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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Dave, you probably wrote this somewhere in the last three dozen pages, but I forget............what are you using for power up there? Doug
  2. You might want to check your guide to eating Ontario sport fish for that rock bass (if it's even listed). A buddy of mine was doing sampling for the MNR. Around Kingston, they accumulate more toxins in their flesh than any other species, pound for pound. I stopped eating rock bass maybe ten years ago because of that.
  3. Oh, I have no doubt about the efficacy of quarantine, I just can't imagine hanging out "somewhere" in Whitehorse for two weeks and being confined to barracks. Glad to hear you are on the mend! Doug
  4. Yeah............I was supposed to do a bison hunt in the Yukon this fall/winter. Fly to Whitehorse, and then quarantine "somewhere" for two weeks. Doesn't work for me... Doug
  5. Lee Valley sells an excellent one: https://www.leevalley.com/en-ca/shop/kitchen/measurement/thermometers/73812-javelin-instant-read-thermometer and free shipping or orders of $30 or more........ Doug
  6. Eye of round is very lean and cooks much faster than other cuts. It is very hard to BBQ it to a nice rare or medium rare without an instant read thermometer with a long probe. It would have to come off the BBQ at about 125 F to get a foil tent and be served at 140F. YMVYMV
  7. They would have a hard time geting away with a rat trap screwed to a piece of plywood.............but the noise would raise the dead..........
  8. What's that wrapped around the asparagus? Prosciuto? One of the best things I ever ate in Germany was spargle (white asparagus) wrapped in schinken (ham) with some kind of case (cheese), during the spargle festival. Man, that was good stuff! And schweinehaxen! Now I am thinking German food. Again.......... But tonight it is fresh yellow beans from the garden, BBQ chicken drumsticks, and potato salad. (Boiled potatoes, hard-boiled eggs, yellow pepper, green onion, lots of mayo, and some smoked paprika, yum yum.) No seal salt, no vinegar (but the Germans love vinegar in their kartofflesalat), no carrots.............
  9. Seal salt? x2........... But how did the round zucchini taste???
  10. Now you have me crious. I use the Havahart live release traps for racoons, but what is this one you are talking about?
  11. It was the plastic wrap part that I completely forgot, and toothpicks are not a good substitute............
  12. Excellent! Thanks, Brian! I ended up with so many toothpicks holding the thing together it looked like a porcupine................
  13. Rather than go through all 150 pages.........................Brian do you still have that video that shows how to do the bacon weave? I tried it once and it was a disaster. Well, nothing with bacon can be a disaster............but it was NOT successful. Doug
  14. All true, and especially PATIENCE. I am not patient enough to be a baker, except for the real easy stuff! Doug
  15. Looks awesome Brian! Now with a glass of red wine..............
  16. I was getting tired of re-heated meals that I put in the freezer when all this covid crap started, so I said to the wife that I would like to order a pizza tonight for a change of pace. We have take-out food less than once a month, on average, but I do like the pizza from the one small pizzeria that is in our neighbourhood. ANYWAYS, a number of her friends had been telling her about this Middle Eastern restaurant maybe a mile and a half from our house, so I said OK, go for it. Buy local and all that, I'm good with this. So if I never eat shoe-warmer chicken again it will be too freakin' soon. Succulent, moist, tender chicken blah blah blah in their advertising, crap, the chicken was as dry and tasteless as cardboard. I don't eat most of the sides that came with this monstrosity, hummus, garlic sauce, a salad-looking plate covered in muck.... What a disappointment! But on a positive note, the pita that had been wrapped around the shoe-warmer was quite good with a bit of margarine on it. Next time I won't be talked out of pizza! Doug
  17. Those bones and skin etc will make a wicked soup!
  18. Hmmm. I don't generally buy ground meat because I have ground venison. But I did buy some of the lean ground beef/pork mix a year or two again and I thought it was just fine. I know I made a meatloaf out of some of it, or maybe I made two meat loaves and froze one. I do recall there was slightly more shrinkage than I would have expected with commercial ground meat - there is very little shrinkage with ground venison - but I thought the flavour and texture were just fine. Don't believe I ever bought ground pork except one time I needed one more pound of pork for a bunch of venison sausages, and I bought ground pork. And it wasn't cheap!!! Doug
  19. Looking good, Brian. I have never used pecan for smoke wood, never seen it for sale I don't think. I agree with apple for sure, but I don't recall doing turkey pieces either. They look delicious! Doug
  20. Beef/pork blend? I see it is on special at Food basics right now. I'd have bought some but have no freezer space..........
  21. I did not know that you were in the Masonic Lodge!
  22. Not sure why I am not getting notices when new posts are put on here..........
  23. Holy cats Brian,I get tired just READING this! Doug
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