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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. congrats simon awesome video thats a nice walleye your wife cought
  2. nice skis congrats
  3. i like one blade and one small treble
  4. way to go steve nice eyes
  5. cool video tj
  6. nice eye congrats to your wife
  7. great trip dh sounds like every one had a good time
  8. nice ski congrats
  9. great report mike awesome view of the lake from your cabin kids must love it there congrats on the eyes
  10. happy day congrats roy
  11. thats sucks sorry to hear about your mother in law skis were awesome you are relly on to them 6 for 6 congrats
  12. way to go dan pike in the weeds thats for sure
  13. i hope you like water sking
  14. nice ski congrats
  15. way to go cliff grand slam
  16. way to go vinn
  17. nice ski johnny sorry to see that thumb hope its not too bad
  18. nice week of fishing and fun
  19. nice trip congrats
  20. way to go skeeter all the hard work is for the kids well done, again thanks for the bearing cap
  21. nice eyes jen congrats
  22. great day on erie congrats
  23. nice ski
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