farmer.. know it is treated humanly, know what it is fed and know how it is processed... It is still GOV inspected... my wife and I have issues when it comes to meat products. Besides I am supporting our farmer...Vs, the Packers..(dont mean to rant here)... but we feel comfortable in knowing where our food is coming from... the same holds true for the fish we eat.. I would rather eat a fish from Georgian Bay then a fish kept alive in a tank at Fortinos.. Gerritt.
  20. I for one would take the advice of someone (Like Spiel or Dan) that have been fishing Rainbows all Their life (almost 50 years) then those that are into looking fashionable on the water... It is not what looks pretty on the water... it is what does the job... You dont have to be like the Jones's... you just need to outfish them.. and trust me... a 15' rod does not equal a higher catch ratio/percentage... just a lighter wallet.. A common sense comparison.. I have a Honda civic in my driveway... stock from the factory... do I want to add a insanely noisy muffler to fit in? will it increase performance?? not a chance... it is a vanity item.. (an annoying one.) there is no need for it other then to get noticed... I laugh at the punks wasting their money on silliness. My rod is longer then your rod... look look... yet another example of Penile envy.... your does not have to be the longest to get noticed... yours just has to work.. food for thought... Listen to those with experience... (alot of it I might add) I know my custom built rod (by Spiel) is NO WHERE near 15 or 13' for that matter.. Use the rod you have and forget the fashion police. PS... you dont have to have 1800.00 waders either.. or have to wear cammo to fish steelies.. the rivers are not a catwalk... leave the fashion for the models in magazines. Gerritt. Just thought I would add this... Here I am fishing with one of the very first rods Spiel ever built... it is 11'6" I am not wearing cammo... no fanny fanny packs or cammo back packs and most importantly not posing for the camara whilst in the middle of fighting the fish to show "just how long my rod is" nothing but just a small little plastic box in my pocket... While I may not look like a purist.. I released more fish then I could even count during that week... on the water it is not how pretty you look... but how well your equipment works... Not to argue my point... but that is the only rod I used all week... there are hundreds of more photos from that trip.... Hence the reason my next rod is being built by one of my good friends... Still waiting there Chris LOL!
  21. Sounds like corrosion to me... if you look closely you will see the circuit board and you will see a metal arm that slide up and down (type of potentiometer) If you have developed a bit of corrosion (metal deposit) at the top end it completes the circuit.... take the unit apart (if it is not under warranty) and give it a good cleaning with wd40 and a soft lint free cloth. Gerritt.
  22. Salmon spawn baby trout LAURAN NEERGAARD Associated Press September 13, 2007 at 3:52 PM EDT Washington — Papa salmon plus mama salmon equals ... baby trout? Japanese researchers put a new spin on surrogate parenting as they engineered one fish species to produce another, in a quest to preserve endangered fish. Idaho scientists begin the next big step next month, trying to produce a type of salmon highly endangered in that state — the sockeye — this time using more plentiful trout as surrogate parents. The new method is “one of the best things that has happened in a long time in bringing something new into conservation biology,” said University of Idaho zoology professor Joseph Cloud, who is leading the U.S. government-funded sockeye project. The Tokyo University inventors dubbed their method “surrogate broodstocking.” They injected newly hatched but sterile Asian masu salmon with sperm-growing cells from rainbow trout — and watched the salmon grow up to produce trout. The striking success, published in Friday's edition of the journal Science, is capturing the attention of conservation specialists, who say new techniques are badly needed. Captive breeding of endangered fish is difficult, and attempts to freeze fish eggs for posterity so far have failed. “They showed nicely that ... they produced the fish they were shooting for,” said John Waldman, a fisheries biologist at Queens College in New York. “Future work should look to expand this approach to other fishes in need of conservation, in particular, the sturgeons and paddlefish,” he added. “We have a lot of species of fish around the world that are really in danger of becoming extinct.” The Japanese researchers' ultimate goal: Boost the rapidly dwindling population of bluefin tuna, a species prized in a country famed for its tuna appetite. “We need to rescue them somehow,” said Goro Yoshizaki, a Tokyo University marine scientist who is leading the research. First, Mr. Yoshizaki's team started with “salmonids,” a family that includes both salmon and trout, and one of concern to biologists because several species are endangered or extinct. Initial attempts to transplant sperm-producing cells into normal masu salmon mostly produced hybrids of the two species that didn't survive. This time, Mr. Yoshizaki engineered salmon to be sterile. He then injected newly hatched salmon with stem cells destined to grow into sperm that he had culled from male rainbow trout. Once they were grown, 10 of 29 male salmon who got the injections produced trout sperm, called milt. Here's the bigger surprise: Injecting the male cells into female salmon sometimes worked, too, prompting five female salmon to ovulate trout eggs. That's a scientific first, Mr. Yoshizaki said. The stem cells were still primitive enough to switch gears from sperm-producers to egg-producers when they wound up inside female organs, explained Idaho's Cloud. Then Mr. Yoshizaki used the salmon-grown trout sperm to fertilize both wild trout eggs and the salmon-grown trout eggs. DNA testing confirmed that all of the dozens of resulting baby fish were pure trout, he reported. Moreover, those new trout grew up able to reproduce. Those first experiments, funded by a Japanese research institute, used still fairly plentiful species to develop the technique. Now comes Idaho's attempt to prove if the method is really useful in trying to produce the endangered sockeye salmon. Last January, Mr. Yoshizaki helped University of Idaho scientists collect and freeze immature sperm tissue from young sockeye salmon being raised at a state-run hatchery. Next month, he'll be back to help Cloud thaw the tissue and implant it into sterile rainbow trout. In Japan, Mr. Yoshizaki is focused on bluefin tuna, noting that standard “marine ranching” techniques are difficult for tuna that can reach man-size. He has begun experiments into how to produce baby tuna from mackerel, which are nearly a thousand times smaller than adult tuna. If it works, “we can save space, cost and labour,” he predicted in an e-mail interview.
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