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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. How do you post photos?? Thank you..........
  2. looks like you guys had a great time the moose shot is priceless
  3. nice job on the eyes
  4. as allways what a trip great job guys
  5. i have been to keg lake main lodge 5 times luenenburgers treat you like gold you will have trip of your life
  6. i had a 12 foot fish hunter with a 2 horse on the back you could not tip it over very stable great for back lakes
  7. great job guys awsome trip
  8. try running spinners with worms gold or silver blade
  9. try running spinners with worms with a gold or silver blade
  10. i have a lowrance lcx 25c and gold chip love it
  11. nice skis you guys are hot better buy a 649
  12. nice trip jb thats one nice ski
  13. jb looks like a great trip
  14. great trip i would think about 7or8 for the wally
  15. what a trip big pike and eyes simply the best
  16. what a trip you cought more skies in a few days than most in a lifetime good job
  17. what a trip thats a trip of a lifetime
  18. hi smokey looks like a great trip what lake is that the plane looks like leuenbergers
  19. good job on the eyes
  20. looks like a great time for all
  21. looks like a great time great report maybe next year
  22. sorry to hear i know how you feel i have 14 best friends
  23. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thanks go out to steve for the great tourney he put on nascar1 and i put 3 walleyes in the boat with half hour left nascar1 hooks a 3 pounder and the net man knocks it off that would be me 20min left nascar hooks another one this time its in the live well finnished 3rd place great time steve
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