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Everything posted by corvette1

  1. awesome picture
  2. awesome trip and pictures have a great trip in nakina
  3. nice gators
  4. awesome trip guys congrats
  5. awesome video simon
  6. nice eye simon congrats
  7. awesome trip congrats
  8. awesome weekend fred you guys sure got into them congrats
  9. nice day on the water congrats
  10. awesome night guys congrats
  11. sweet looking rod lew maybe we can get out later in the the year for ski's
  12. nice haul bob congrats
  13. awesome shots congrats
  14. nice trip guys congrats
  15. what a pig congrats on his pb
  16. nice lakers congrats
  17. great report mike
  18. nice day on the big o
  19. congrats on the tanks bob. on the keeping side go on youtube and see what the netters take you take them or they take them they took less then one limit.
  20. nice browns dave
  21. glad the camp is all in one peice nice pike
  22. nice bow roy congrats
  23. nice day on the lower Aaron congrats
  24. nice boat load of eyes simon congrats
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