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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. I kept my own counsel for a bit about the difference between a .22LR and a .223/5.56 NATO cartridge. It has now been amply pointed out. But just to add to people's knowledge here, I have a buddy whose hunting partner uses a regular rifle (not an AR-15 or any of the semi-autos) chambered for the .223 cartridge. That guy shoots deer, moose and bear with the .223. He uses a Barnes X monolithic copper bullet, which is about the best choice one could make for a smaller calibre hunting bullet, and so has excellent expansion and weight retention. But at the end of the day, he shoots serious big game (and lots of it) with the .223. It is not a plinker. Doug
  2. Thanks for adding to my education, I did not know that the Bushmaster COMPANY has anything other than their AR-15 variants, which I think they call X-15 or similar name. Yes you are absolutely right that they make a non-restricted version ACR. I apologize. But wait for the Horsemen to decide that the ACR is a scary looking rifle and watch the new 12(9) prohibition in action..........
  3. The Bushmaster is an AR-15 variant, and it is RESTRICTED. All of the AR-15s and all of the rifles for which the parts are interchangeable, including the Norinco stuff from China, all of these are Restricted here in Canada. But there are lots of semi-automatic .223s that are (currently) non-restricted. It is the 12 (9) provision in the draft C-71 tabled this past week that should be of concern to persons who own non-restricted semi-automatic firearms, since the RCMP can decide that something currently non-restricted (like the Swiss Arms Classic) is now a Prohib.
  4. You are 100% WRONG about the AR-15. That rifle, and ALL of its variants, are ALL Restricted firearms in Canada. There are other semi-automatic rifles, including the ones on that page you reference, that are non-restricted. There is no rhyme nor reason to what gets classified as what. And ALL semi-autos must have mags that hold five rounds or less.
  5. OK I watched the video. Mr Day should KNOW BETTER than to suggest a person can HUNT with an AR-15 or any of its variants. There is no place in Canada where a person can legally hunt with ANY restricted firearm. That includes all of the AR-15 variants, all handguns (that are not prohibited, which of course also cannot be used for hunting), and any other firearm designated as restricted (or prohibited). To acquire and possess any restricted firearm, yes a person has to take and pass the course, and apply for a Restricted Possession and Acquisition Licence. As part of the approval process (which Mr Day also neglected to mention), there is not only the criminal records check, but also a confirmation with the spouse and any ex-spouse that there are no domestic violence issues that may be a concern, PLUS a confirmation that the applicant does not have mental health issues. Every 24 hours the entire list of individuals having a firearms licence is cross-checked with the Canadian Police Information Centre (CPIC). It is noteworthy that CPIC does not run daily checks on anybody else, not paroled rapists and pedophiles, not career criminals, not known gangsters, only firearms licence holders. Restricted firearms need to be stored in a very secure manner (all described in detail in the regulations). Ammunition for them most be stored in a separate locked container. IN CANADA, the likelihood of a child, or other non-licenced individual, getting access to an AR-15 or ammunition for it is remote. And as Mr Day did mention, all magazines for the AR-15 family of firearms must not be capable of holding more than five cartridges. While there may have been an instance of somebody in Canada using an AR-15 in a "mass shooting" I am not aware of it. The people who own them are amongst the most vetted and thereby law-abiding people in Canada. I do not own an AR-15, nor any of the variants, given that they hold no attraction for me. But I consider it perfectly reasonable that folks who wish to own and shoot this type of IMMENSELY popular firearm should be able to do so. If they want to go through the hassle in order to take their firearm to an approved range to shoot it, more power to them. And no, I don't buy the argument that more guns equals more gun deaths. In Canada that is simply not true, and people using AMERICAN statistics to make points about CANADIAN firearms issues are definitely mixing apples and oranges.
  6. That looks AWESOME!!! Heck, I just ate lunch and the pics made me hungry all over again............
  7. That's crazy - Rainy River has open water and Kingston still has ice. I was out on 11 inches of water yesterday and caught a bunch of beautiful perch. Fresh pan-fried perch for supper, YUM YUM!
  8. If a widow is the executor of her late husband's estate and the husband had a valid PAL, the widow is allowed to dispose of the firearms as if she also had a PAL. (I am simplifying.) A great way to dispose of firearms is to contact a reputable auction house and have them look after the cataloguing and sale. Here in Southern Ontario the name that comes to mind is Switzer's Auctions from Bancroft Ontario. When I advise older folks looking to dispose of a firearms collection, I always point them to Switzer's. I have on occasion bought the firearms from an estate but generally speaking, the estate is better off dealing with a REPUTABLE auction house and not a private individual. JMOYMV Doug
  9. back to dave 524........YES the C-71 DOES make some new firearms into prohibs. Four versions of the VZ 858, 2 non-restricted, 2 restricted, are now (after 30 June) prohibited firearms. these ones: (i) Ceská Zbrojovka (CZ) Model CZ858 Tactical-2P rifle, 10 (ii) Ceská Zbrojovka (CZ) Model CZ858 Tactical-2V rifle, (iii) Ceská Zbrojovka (CZ) Model CZ858 Tactical-4P rifle, or (iv) Ceská Zbrojovka (CZ) Model CZ858 Tactical-4V 15 rifle; and it also makes the SAN Swiss Arms, currently non-restricted, into prohibs effective 30 June. These are NEW prohibitions. And yes when I say the Feds can add more rifles to the new 12 (9) class of prohibs, it will be the RCMP that makes the calls. And the scarlet tunics are NOT on our side in this, they are deeply in the pocket of the oxygen thieves currently in power in Oddawa.
  10. Sounds like a local police initiative. The feds have just introduced a new firearms bill, C-71, which talks about getting guns off the streets but which ONLY and EXCLUSIVELY targets (you guessed it) law-abiding firearms owners. It repeals some of the common sense firearms legislation enacted by the Conservatives and creates a NEW class of prohibited firearm, to which the feds fairly clearly intend to add a bunch of currently non-restricted firearms (think SKS etc) and makes two fairly popular firearms prohibs after 30 June. Anyways every time there is a LIEBERAL gun control act introduced you can bet that law-abiding gun owners are going to get the sand in the Vaseline and the scumball criminals will face zero new sanctions. C-71 does absolutely ZILCH to take action against the criminal use of firearms. And it sounds to me like your local coppers have decided this is an opportune time to put out another request for people to turn in their guns. Doug
  11. We have that. I am not sure how many "new" movies we can get though....
  12. My favourite thing to do with whitefish is to smoke them. My second favourite thing is to smoke them and then pressure-can them. <<<DROOL>>>
  13. OIM are you seeing those in a movie theatre or at home on Netflix or what? None of them are showing here in KIngston. Doug
  14. DARN! Just saw this. If that sale falls through please get ahold of me. Thanks! Doug
  15. Many moons since I fished the Lake Ontario streams and rivers..... .............looks like a lamprey wound on that last steelie? Doug
  16. Dave, out of idle curiosity, why a pellet stove instead of a wood stove? Not enough firewood in that area? Just thinking what a PITA to haul in loads of pellets???????? Doug
  17. Well not to be too graphic here a good helping of sauteed vidalias would be about the same as taking a bunch of exlax..............not that I ever took exlax.............
  18. Depends on how it hits my GI tract. Or NOT, hopefully..........
  19. It is time again in my life that I need a smaller aluminum boat to hit the back lakes, and more importantly, to loan to my youngest son. So I am looking for a small, LIGHT, 12 to maybe 14 footer, a small outboard, and a trailer with decent wheels and tires. I am looking for a used unit at this point but am not interested in leaky rivets, rotten transoms, smoking outboards, etc. I am in Kingston Ontario and would consider traveling up to maybe two hours from here to look at a rig and make a deal. Please send me a private message if you have something you are looking to sell. I could also make a trade for a firearm or firearms if that might be an attractive option. (and of course if you have a valid firearms licence) Thanks for looking. Doug
  20. Thanks! I am going to try that. I have done potatoes like that, including ones that I hollowed out and put bacon, vidalias and butter on the inside, but never tried to cook a whole onion. I like the idea! Doug
  21. Do you put some butter or something inside the foil with it?
  22. what Chris said, ask Mike. My only experience with Hearst Air Services would tend to make me look for a different outfitter, but that was a number of years ago and may well have been a "one-off." I recall that writer "moosebunk" had an extremely positive trip with HAS, to the Attawapiskat if memory serves me. A bit of research, and contacting references, should give an idea of current service from any of the outfitters. But you should still ask Mike. Doug
  23. That roast looks awesome! Yes I would tend to remove the exterior fat before brining and smoking.
  24. I have had many brands and types over the years. The earlier ones were like putting on a sheet of plywood. But with a bad back, getting into my one piece suit lately left me hurting and sweated up. And my youngest son needed a suit anyways so now it's his. I already have two floater jackets over and above the suit, and decided to get a new set of bibs. Went to Canadian Tire to check out the Arctic Armor bibs, and there is a great big sign on the inside of them: THIS IS NOT AN APPROVED FLOTATION DEVICE So for $300 plus tax I left them there and will wait until I can get a set of bibs that ARE approved. Looks like the Salus line is not only made in Canada but are also approved PFDs. Something I DO hope to find is a set of bibs that have a full or at least a half length zip on the sides so I can put them on over top of my boots. Nothing like trying to balance on one foot with slush all over the place, trying to get your leg into the pantleg.............. Doug
  25. I never did a shoulder, but I certainly have done pork roasts in the smoker. For me, it has always been the boneless loin halves that come on sale a few times a year. Last week they were on for a buck a pound!!! Brine: a couple quarts of apple juice, about four cloves of crushed garlic, about a cup or so of brown sugar (or maple syrup) and a cup or maybe a hair less of white salt, I put it all in a big plastic bag with the roast and get the air out of the bag so the roast is immersed, into the fridge for overnight, then into the smoker. I know some folks rinse the brine off, I do not see any good reason to do that. For a loin about six or seven pounds, I smoke it for two pans of smoke in my Big Chief, which would be smoke for two to two and a half hours. Too much smoke makes it taste like creosote........ I have used maple, cherry and apple all with good results for pork. Then into the oven in a COVERED roasting pan until you have 180 on the meat thermometer. And smoked pork roast GRAVY is absolutely awesome. Hell I'm getting hungry just thinking about it..... Doug
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