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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I am interested.... where do we stay? and how do I book it? anyone have any room in something already booked? Also would my new boat handle Quinte at that time of year? Gerritt.
  2. Get-r-done! Besides I have your stuff here.. Gerritt.
  3. Zamboni say it aint SO!!!...LOL Gerritt
  4. My house 56" Bring the beer and cheetos... I'll save yah a seat... Gerritt.
  5. This one is not funny but amazing he walked away! http://gawker.com/news/gleam-my-cube,-glee...p?autoplay=true Gerritt.
  6. Here is my tale of the tape.... Patrick Coté (11-4-0) vs. Kendall Grove (10-3-0) I will take Grove Kurt Pellegrino (16-2-0) vs. Joe Stevenson (32-7-0) I will take Stevenson... by Desicion... Roger Huerta (20-1-1) vs. Alberto Crane (8-0-0) I will take Huerta Josh Koscheck (11-1-0) vs. Georges St-Pierre (13-2-0) This one could go either way... Both are great fighters... but I will take St.Pierre Randy Couture (15-8-0) vs. Gabriel Gonzaga (8-1-0) I would like to Couture win.... But I think Gonzaga is going to take it. Your thoughts? Gerritt.
  7. Looking at the picture now.. I am still moved. Look at the transom.. an OFC sticker... Lew.. you are a great guy... and deserving of this... Albeit everyone wishes it was under different circumstances.. But that sticker on your boat is what binds us.. we are all OFC'rs... yes we may not agree with one another 100% of the time... We may not even talk to each other... but we are OFC'rs just the same... I for one am glad that we have a OFC'r like you on the board... we have exchanged greetings etc.. and while we have not been in a boat together you have let me see a little bit of of your life... alot of us have been there by your side... weather it be your triumphs or your heart breaking disappointments.. Just always remember... You have some friends here and it certainly was shown here via your post. Thank you for bringing me to reality too... I take this place for granted every once and awhile.. I hope you find solace and a bit of peace my friend... May the fish be world records and the chatter comical.. Gerritt.
  8. Hi, Lew I also cannot wait to see it... I felt what your brother meant to you in your post... and when I got that PM there was not a question about it.. for sure... I hope you enjoy it.. Dang... my eyes are welling up.. it is the least us OFC'rs could do for a great man.... Gerritt.
  9. Nice pics.... happen the have the blondes phone number? LOL.... man is that a nice Brown! Gerritt.
  10. Thanks for the reply Connie...and I have to assume you need that 1/4" in height?!?.. I am certainly hoping so! Gerritt.
  11. LOL.... funny you guys mention this... here in Hamilton we have a notorious house.... On Dundurn St (Down the mountain) a developer bought a piece of property by buying out the houses etc on it.. now there is a shoppers drug mart, a fortinos, Tim Hortons and McDonalds etc... But one person in particular would not sell his house unless they paid him a certain amount... they refused.. the city got involved.. and he still refused... apparently he was taken to arbitration etc.. but he wouldnt budge... so what did they do? they built a 10' fence around his tiny house and paved the rest!... poor fella... nothing but road noise for him now... and the smell of Mcmuffins in the morning... As far as I know England no longer has land rights to Canada as we are a sovereign Nation and rule ourselves. We still honour the Queen etc.. but she has no say when it comes to laws or our land... We Honour her for sake of tradition. The Queen cannot take your land... however the GOV can... Gerritt.
  12. http://www.ontariofishing.net/fish-recipes/ Gerritt.
  13. Mmmmmm... looks like cherries... but with meat.... Rein where are you!!!!! Gerritt.
  14. redacted. Nice report guys! Gerritt.
  15. One day in band camp...... G.
  16. agreed Terry.... but you have to admit... it is nice to see them (him) out there protecting our resources... do I think this was a charge worth laying... NO... but for those that have 31 fish over their limit I thank him for the job he is doing... if anyone happens to know his email address please or phone number etc...invite him here... I sure he could add alot of perspective from a CO's point of view... I have read alot of negative about him... but he is just a guy doing his job for the resource we all enjoy... he might be a little harsh... such as this case... but thank god we have people like him on the waters... I have met a ton of Co's... most of then nice guys...(but a few dicks as well) I refer to them the same way I see the guys that hand out parking tickets... as long as your within the law you love em... but... Violate it and you hate them... a thankless job for sure... especially if your on the wrong end of the stick! Gerritt.
  17. Comeon guys... lets not make this academic ... it is a simple post asking for simple help... I for one will stick with Brian's advice... this guy spends more time on the water then ALOT of us combined... including myself.. I would have no issues in listening to him... agree or disagree... his suggestion here is certainly doable. Gerritt.
  18. I agree with Roy... it is a positive post.. and lets other anglers know the CO's are out there doing their jobs... while your friend was over... with a solid tail pinch and stretch he was still over.... do I think he should have been given some slack??.... Yes... yes I do... there is a BIG difference between a tight stretch and tail pinch... compared to 2"...... in waters where a slot is imposed I do pinch the tail.. but not to the point to wear I risk damage to the fish.... just incase it is over...and I want to see that fish swim away again... Donny is good CO... I have read alot about him.. but sometimes even good CO's can make bad decisions..... I have heard stories of him hanging out in the bush for hours and hours on end... just to make a bust.. good on him for being dedicated.. But when things come down too stretching the fish out... breaking its spine and damaging its tail... just to collect 180.00.... it some how just does not seem worth it... and trust me they will stretch them out... I have been there... seen it with my own eyes. luckily for me.. mine were WAY smaller then the slot lol Have a great night everyone! Again a very positive post. Gerritt.
  19. Mike... I dont know why the pics are not working... but thank you for the report... I look forward to your reports whenever I hear you are out fishing!... I have to make it up to Quebec sometime next year... I have friends that fish in Val d'or (sp?) and they tell me the fishing is amazing!... care to show a useless non french speaking guy around for a few days? lodging is on me.. perhaps we can get our families involved? I have a young son that @ the age of two is very interested in fishing... seems like we could have a great couple of days! Thanks again for sharing.. Gerritt.
  20. Taking a look under her hood are yah? Err I mean the BBQ's hood LOL.... I seriously thought it was taken care of... I will make a point of looking at it if it is not.. G.
  21. I thought your BBQ issue was taken care of.... That is why I didn't bother...?? is it still not resolved? I basically work @ 407 and Jane... but I head into downtown ALOT... Lets hook up and chow down! Think we can dress Paul up so he is Pretty oh so pretty ohhhh so pretty and witty and gay! LOL....goodtimes! Lets get-R-done! I'll PM you my cell. Gerritt.
  22. Hey babes.... while I know nothing of the lake... I hope you and Paul have a great time!.. I can think of noone else that deserves a vacation more then you two.... Hows the new place treating you guys?? where abouts are you in relation to 407 and Young St... I am through there almost every other day.. Lunch? Pho? mmmmmmm... Gerritt.
  23. Have a great time! and I look forward to your report when you return! Gerritt.
  24. Perhaps Big Cliff would be willing to lend a hand?? He is a great guy and handy to boot! Only other people I would recommend would be the folks @ Giesler Marine. but a bit out of your way... but well worth the drive. Not much help... but could be a great starting point! Gerritt.
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