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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Thanks Brian. I have no idea how you found this thread, but good on ya! Today's effort was pork tenderloin bacon, and I am here to tell you it is spectacular! I started with some pork t-loins, obviously, cured them in a dry bacon rub cure, rinsed them and patted them dry, hit them with some maple rub, and "cold" smoked them with maple chips. Maybe Brian can post the pictures since I forget how to do that here? Doug
  2. Just send both the new one and old one to me and I will look after this for you..........? Doug
  3. Mattice Lake Outfitters Round 2? I am envious............. Doug
  4. Yes I fished the Gouin about twenty years ago, on one of the houseboats with tendered aluminum boats. I think I must have had a portable graph, but honestly cannot recall. A Navionics chart would be very helpful indeed.
  5. Crappy luck there, Dave, but yes the cabin is looking spectacular! Is that a wasp nest in the "oh crap" photo? Doug
  6. As I said on the blog itself, I cannot imagine cramming more awesomeness into a single blog post............
  7. Yep. I have been completely retired since 2002 or 2003 I kind of forget..................but anyways it has been many years since I did a day's paid employment. I now do absolutely nothing to make a living and I am very g what the hell is up with the F#@*ing board, I type stuff and it just disappears????????????????????????????????????????
  8. I have several here, new in the package, from buying ladder stands made in the USA. I won't hurt you for cost, just send me a pm..... Doug
  9. "filtered try again please" what the hell? I said Good Charlie Hotel India Tango................
  10. WHOA!!! Only whities for the smoker? Lakers are excellent smoked. Cut fillets into chunks about two inches wide. Use a wet brine for 24 hours in the fridge, take the chunks out and allow them to dry on newspaper or paper towels (to form the pellicle) and into the smoker for three pans of hickory. It's good filtered try again please, mon.
  11. HOLY CATS BATMAN!!!!!! TWO polar bears on the hunt, that is downright scary stuff. First round buckshot to the head, second round slugs to the boiler room................... Lonnnngggg story about the Loughborough Lake Extravaganza and male Healing Retreat, twentieth Edition, or LLEMHR XX. Fishing was tough, Honeydew List was long, and that is an idea that has run its course. It had a good run, twenty years......... I am now following your blog and commented on all three articles (you young whippersnapper!) Doug
  12. Well, this has been a most pleasant read on a holiday Monday. THANKS for taking the time to write them, and THANKS for posting them here! In the gar story, do I correctly understand that you now live near LOTW? Doug
  13. Looking forward to reading the reports, but thought I might pop in here first.................safe trip, bud! If there are THAT many bears about, you might want to pack some HEAT!!!! Of course, if a fella were to shoot a polar bear, even in self-defence, the whole weight of the world is going to come crashing down on his head................ Doug
  14. Yep. I reckon you, Einrich and I could find a spot to wet our whistle.....?
  15. Thanks Brian, I enjoyed that. And hell, I watched the WHOLE THING! HAPPY CANADA DAY BACKATCHA! Maybe 2019 will be the year I finally meet you in person.................. Doug
  16. OK folks, I have been making sausages at home for years, and sometimes I get a bit over-enthusiastic buying supplies. (Especially if I am strolling through a Canadian Tire or Princess Auto and see sausage making kits for pepperoni and that kind of thing.) Here is a whole bunch of stuff that I have and that I will not be using, sold as a lot only. All packages are unopened unless noted otherwise. SMOKE-A-JOE Beef jerky seasoning (no MSG) for 20 lb of meat SMOKEHOUSE All-Purpose Brine Mix for 15 lb of meat/fish for smoke cures ORIGINAL WILD WEST sausage making kit for Pepperoni (cure, seasonings and 23 mm collagen casings) for 20 lb of meat. These casings produce “pepperette” diameter pepperoni sausages. HI MOUNTAIN “Snackin’ Sticks” kit to make 10 lb of pepperettes (cure, seasonings, and smokable collagen casings). “Snackin’ Sticks” are like pepperettes. (Note: the original package contained enough ingredients for 20 lb, and I used one package of cure, one package of seasonings and about one third of the casings.) HI MOUNTAIN “Home Sausage Making Kit” for Polish Sausage. Ingredients (cure, seasonings, natural hog casings) for 15 lb of meat. (Note: the original package included enough ingredients for 30 lb, and I used one package of cure and one package of seasonings. I used different (2” diameter) smokable casings for a fabulous batch of Smoked Elk Polish Sausage, so there are double the amount of casings still here) Two packages (454 grams each) of Dextrose, one package (454 grams) of Prague Powder (cure), and one package of natural hog casings (same as with the Polish Sausage kit) I have a picture but forget how to upload them here........ There is close to a hundred bucks worth of goodies here, take it all for $50 plus postage. Doug
  17. and the lakers will be in less than 12 FOW.......yeeehawww!
  18. That's like a freakin' HITCHCOCK movie! Mind you, the black flies the last few weeks here around K-town have been brutal, and the mosquitoes started in quite ferocious about three days ago. No deer flies yet, though........... Doug
  19. still looking........................
  20. Never mind a bow-mount motor Dave, get a bow-mount .50 calibre machine gun! Doug
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