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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. hi mike i had same trouble the house next door his tree came down on our fence i ended up doing the clean up and fixing the fence
  2. looks like a nice place nice wally
  3. nice fish steve
  4. lund pro-v 115hp 2stroke 8hp 4stroke
  5. nice fish congrats on your placements
  6. great trip looks like every one had a good time and the dogs to
  7. great week what more can be said wishing i was fishing
  8. work and play it works looks like a great time by all
  9. what a trip just awsome nice eyes the pike and bass battle that was the best
  10. sure looks like a great time by all
  11. nice skis
  12. wow thats a big ski great job
  13. i also have a mustang great suit
  14. awsome ride love my pro-v
  15. nice trip
  16. great trip nice eyes and pike awsome
  17. great trip nice summer time eye
  18. great trip the eyes look good
  19. cliff another great trip sydney outfished you yet again
  20. jb looks like you had a great time
  21. for sum a lifetime you guys did it in a weekend great job
  22. Had a great week at Horwood Lake with fishing friend Kevin........1st 6 days all sun....rain on the 7th day.....total for the week 143 fish.....I used bottom bouncers and spinners with worms, Kevin used bottom bouncers with floating gig head and live leach......used something for the first time, a coleman deep fryer, I would highly recommend it.....did shore lunch 5 times....it worked great... Thanks for all that shared tips on the Lake.....it really helped.......Doug Kevin with a nice eye large eye for the week....28" caught on bottom bouncer and worm harn large pike for the week....35" caught on deep reef runner Kevin in the boat cutting up shore lunch Lunch coleman deep fryer
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