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Everything posted by akaShag

  1. and probably sheets in that guy's floater suit too............😉
  2. same thing here in southeastern Ontario, winds southwest 40 gusting to 70........😮
  3. I wish I was 50 again! I don't know how many chin-ups I can do any more, haven't tried in a long time. But I do wear a floater suit and carry picks AND a spud bar. BTW I am guessing there are a lot of 50 year old men who are fitter than 25 year old couch potatoes who spend their time playing with their phones and eating junk food. Just sayin'.....😉 Doug
  4. Thanks Terry. Sorry to waste your time, I won't be going to Simcoe any time soon, I was just curious....... Doug
  5. You can't read that post unless you are a Facebook person...................
  6. Sounds like you make a lot of prepared meats, please see my pm to you. Doug
  7. Sounds like Melody is a real gem. Dan, you might want to think about writing the boss at the Aylmer MNRF and tell him/her how great it is to deal with such a switched-on staff member....people like that are golden. Doug
  8. Thanks! No Sobey's near me unfortunately. But I do have a fair bit of side bacon already made and frozen.....
  9. Where did you get the whole pork belly? The last three times I made side bacon I had to make do with pre-cut strips of pork belly from Costco. They are only about an inch and a half wide, so it's harder to slice the finished product. You don't mention curing salt, hopefully you do use a cure? Doug
  10. Brian, when you say "as a drop" Are you using a heavy lure on bottom (meegs, etc) and the fly higher up as a dropper? If yes, what knot, and are you tying it on like a drop shot, or on a bit of leader, or ???? I always thought I should try jigging for whities with a Michigan wiggler, in fact might have tried it once back in the mid 80s, but.......? Doug
  11. what make? I have had quite a number of them over the years, two piece, one piece, no piece (shame on me) and at my age and <<ahem>> athletic ability or not, it's two piece all the way now. I have the Salus bibs, which I think are the best I ever tried, and a Canadian Navy surplus top, made by Mustang. But so far I have not had the desire nor the opportunity to try them in water. And I am good with that. And yes, always carry ice picks, "don't leave home without them." Doug
  12. I am guessing that a bombi would have lighter track pressure than Sally, so Sally would need thicker ice. That's just a conjecture, but an educated one.
  13. What's a "haircut" you guys are talking about? (HINT: see avatar.............) Doug
  14. WOOHOO! Sally looks like she can kick some serious ass! Doug
  15. Looking to win a Darwin award............which it would appear he richly deserves.............
  16. Got the tracks on her now, buddy! But no ice anywhere that can take that weight yet...........
  17. I was scratching my head as to why I did not remember these trucks..............of course! My home town had its own phone company...............
  18. Hmmm, I had not thought about that. I did have a small flip-up shelter a long time ago, maybe 25 years or so, and come to think of it, that did get away from me one time on the Bay of Quinte. I was done for the day and put my stuff on the ice, and WHOOPS away went the shelter, like a freakin ice sailboat. After I chased it almost to shore, I was unhappy enough that I sold it......... So thanks Brian, for that bit of advice! Doug
  19. Good points, and yes I have done both, but I have found in a big blow that one man can't do it by himself. Particularly if that one man is older, with a bad back, and named DOUG. 😉
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