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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Nice to see you posting again Ric! welcome home brother! Gerritt.
  2. I watch a cool documentary on Flounders... how they start off life with eyes on both sides of there head... the eye eventually migrates as the hug bottom more and more... pretty unique! Ohhh and that robin thing... looks like me after a good night at the local watering hole.... scary! Gerritt.
  3. Dang... I need to brush up on my street phonics... again! Gerritt.
  4. time for a new battery... the battery should be reading 13.4-13.6 when not running... your alternator is fine... as it is charging the battery (hence the 14v reading)...definably the battery. Gerritt.
  5. TG, When I read about this "on the other forum" I thought that this CO was being a little over the line... and my opinion still stands... I mean if it is close (where it could go either way) why not give the average weekend warrior a break... some of these CO's and Donny Maw in particular (I have read about him before) are just itching to bust people, even if the charge is questionable.. but in the same token.. I am Happy he is on the water enforcing the regs.... However I do believe there has to be a bit of discretion.. It is my understanding he would pull out a rolling pin to gain an 1/8" to lay a charge... (Kidding) but sometimes these charges are senseless as is the case with your friend... Perhaps the slot sizes should be posed in Millimetres.. Hell nanometres just to ensure we are not off by 1/64" of an inch.. I do applaud the CO for doing his job... But there has to be some middle ground when things could swing either way... Gerritt.
  6. I always though ol' man referred to the husband??!!?? Gerritt.
  7. I take the 407 daily.... thank god for it!!! or else I would be stuck on the QEW with the rest of mankind trying to get into the city.... Gerritt.
  8. Uhmmmm... welcome... that was certainly a different introduction... Uhmmm is the terms "Word-up" appropriate for this? I have always wanted to use that term LOL... the x-135 is an excellent "fishyfinder" or "sick ass yo!" ..... however it is not a Porche... I am looking at one myself... I would consider a Buick in comparison to what is out there... tell your Ol' Man he's welcome. Cheers, Gerritt.
  9. And what do you do Joe if you ARE your companies HR Dept.. LOL!... I dont know my job title anymore! Referee, administration, Accounts receivable and payable, Social worker, carpenter, water boy, queen, Network admin, Scheduler, estimator, the list goes on and on!! LOL... I wouldn't change my job for anything in the world.... Well maybe I would... a $100,000.00 signing bonus would be helpful! LOL Gerritt.
  10. Knowing the amount of hours Brian puts on the water.... I would take his advice... besides batteries are cheap enough... if it lasts a couple of years... who cares... Batteries are a consumable anyways so this is a mute point. Everyone at some point replaces a battery, I say have fun and take alot of pictures. Gerritt.
  11. Cliff I hope to have you and Carole on board for her maiden voyage... (once she is complete) I could not think of two better people to fish with... my wife and son excluded of course! Gerritt.
  12. No offense... but... Why is it Lund uses stainless steel screws then?? Gerritt.
  13. I used stainless screws... and added a bit of marine Silicone to ensure they wont vibrate out... I think I will be more then ok in this regards??? or am I incorrect? G.
  14. Terry, Awesome report!!! thank you sharing it with us/we... I look forward to your Shining tree report every year... and once again you did not disappoint! Thanks again man... Hey.. here is a suggestion... wanna go fishing? Gerritt.
  15. Kevin perhaps show us a couple of pictures and the combined wisdom from this site could help you out.. Just a thought. Gerritt.
  16. Hi Kevin!... well I was thinking wood as well at the beginning standing it on edge... But then I was worried about the wood constantly rubbing against the aluminium.. I started thinking about it and figured this would be the best bet... both for the boat and in terms of weight.... Mind you with was not exactly cheap... but well worth it in my opinion... about 90.00.. but knowing will not have to worry about boat wear or rot or added weight.. well worth the extra pennies in my mind.. I could have gotten away with a lower gauge Aluminium but I figured I only want to do this once...Besides it is an almost 4' span between the seats and I wanted to minimize deflection. The stuff I used is 2x2 if that is of any help to you... Also I can get you my rates (contractor) from the place I bought is from if your interested.. I will just place the order for you and you pick it up and pay for it. Hope this helps! DanC the CG could learn a few things from us... LOL! Thanks guys, Gerritt.
  17. Ok I might be driving you guys nuts with the pics... but I have been getting some PM's offering some useful criticism. Some of which changed my mind and helped me make final decisions! Thanks guys! you know who you are! Ok... Here is the progress on the front casting area thus far... I know I went a little oversized on the Aluminium... but in total that aluminium weighs less then 13 pounds... and I would rather go over kill the not have enough strength! I will be putting in the floor sometime this week (as time permits). I thank everyone for their input and suggestions. 1000 pairs of eyes are better then one as they say! Thanks again folks.. I will be sure to include a couple of pics with the carpet and pedestal seat installed... I think Big Cliff said it... Half the fun is rigging it up! and man is that the truth! Hope everyone had a great weekend. Gerritt.
  18. Thanks for all your suggestions guys... It looks like Vinyl is the way to go... I will look into home depot for it (wouldnt have thought of it) Andy it was nice meeting you too.... how was the fishing? on a side note... I have decided to put in a pedestal seat between the middle and front seat as I have 4' of space between the two... rather the trying the clamp on seat.. Besides... I got the pedestal seat for free The floor is in progress I am working on the bracing now.. I will be sure to snap a couple pics.. Gerritt.
  19. I am trying to make up my mind as to what I am going to cover my floor in.... Vinyl is nice because it is easy to clean etc.. Just hose it down.... Carpet is nice because it adds traction.. I am trying to weigh the pro's and con's of etc.. but I am still undecided.... I can pick up marine grade carpet @ Home Depot... But where can I buy Marine grade Vinyl? (the textured stuff) Your thoughts? what would you choose? and where would you purchase it? Thanks! Gerritt.
  20. Who would have thought... that a coarse fish would deserve that sort of report.... Man your hardcore! While I dont understand some peoples obsession with carp fishing... (No really I dont) I was a wicked report all the same!.. thanks for sharing it with us man... Gerritt.
  21. Chris, If your not busting your internet connection (I wont go into details.......) or the site being all screwy (not the first time) atleast it is giving you time away from the computer spending time with those awesome kids of yours! Tell Conner congrats on his Bass! and tell them girls.. HighSchool Musical 3 is already being made before #2 has even been released!! How's the garage coming? Nice report brother. G.
  22. Your project looked like alot of work!! Labour of Love I hope! lol! Sweet looking ride when you were done! Easton, I should have the floor in this weekend.. I pickup up some Alum Angle and the square tubing today... man Aluminium aint cheap!! and I even got it at my contractors rate! LOL... Ahhhh well I got a very heavy gauge as I want stability and never having to worry about it again makes it worth it...besides some OFC'rs are heavier then others! LOL I will be sure to take pics once I get the floor going.. Gerritt.
  23. Yeqah there is a battery up front for the trolling motor.... it is hard to see in the picture but the cord for the trolling motor has a stove plug on it it will be simple to hook up and remove using the plug. Thanks for the suggestion though! Gerritt.
  24. I certainly would not call this spam. You are offering OFC'rs a valueable service here! I might just have a few items for donation Cliff. I will keep you informed. Gerritt.
  25. Hi, What you really cant see in the pictures is the trolling motor is mounted on a piece of 5/8" Marine Grade Plywood... Under the aluminium of the front is 3/4" plywood what was installed @ the factory... a few over sized washers and she is solid I should also mention that I put rubber washers between the quick release plate and the plywood. It acts as a bit of a shock absorber. I will be looking into a way of securing the "head" of the motor as well.... I never bothered on the old boat... but why chance it I figure.. I have made a decision on how the floor will be secured as well... 2x2 Aluminium Angle, w/ 2x2 square Tube Aluminium for cross bracing. The angle will be placed on the front and middle benches secured with Structural steel epoxy and 3/4" SS Screws. This epoxy is insane.. and is actually used in structural application where it bears ALOT of weight... it is also used in the manufacture of Airplanes etc.. it is not cheap but effective...And weather tolerant. If anyone wants more info I will be more then happy to give out the supplier... I am thinking 5/8" Marine grade for the floor... to help keep weight down... the base will be strong enough where it will not be flexing. Gerritt.
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