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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Oops, forgot to answer you OIM about why I pick out the seeds. If you bite into one, the flavour is pretty intense. It's not hot, or particularly unpleasant, just powerful. And in my case I cook off the rabbits in broth, take the meat out to cool, and strain the broth, so I can easily take out the seeds and any bones that happen to come off the carcasses when they are cooking. Then when the meat is cool I take it off the bones and add it back in to the stew. But I have missed the odd seed over the years in various dishes....
  2. It has been years since I bought fish, BUT I did from time to time buy sole fillets and they were pretty good as a perch substitute. I have no idea if sole is till sold and if so how much it costs. I used to buy them frozen in a brick (like a small container of ice cream, kind of thing.) The fillets were of various sizes and probably vacuum packed, I don't recall. BUT!!! Next year in the soft water season, try targetting bluegills and pumpkinseeds, they are delicious!!! And you can keep a goodly number and do no harm to a body of water. There are limits now, in some areas at least, but the limits are very liberal. Freeze the fillets in water for use all year. And rock bass are also very tasty, but they go mushy immediately if not placed on ice - plus the rock bass here in Southeastern Ontario have more contaminants per ounce than any other species. So I quit eating them........
  3. I'm with you there Rick! back to OIM, you can buy whole cardamon seeds in bulk at The Bulk Store, a couple dozen will last you a year probably and they are not expensive. GROUND cardamon is a very over-powering spice and I practically never use it. Doug
  4. Thanks OIM, that sounds very toothsome. Next time you do a rabbit stew you might add a few whole cardamon seeds, then fish them out (if you can find them) before serving. I find they give a very nice flavour to rabbit (and all kinds of fowl). Doug
  5. OK I was away for a bit........... ...........is this thread still going, or did everybody pig out on all the good ideas? Tonight here will be elk shepherd's pie, yum yum! Doug
  6. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! THAT WORKED! Doug Merry Christmas everybody!
  7. OK I have been away for a while. This happens a lot when I get distracted by things like long trips and hunting seasons. How come do we now have these dark colours on the site, that I can hardly read the words and stuff? No, this is NOT a complaint, I am HAPPY to be here, just wondering what, if anything, I can maybe do so I can read the posts better and not squint at the dark backgrounds. Doug
  8. tagged for interest. Missed it the first time around, and I am always looking for a new spot!!! (This year it was Haida Gwaii....) Doug
  9. BEAUTY squaretail! Around K-town we have MILLIMETRES of ice, hooray!!! But a couple cold nights will help this. And there are 19 days left in bow season, so maybe I am not quite ready to hit the hard water.......... Doug
  10. Dave I would MUCH rather have your weather than this stupid HEAT we are still having here. Plus 21 C today in K-town, freakin' ridiculous. Doug
  11. Hmmm. At MY camp, the shower is a galvanized pail with a cook pot for a dipper.............. Doug
  12. "Many an hour's sweet happiness I spent in that neat little town." Used to fish there all the time in the 80s, and in fact wrote an article about fishing steelhead there with Michigan wigglers. I agree that spring run-off should flush the silt out to the lake, but the fall fishing might be tough....... Doug
  13. I have not been here much of late and just saw this. Cliff, I am very sorry to hear of your loss, and pray that the Good Lord comforts you and carries you in your grief. Doug
  14. 1. What Fisherman said. 2. In case you missed it, ALWAYS wear eye protection. 3.. Yes, ALWAYS Happy trails! Doug
  15. I have had a number of dealings with Bushnell service over the years, and always positive. Most recently (last month) I asked if they could find a set of scope adjustment knob caps for an OLD Bausch & Lomb scope. Yes, indeed, and FREE! I have also had exceptional service from Burris, including stuff that was my fault, all repaired or replaced for FREE. The ONLY time I asked Leupold for a warranty repair it was turned down (and I know the guy at Korth!) Doug
  16. It has been said many times before, but Dave, you are a MACHINE!!!!! And I wish you the best of luck getting everything major done before freeze-up. Still enjoying this thread........... Doug
  17. Last time I was up there was the year of the massive fires. But by the time I left town I had cut down to smoking three spruce a day.............. I get tired just looking at the pictures of all that work!!!!! AWESOME!!! Doug
  18. a two pound pike is not worth the trouble. a 27 inch pike IS worth the trouble. a two pound bass is delicious. Doug
  19. When you go up there to give him a hand please let me know. I can come along to supervise and catch fish to feed us all..............
  20. When this mansion is finally finished, I hope you will enjoy many a happy day up there RELAXING, instead of WORKING! It is looking fabulous! Doug
  21. Yes it is pretty darned good. If you took raw salmon and ate it, you might not prefer the taste and texture. But if you had some CANNED salmon, you might think that is pretty good stuff. Same idea exactly. Canned moose, deer, goose, etc is delicious. Doug
  22. I will be interested to hear how it goes with liquid. As a very general rule of thumb, raw meat goes into the jars without liquid, and cooked meat goes into the jars with liquid, and HOT. But "everybody" says you cannot pressure can thickened soups, and I have successfully canned split pea soup several times, and that is pretty thick stuff............ Doug
  23. I have not added liquid to moose, deer, goose, duck, all of which go into the jars raw. Doug
  24. If you are going to can RAW moose, I suggest you not add liquid of any kind. A bit of onion, garlic, salt pork, whatever, is fine, but don't add liquid. When it is pressure canned, the moose makes its own "gravy." If you are going to can cooked moose, yes you will need some stock, and you should start with a hot pack. Doug
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