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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. $1,000,000.00 Canadian sounds about right!! or 2,300,234.43 US LOL! Gerritt
  2. not to mention the other boats on either side... Good eye Goran
  3. ok now that I have commented on this post it is sure to be locked.... I have read all you're comments/thoughts/opinions (educated and not so much edumacated)... I think there are good points on either side of the fence... are we killing the planet? Yes to an extent.. we are raping mother earth of her resources... Are we the sole cause of everything that is wrong on the earth and her atmosphere? absolutely not! but to all you tree hugging pinko commie Al Gore following, baboons... do your part by clicking here... http://www.blackle.com/ copy and paste your rhetoric to your hearts content... knowing you're ACTUALLY helping the plant in return.. Insert David Suzuki / Green Peace Lovers here....... Now.. you've done your part for mother nature... sleep well tonight... and this weekend when you start up your pick-up to tow your boat know that you have "off-set" something-or-friggen-other.... sorry guys but this thread is asinine.. and there is/will be no clear winner.. as everyone has their "opinion" regardless of how distorted is may be.. ok this thread can be locked now LOL Gerritt.
  4. Brian Handwerk for National Geographic News October 17, 2007 Halley's comet will produce a magnificent meteor shower this week, though the celestial body itself won't return to Earth's skies for more than 50 years. The annual Orionid meteor shower, which peaks this weekend, is spawned by fragments of the universe's most famous comet. At its peak, this weekend's shower may produce up to 15 or 20 meteors an hour that can be seen by the naked eye. Although the Orionids are not the most spectacular of sky shows, meteor enthusiasts look forward to the cosmic event for its consistency in timing and intensity. "They are pretty much an Old Faithful type of reliable shower," said Alan MacRobert, a senior editor at Sky and Telescope magazine. And this year the moon is being especially cooperative, setting during the wee hours to produce darkened skies and the potential for more meteor sightings. "We have a window of moonless sky, so this is one for which regular meteor observers are going to be out," MacRobert said. The shower should peak during the early morning hours of October 21 but will be visible from October 20 to 24. The who are curious to see the show might want to brew some coffee. The Orionids are best spotted in the hours between moonset—typically well after midnight—and the start of dawn some 90 minutes before sunrise. Echoes of Halley's The Orionids are the result of Halley's comet shedding a layer of dust particles as it orbits the sun. Earth's orbit crosses the comet's path each year, and our planet is now passing through this cosmic belt of dust. As they enter Earth's atmosphere at some 42 miles (67 kilometers) a second, the fragments superheat the air molecules along their path, and the energy makes those molecules glow with incandescent light. Though they put on a good show, the comet remnants are surprisingly tiny. "Most of the things that make a nice, good visual meteor are the size of a grain of sand," said Scott Sandford, an astrophysicist at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, California. "This is a wide stream, so it will take a couple of days to completely pass through," Sandford added. People all over Earth will have a chance to see the meteors, he noted. "Meteors are hitting all the time," Sandford said, "even in daylight, although it's too bright to see them." Meteors streak across the sky some 50 to 70 miles (80 to 110 kilometers) aloft, but they are easily visible from the ground. To Earthly observers, the trajectories of the Orionids seem to point back to the constellation Orion—but the objects may appear anywhere in the sky. First-time observers need no special equipment. Experts suggest simply gazing toward the sky's darkest region, avoiding as much artificial light as possible, because it dims the fainter meteors. The most challenging aspect of enjoying the shower may be weather-related—especially in northern latitudes. Observing the Orionids means being outside during the chilliest part of the night. "Meteor watching is one of the coldest activities known to man," MacRobert cautioned. "So bundle up." The full article an images can be found here... National Geographic Gerritt.
  5. I dont care who you are ...that just plain funny! G.
  6. WOW!!!! is all I can say... how about those black bears now??!! KAPOW! <object width="425" height="366"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="366"></embed></object> Gerritt. PS... Being Canadian... I will Keep a St. Jacobs Market summer sausage on each side of the bed now!!!
  7. I must have missed all of this... could someone please fill me in?? I assume it is for cancer... something which my wife is a survivor of.. I would like to know how this works please.. Man I feel out of the loop.. Thanks guys, Gerritt.
  8. To drive the bait down into the water... The larger the lip the deeper it runs. Gerritt.
  9. In the News...... Canadian retailers should lower prices, consumers, bankers say Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 09:04 AM By: Jaime Pulfer and 680News staff Toronto - You've no doubt heard the advertising sell-line "We pass the savings on to you!" No retailer has ever attracted a single customer by saying, "We're keeping bigger profits to ourselves!" But it appears that's what they'll be doing despite the financial windfall from the high dollar. With the dollar soaring and retailers sitting on their highest profits in years, you might anticipate some price trimming for the upcoming shopping season. Yes, you might. But it likely won't happen. Consumers questioned at Union Station Wednesday morning say it would definitely help if retailers on this side of the border would adjust their prices to reflect the lofty loonie. Retailers like Sears Canada, Lulu Lemon and Reitman's say they don't plan to cut prices, suggesting the cost of doing business in this country means those prices will stay the same. Some insist their prices are already in line with those of their American counterparts. It may be holiday shopping time, but a National Bank financial report says if retailers don't make a few adjustments, there will be no way to prevent Canadian shoppers from running for the border. Count me amongst those that refuse to be gouged.. want to make money? be fair.... pretty simple... great service only goes so far, especially with the middle class shrinking more and more every year...Negotiate better prices from your suppliers and pass the savings forward.. Retailers are reporting record Profits... think it is from cost cutting measures?? it is a direct result of the buying power of our dollar... companies like Sears, FutureShop, BestBuy are buying stock on a weekly if not daily basis to replenish inventory... are we seeing those savings?? Until we do I will do whatever it takes to keep more money in my pocket Sorry if some of the small retailers cant compete but that is the reality in todays global market... But MANY MANY Small retailers are still surviving .... in fact I have seen small retailers with better prices that large retailers on more then a couple occasions.. I am just tired of being screwed pretty simple. Gerritt.
  10. I plan to head down to the US for my future purchases... I will make a list and head on down.. I am tired of paying inflated prices with a strong Dollar.... perhaps if we all do this retailers here will take notice. Gerritt.
  11. I would certainly stay in a Prospectors tent... without question.. However if I was renting it for say a week, it would have to be at somewhat of a discount compared to a cottage..say 10-20%?? or you could make up that difference by including launching and docking into the overall price.. Either way a great idea Wayne! Let me know when it is a done deal! and count me amongst your first clients Gerritt.
  12. I am completely and utterly lost.. Gerritt.
  13. Good work man!!! now follow up with the MNR and let us know the end result!! Kudos to you for protecting our resources! PS.. keep an eye out for buddy at the river... dont need to hear about any fisticuffs.. Gerritt.
  14. OK THATS JUST HOT! a lady on a roof doing home/cottage repairs... man I gotta find me one of those!! Gerritt.
  15. BFG, I understand your getting about 70% of what would be your normal severance... Alot better then nothing! Especially in bankruptcy Protection!....time to add to your Ice Fishing Collection!! Gerritt.
  16. Knowing your luck and the state of affairs when it comes to Natives and the Grand River in general... your lucky the OPP did not arrest YOU!... I kid you not... It is not right but that is where we are all along the grand River Corridor.. the Six Nations are claiming ownership of 10 Km's on either side along the Grand... they are requiring approval from the band to basically fart.. this thing has not even begun..Douglas Creek Estates were/are just the beginning... Sadly... He was within his right.. as our laws do not apply to him.. <--- Need to add... As our current government sees it.. Was he right to berate you in front of your child?...... absolutely not.... Is this the end of the confrontations along the Grand... no... things are just getting started... Sad but True... Gerritt.
  17. OFC has turned "blue" Bow chicka Bow wow! G.
  18. Not sure if this helps, but I had to install a chimney liner after my water heater was installed, it was not insulated and was installed by a TSSA certified company. All the liner does is prevent exhaust gases from falling as they cool, as they travel up the chimney...therefor preventing CO2 gases from "falling" back into the space... The only time I have seen Insulated pipe used was in applications such as Bathroom Exhaust fans etc once they hit the unheated attic space... As the chimney is normally located on the exterior I dont see this as a concern and a non-insulated pipe is probably just fine by the OBC. I will check the 2006 OBC for you just to be sure if you like? Guys like DanC though are the experts.. Gerritt.
  19. Your one odd guy....... What self respectable man does paper Maché.... Get out the crochet needles! G.
  20. What Chrome!! I see a rotting Salmon Gerritt.
  21. I know do too the graffiti gives it away... as does that grey rock on the far right hand side G.
  22. Please tell me your telling fish stories!! Please provide a picture of your 52" pike Gerritt.
  23. Hmmmm... I have heard of the fabled pond.. Called "X" I thought it to be an urban legend.. I mean come'on a Pond called "X" cannot exist!! Turns out I was wrong yet again... PS... dont forget to photoshop the background to be hip and kewl... is saying kewl still cool? if so that's Rad! G-Unit.
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