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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. The story brings back memories for me, as well. And I was never there, just experienced it vicariously through your reports. Thanks again, Bunk! Doug
  2. I had turkey noodle soup for lunch, just what the doctor ordered for a snowy damp day. I have never tried, nor even heard of, leaving an onion whole in a pot of soup. Mind you, I generally cook with extra large vidalias or other sweet onions, not sure how a softball-sized onion would make out in my stock pots. I also like to simmer my soups for quite a while. I can see how trying to keep an onion whole would be challenging! Tonight it will be re-heated pulled pork I made a couple days ago. It's had time to really let the flavours soak in, should be lovely! Doug
  3. not sure why the double tap, and how the hell can I ERASE an entry?????????????????
  4. The absolute WORST heartburn I ever had would have been back in the early 80s in a hunt camp back of Haliburton. Our cook, who was probably in his 90s at the time, had roasted a lovely big bird (think it was probably a capon) for supper and was about to make gravy. He skimmed all of the fat out of the pan and left it in a gravy boat, intending to throw it out later, AND he told all of us it was fat and not good to eat. But it sure smelled good, and a buddy and I had a wee taste of it with fresh bread. YEAH! It was DELICIOUS!!! And buddy and I ate the whole container, probably 2 cups worth, with bread, BEFORE supper. NEVER did I have heartburn like that, not before or since...................<<<<<OINK>>>>>>
  5. The absolute WORST heartburn I ever had would have been back in the early 80s in a hunt camp back of Haliburton. Our cook, who was probably in his 90s at the time, had roasted a lovely big bird (think it was probably a capon) for supper and was about to make gravy. He skimmed all of the fat out of the pan and left it in a gravy boat, intending to throw it out later, AND he told all of us it was fat and not good to eat. But it sure smelled good, and a buddy and I had a wee taste of it with fresh bread. YEAH! It was DELICIOUS!!! And buddy and I ate the whole container, probably 2 cups worth, with bread, BEFORE supper. NEVER did I have heartburn like that, not before or since...................<<<<<OINK>>>>>>
  6. Rick you could not cram a hell of a lot more awesomeness into a single post. THANKS MAN!!!!! And your kids think like me. If bread is good, a sandwich is better. If a sandwich is good, a sloppy joe is better! Doug
  7. Don't know yet. But I think we are going to head east for what might be the last "Fiddles on the Tobique". It is one genuinely CANADIAN celebration, and we went a few years back. The guy that has organized it since he dreamed it up a couple decades ago is a canoe builder name of Bill Miller. Bill is getting up in age and has said he doesn't have a lot of these events left in him. So anyways the plan so far is to head east this summer instead of west........... Read about the Fiddles here: https://www.canoekayak.com/canoe/death-of-a-river/ Doug
  8. WOW!!! That's quite the feast there, Rick! Next time we'll fish LOTW and you can teach me to cook frybread. All the best for a happy, healthy 2018! Doug
  9. I actually quite like the cold, and very much enjoy ice fishing. And I do not have nor do I use a hut. But minus 38 F is FREAKIN' chilly!!!!! Rum and eggnog weather there Dave. Doug
  10. I think this topic all began with frybread by m2b2. So we have come full circle. BUT!!!!! I did not get a taste of frybread when I met m2b2 last year. NEXT TIME!!!!!!!! All the best for 2018 to all of you! Doug
  11. Bacon, potato and cheese pie, please tell me more............. Doug
  12. Retirement is GOOD, buddy!!!!! I've been doing nothing, professionally, and being paid to do nothing, for fifteen years, and I highly recommend it. Doug
  13. Thanks buddy. How you doing these days? Maybe THIS year I will get down to fish Simcoe with you!!! Doug
  14. Today at lunch we had a "Christmas dinner" for some folks we know that have no family in the area. One of the ladies is 93 and can't drive at night any more. So I brined a small turkey (13 pounds) and we had turkey and dressing, whipped potatoes and gravy, and carrots, YUM YUM!!!! Doug
  15. My main hard water fishing partner said he heard somebody drowned up north, went through the ice, but he did not know where. We did have some good cold weather here in K-town, but the last couple days have been above freezing and there is a fair bit of snow. Looks unlikely I will get out before 1 January - and of course there are still 12 days of bow season left! Doug
  16. Thanks for the reminder! I think I have a couple pork butt roasts from a Tamworth hog half that I bought this fall. Pulled pork, gotta love it!!!!! Doug
  17. That is just fabulous! My folks are still living also, and are in a retirement residence. But they are both foodies and they do the odd bit of cooking (and freezing) so they can still have some of their favourite things.
  18. back to OIM I think Pusateri's is where they cook that placenta dish that you and Smitty 55 were talking about back in the spring...............
  19. Never eaten Beaver, eh? Poor fellow doesn't know what he's missing...............
  20. oh, the deer liver was FABULOUS even if I do say so myself. I cut it as thin as I can, using a filleting knife, then soak it in milk. Pour off the milk, lay the slices out on a cookie sheet, dust with seasoning salt and garlic powder, then shake in a bag of flour. Get a pan of canola oil piping hot and lay the slices in there, maybe a minute a side, tops. Drain on some paper towels, and pig out!!!! Smothered in vidalias, sliced thin and sauteed in bacon fat, man oh man!!! <<<<<BURP>>>>>>>>
  21. Tonight it will be deer liver pan-fried in bacon fat, plus sauteed Vidalia onions and mashed potatoes. This will be my fourth meal of deer liver this fall, yeehaw!!! And I still have another package or two in the freezer, plus one heart. And some of my hunting buddies don't eat "GUTS!" There's more for me........... Doug
  22. OH MAN, Spiel, that stuffed turkey breast looks AWESOME. I just ate and it makes me hungry looking at it!!!!! OIM please ask your wife if you have had cardamon SEEDS for flavouring, it is not as intense as ground cardamon. If I am roasting a chicken or turkey I put three or four whole cardamon seeds on and in the bird before roasting. I love the taste, but yes if a dish has GROUND cardamon in it, that is pretty over-powering. I think it is used in a lot of Indian dishes where spices can be a lot more pronounced. And Rick please save me some moose balls, I love them! Doug
  23. Oops, forgot to answer you OIM about why I pick out the seeds. If you bite into one, the flavour is pretty intense. It's not hot, or particularly unpleasant, just powerful. And in my case I cook off the rabbits in broth, take the meat out to cool, and strain the broth, so I can easily take out the seeds and any bones that happen to come off the carcasses when they are cooking. Then when the meat is cool I take it off the bones and add it back in to the stew. But I have missed the odd seed over the years in various dishes....
  24. It has been years since I bought fish, BUT I did from time to time buy sole fillets and they were pretty good as a perch substitute. I have no idea if sole is till sold and if so how much it costs. I used to buy them frozen in a brick (like a small container of ice cream, kind of thing.) The fillets were of various sizes and probably vacuum packed, I don't recall. BUT!!! Next year in the soft water season, try targetting bluegills and pumpkinseeds, they are delicious!!! And you can keep a goodly number and do no harm to a body of water. There are limits now, in some areas at least, but the limits are very liberal. Freeze the fillets in water for use all year. And rock bass are also very tasty, but they go mushy immediately if not placed on ice - plus the rock bass here in Southeastern Ontario have more contaminants per ounce than any other species. So I quit eating them........
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