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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. its a switch on the tranfercase thats what mine was hope this helps
  2. good for you rich get out when you can
  3. that ticket was 10 years ago it was on your thansgiving just blew up the boat motor not happy then i just got passed on left shoulder he was doing over 160 he through stones at my tahoe was trying to see his license plate just going to fast guess caught up in the heat of the moment not to smart.
  4. rocky mountain radar has jammers radar detectors all in one just got my new one a month ago works great they pay the ticket the first year 200$us
  5. i got mine on the qew 141km towing my boat the opp a woman got out she was not happy 370$ later
  6. nice paint job they will catch fish
  7. thanks lew its about time i made out for a change
  8. i just got my rods back from loomis in the states no charge for repair on eye seats and no charge on broken rod new replacement just 20 dollars for shiping thats the way you do business
  9. hi kirk it blew 2 power heads and a lowerunit i have 15,000dollars in this junk i did get a lemon
  10. if you get skunked in a lund what more could ask for great boat
  11. i have a 1997 115carb evinjunk 7000 dollars just after warr exp blew a piston had it fixed in toronto 2000cnd next time out to quinte 40 feet of water blew the lower unit junk could not be welded next cost 3900us two years later blows another powerhead next cost 2000us change oil and filters twice a year i run the big motor from point a to b then troll with elec or kicker dont base your decision on my badluck but i know i will buy another one 15,000 is enough
  12. fly-in to the kag
  13. it was a 1997-115carb
  14. hade the same trouble with my evinjunk just out of warranty blew a piston evinjunk did not hear about it would not even give a gasket set and i just spent 2300 on a 4 storke trolling motor and evinjunk said thanks for buying evinjunk just like loomis never again if i want a anchor i will buy one sorry for the rant
  15. irishfield i have the same unit for fly-ins it takes 2 lantern batteries
  16. thanks guys i think i will try a st.croix
  17. aplumma i was the factory on monday no help sent rods back to loomis in the states stores will not take rods back
  18. i have a st.croix and a calcutta you cant go wrong
  19. what a ride you will love the boat
  20. thanks for all your replies just had to vent guess i will look at the upcoming fishing shows
  21. bill i was at the factory in person on monday there was no shipping i sent the rods back to loomis in the states
  22. went on a 7day fly-in on the 3rd day i snap a b/n imx 230 dollar rod 6lb test on a hook set for walleye, drove to loomis yesterday the guy tells me its 75 dollars charge for a replacement, i have 12 loomis rods i will not buy another one i need to buy more rods who covers their warranty
  23. i did not have a filter and blew up my evenjunk i now have a filter in my pro-v i get water all the time the filter saves me every time
  24. i have four 31 series battires 2 for trolling motor 1 for main motor 1 just for electronics you don/t want any interference
  25. truck 97 tahoe 300.000 miles runs still great lund-prov i think the boat but the 01 corvette in the driveway wins
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