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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. sorry to hear about your loss wayne
  2. awesome trip looks like the whole family had a great time
  3. congrats on the big mouth's nice gator too
  4. nice day on lake-o nice flee's
  5. awesome day guys congrats
  6. nice bass congrats
  7. my friend dives out by the fort and say's he sees a lot down there
  8. awesome trip guy's fly-ins are the best big eye's and gator's congrats
  9. congrats steve awesome day on the water
  10. try spoon pullers site and yes you can use dipseys this time of year hope this helps
  11. great weekend congrats
  12. nice bass bruce congrats
  13. nice eyes steve congrats
  14. awesome trip congrats
  15. awesome ski
  16. leechman congrats great day on the water nice cats and eyes
  17. i have been to nakina 5 times with leuenbergers awesome people to deal with my last trip there 2 years ago the 2 of us cought 365 walleyes not bad in my eyes stay away from torando's out of port -lorning worst trip of my life
  18. awesome trip congrats
  19. awesome ski ben congrats
  20. awesome bigmouths congrats
  21. my 97 tahoe has 304,654 miles on it org motor you be the judge
  22. got my tickets today can't wait hope it's as good as the toronto show
  23. awesome picture congrats nice bass
  24. simon well done again congrats
  25. nice ski congrats
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