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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Thanks bud, ramp butter coming up! 😉
  2. back to smitty55.... Do you put this through a food processor or something? A buddy dropped off a bunch of wild leeks a few days ago and I got the bulbs cleaned up and just put them in water, then I was away for a couple days. I was thinking I'd pickle them, but this has me thinking......... Doug
  3. There is a significant range of motion, and reach, and the throttle works well, as long as your throttle on the kicker is employed by twisting the tiller handle. In heavy waves it is a bit tricky, but boat handling in heavy waves is always a bit tricky. Doug
  4. My "forever" boat is a Sylvan, they are very good boats. Congrats! Doug
  5. When I had a steering wheel, it was definitely time for the connecting brackets. But for a tiller boat, I used a tiller extension on the kicker when I ran it. Looks like this: https://www.gpbikes.com/ironwood-pacific-u-001-helmsmate-extension-handles?utm_source=google_shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjw-e2EBhAhEiwAJI5jg45GBH6YmNJolfZ6Xi8uSDDq4fRsQgAcpk5A46f_0kUoBFJLE_Cu2xoCOFEQAvD_BwE
  6. https://www.iflscience.com/plants-and-animals/yes-eastern-coyotes-are-hybrids-coywolf-not-thing/
  7. pray, tell us more.................
  8. Well, I have never seen a coyote that weighed more than 85 pounds, nor bigger than a lab................hence my opinion.
  9. I did not write WHINE, I used the correct term for a female canine. 🙄
  10. Then it's likely a wolf, not a wolf/coyote cross. When I first saw the video I surely thought wolf (not coyote). And the timing is right for a whine about to whelp.
  11. and it looks like it may be pregnant............
  12. Wolf, or wolf/coyote cross, with an injured tail. I don't think it has mange, the coat looks healthy enough for an end-of-winter coat. It looks to be a fair size, like 60 pounds plus?
  13. Video (not very good quality) showing gobies eating zebra mussels:
  14. Still able to use the ice road, Dave?
  15. and when you get that lure snagged do you hire James Cameron and his submersible to retrieve it? 😮
  16. Gotta try some of that, Dave, never seen it before.
  17. Gosling Black Seal? That's good stuff...........
  18. Doctor Doug prescribes robaxacet and rye. (Wiser's Deluxe on ice) And a bite of food to keep the medicine from eating your stomach lining...........
  19. Because it has fat and salt, both of which are TASTY!!!! 😉
  20. a magnet is your friend. Or of course you can use your bare foot, it will find a hook without fail. Doug
  21. My back hurts just LOOKING at those bundles! 😮 Doug
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