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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Bill willing to take my fat arse in? G.
  2. I called up Merland some time ago and booked a cottage for the upcoming Quinte G2G.. I spoke with Kevin who took my reservation, He asked me to give him a call back once I knew how many boats we would be bringing up. I called them this week only to be told that we indeed did not have a cottage booked as the cottage they promised us was already rented out for that weekend.. They did try to make things right by offering us a cottage five kilometers down the road...it is a nice cottage.. however they are removing the docks.. so we have nowhere to dock our boats.. now I am looking at Launching in and out Everyday, not being able to hang out and have a couple beers with the guys (Drinking and Driving) etc... Basically I am having to drive to do anything at all... Is it wrong for me to be upset here? there are alot of us going to Merland's somehow this just does not seem right to me..... If any of you have booked with Merland's I would call to VERIFY your reservation or you might be looking at the same situation I am faced with now.. Looking for suggestions here guys.. Gerritt.
  3. I understand your intent... and I would chuckle otherwise... but perhaps now is not the right time for this post? Seeing as how we have two members Fathers, which also happen to be: Grandfathers, Dads, Husbands and Uncles etc... just pass away .... I just think now is not the right time for this post. Or perhaps I am just being to sensitive... Gerritt.
  4. Tj has to deal with people driving 15 under.. RUSHING to KFC for Toonie Tuesday @ KFC... only in Sturgeon Falls! ok ok ok should redact that... that highway he lives on... some of them are bloody maniacs!
  5. comeon man!! where is your HD Dash mounted camera??!!?... I expect a full video report hosted by Youtube tomorrow! LOL.. glad to see your home safe and sound Rick. Gerritt.
  6. When I got a phone call this morning from Marcus my heart sank... Stay strong Joe. you have a ton of people thinking about you and your family at this time. Gerritt.
  7. www.lakair.com www.welcomelodge.com http://www.samosetlodge.com/ These are all great camps! As I said if it is a little windblown (which can happen anywhere) you can hit one of the thousands of bays and islands to get out of the wind and calmer conditions.. Being that the west arm is pretty well sheltered though it rarely kicks up like the main lake will. Here is a map of the West Arm http://www.welcomelodge.com/maps.html If you need anything else let us know Gerritt.
  8. Chet, I know you said Lake Nipissing.... but have you considered the West Arm of Lake Nipissing? it is alot smaller then the main lake and definitely more sheltered. It is like an entirely different lake from the main lake.. tons to explore too. Let me know if this is an option and I will provide some info on a few nice camps Gerritt.
  9. for 2000.00 is seems like a good deal.. However.. it definitely seems underpowered.. all Legends are.. Unless you upgrade the motor, from their starting package price point.. Could always sell the motor and purchase something bigger..??... Gerritt.
  10. uhmmmm who is this Steve guy.... what have you done with him!?! Interesting take on this PF.. refreshing. Can I play fishing edumicator for a bit? Gerritt.
  11. Charles, I would say the blame does not fall on enforcement... the Blame falls on the angler to know the rules and to respect our laws (regardless of ethnicity) the excuse of not speaking english no longer washes.. they print the regs in many different languages just for this reason. Blame the law breakers... not the MNR. Gerritt.
  12. Hmmm.... guess I misunderstood the regs... I will eat my crow and like it! I will be modifying all my baits now... LED rapala's anyone¿ Gerritt.
  13. Thank you for sharing a bit of what your father was about with us. my families condolences go out to your family.. a very touching reflection on his life... "Those that have left us are not gone. They are with us, In every breath we take and in everything that we do, they are not forgotten.. They are Remembered, Celebrated and Loved, as it was those we love that make us who we are.." I wrote that in my notes in October 2002... and I live by it today... give your family a hug and let them know you love them.. Gerritt.
  14. I would walk away from this "deal" as fast as you can!!.... there is something wrong here. perhaps his comma is in the wrong position? Something is not adding up here. Gerritt.
  15. quick answer... NO. Sorry... I thought your post asked if the were legal... they are not. Gerritt.
  16. beaver fever = Giardiasis ....trust me you dont want it!! Hence the reasons "real" cottagers blast beavers with buckshot that make homes in the cribs of their boat houses.. I shudder at the thought of getting it... Gerritt.
  17. It is an Old episode.. 2 years ago if I remember correctly.. Les Stroud is a hell of a guy, I chatted with him briefly... One of my personal favourite shows he has done is "Off the Grid" As for the episode in question... I did not realize until watching it one can die living off of rabbit alone.. Interesting. Gerritt. Hit up Youtube and search Les Stroud Off the Grid.. enjoy the show..
  18. i think it is about 17 kilometres... or 17000 metres also referred to as 170000 dm Gerritt.
  19. Brantford sucks! Hamilton Rules!!! I think we need to debate this over a pint! hint hint.. Gerritt.
  20. I Grew up in Mount Hope man!! Hwy #6 and White Church! Kitty Corner from (The Runway 6) one of my first real jobs in fact at the tender age to 12... I basically helped out for pocket change to spend at the bowling alley... errrr uhmmm the tile-it now... man how things have changed out there... I remember being bussed to high school, having pizza @ chewies, and my dad stumbling home from the checked flag... ahhh good times... PS.. are you the "Home town Handyman"? seen your van if so.... I used to work for Moss Willis and AWL Contacting (Binbrook) out there... until I busted my hand up good...perhaps you know them? Moss, Greg et al... things used to be alot different out there hen I was younger compared to now... sub-divisions EVERYWHERE! It is no longer HWY# 6 it is now Upper James! Sacrilege! Gerritt.
  21. Here it comes... once again... the purists show us that they are elite and the rest of us are the green algae that muddy the waters... I cant wait to see the pictures of fish being held up by the CN Tower, or Loblaw's... tis the season for the elitist's amongst us .... BTW... this only happens during "their" season.... I tend to say things as they are.. some care for it some dont.. so here it is... scrap your holiest then thou bull and fish for the sake of fishing... that is all it is about... a tug on your line... not how pretty you look, not how much your centrepin is worth, and not how hot your ass looks in your 1500.00 pair of waders... it all comes back to basics... the tug on your line. I am tired of seeing kiddies posing for pics while landing fish... I have also seen these so called purists clean fish on the banks stuff them into their 300.00 camo backpacks and head further upstream.. after posing for pics BTW... I remember when I was young... I fished out of a piece of crap boat, had a cheap Johnson closed face reel and only God knows the name of the rod.... and you know what?? I wish I could fish like that again today... That was fishing when I was young... being out there with my dad and grandfather just to be out there... Not to host a fashion show! Has technology advanced?.... Yes! But to some onto forums bragging about how hot your ass looks in your waders or your 900.00 centrepin is stupid in my opinion.. nothing but sheep... seriously...your nothing but sheep. Have fun with your over glorified fashion show on the rivers and creeks... I hope your making those 50'ish guys on the other side of the trib sweet on you... as they are the only ones your impressing with your hot ass in your hot waders... I promise I will not make another post about the elitist's as I am tired of God like Bull... another year another elitist catching fish in the ACC Gerritt.
  22. Unions had their place... HAD is the key word here.. back when employers were abusing workers in the 1900's.... Unions exist now to exist! and to make the people in charge millions.... I know there are ALOT of union members on this site.. and I know alot of you are PRO- Union.. sorry guys but labour laws mean you no longer get lashed for under-performance.. one of the reasons Unions came into existence so long ago... In our global market Unions need too adapt... if they want to survive (as well as the companies they serve) they too need to become global... Looking at the big picture... not their own bachelor apartment As of now... and Roy said it well... consider it another form of taxation.. Gerritt.
  23. well at least someone was getting nailed (the Bass that is..) LOL! Nice fish Steve! and good on yah Jen shooting the clay. Gerritt.
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