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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. Just use a penny, all will be well. Doug PS) Do you have a fire extinguisher on board? (asking for a friend)
  2. Good report. But you are still YOUNG, for God's sake!!!!!!! Algonquin is awesome, and there are better lakes that will cough up trout, even for newbies - or, I guess I have to admit, there USED TO BE such lakes. I have not dipped a paddle in Algonquin for a couple decades.............🙄 Shoot me a note for a couple ideas, mind you the one had a portage that was a hair over a kilometre. But once you are past such a portage, all the wannabes are eating your dust, it separates the men from the boys so to speak. Doug
  3. Jeez, Brian, that old Sylvan of mine might be worth twenty grand......................😁 Doug
  4. Attaboy Brian! I have been using a Big Chief Top loader for a couple decades. As Smitty says, it doesn't get all that hot, so when I want a hot smoke I cover it with a cardboard box. I also do that in the winter time. I have never used a thermometer in any of my smokers............ Doug
  5. and how about those bow-mounted electric motors, eh!!! 😁
  6. Remember! Free advice is often worth what you paid for it............😉 Doug
  7. Right now I am leaving my options open. The lad on here who was looking at Lund and Crestliner got me to thinking. I like the Lund hull and layout, but I am still looking around. My favourite hull from years gone by was the Sylvan Super Snapper, which was what I bought and still own many moons later. I would also consider a made-in-Canada Princecraft. But there are no boats to be had right now, so a fellow is looking at ordering something for 2022. Thanks for your insights. One of these years I am going to meet you, seems we have a few things in common. Doug
  8. So my best buddy is in town for a few days for a work gig. He called me yesterday, told me he would be off work around 4 pm, and so I invited him over for supper. I had a venison tenderloin in the freezer waiting for a special occasion..............so I thawed it. Usually they don't survive hunt camp, but this one did! Today he sends me a text, he will be working until 8 pm. Too bad, so sad, t-loin is thawed. Wife is away camping so there is just me to eat the tenderloin. 😁 Pan-fried, with eggs cooked in the pan juices on top, one of my absolute favourite meals!
  9. Ummm, nope. She's a hard-ass and thinks it's fun to sleep on a thin foam pad on the ground in a freakin' pup tent. I got over that about thirty years ago....
  10. So I have been running FOUR freezers, and this is getting up my nose. Part of it is holding meat and fish for other folks while they make room in THEIR freezers, or get back from travelling, or whatever. Today I defrosted the two that are not self-defrosting (think archaeology) and found some goodies, like one squirrel and one rabbit that did not get put into pot pies, a couple packages of last year's bacon candy, a whole ham, a mid-sized turkey...............and some bluegills and perch that I had put aside to make a chowder. If I make a chowder, it will take MORE freezer space, but if I can otherwise preserve the fish, that is not an issue. SO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I have never pressure-canned fine-fleshed white fish fillets (But I have canned smoked WHITEFISH, and they are fabulous!) It has to be said, a fish normally needs to have some fat in it to make good canned fish, and neither perch nor bluegills qualify on that count. BUT>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have the bags of "chowder" fillets thawing, and tomorrow I am going to pressure-can them. I am thinking some cut-up Vidalia onion, seasoning salt, dill seed, a bit of garlic, and lemon pepper for flavouring. I will see how it turns out - please wish me luck! Doug
  11. Yes, of that I am convinced by all of the testimony here. It would be churlish of me to suggest that a herd mentality always prevails, like they used to say, EAT SH**!!!! Ten billion flies can't be wrong.................
  12. See the German influence with the schweinshaxe!!!!
  13. Where do you see them, Brian? Is it a small store, or one of the chains? Doug
  14. K-town weather watch says hail the size of FREAKIN GOLF BALLS!!!! 😲 And the wife is out for a camping trip with her sister and a bunch of friends.............😉
  15. By all accounts, the Yamaha is a sweet motor, but I want to settle on a bow mount electric for starters. Bow to stern? Doug
  16. Not enough! Old dog, new tricks, etc. It's my thinking that the next boat will be the last one I ever buy, I am in my 60s and take good care of my stuff. My current rig has two issues that are making my life unhappy: wrestling with the bow-mount when I stow it or deploy it; and manually lifting my 40 horse Honda up (ie tilt) to recover the boat on the trailer. Enjoying the points of view, and advice here, and many thanks to all who have chipped in. I am still listening for any more advice/recommendations. Doug
  17. I can see that I am going to need to start another thread about "fish finders." 🙄 But this is all good, and please keep it coming folks, you are adding to an old fart's education!
  18. So it looks like I want spot lock or a similar feature, we are making good progress here and thanks! Doug
  19. Looks like about $2600 on-line. In relatively calm conditions, how much battery is burned using spot lock? I can see that being a very useful feature for fishing crappies (where I would usually anchor) I am appreciating all the advice guys, please keep it coming. Doug
  20. Thanks very much. Looks like about four grand? What's the difference between i-pilot and i-pilot link? Doug
  21. I have not fished at that exact spot, but the Ottawa up that way has a LOT of current, so make sure you have heavy jigs.
  22. Sounds like the kind of item I am looking for, thanks. What make and model? Doug
  23. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
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