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Everything posted by HTHM

  1. Look outside it's dark.....Oh, wait, you're in Yellowknife
  2. Thats a start.
  3. Follow the mixing ratio and it is much better for your engine. Would you overfill the crankcase in your car engine? Good luck with the engine, those older Mercs are great!
  4. Well done Paul!
  5. Link to the lobster cam: http://www.novascotiawebcams.com/special/lobster-cam.html#axzz1UNPr51EX
  6. Accept my apologies.
  7. Dana, I know you are new to fishing, however that sigh has the lake posted as a sanctuary, that means you run the risk of a very large fine and having your gear seized if you fish there. Good shooting on the Montreal river!
  8. Reminds me of a story my father told me: He was working in a steel plant, and as a joke they sent the new guy to get a skyhook, so the kid goes to the yellow pages and orders a crane from a company called "Skyhook" The plant ended up having to pay the bill, and management was none too happy about it. They never tried to pull one over on that kid again.
  9. A head wind...... She's gonna smoke! I would suggest that you follow the instructions on the bottle, if that does not clear her throat, then add some more. In this case it is easier to cut a little piece on than to cut a little piece off. Good luck!
  10. I have seen it at many marinas, perhaps TSE or Wallymart.
  11. Then be careful, they may come back and taunt you some more..... (I kill me!)
  12. Aren't the ducks gonna be dinner soon???
  13. It's really up to you. No opinion.
  14. There are three sure things in life: Death, Taxes and retribution from a P.O'ed woman. It is best if it doesn't hurt...
  15. I'm sorry, but I gotta ask, "DO they "walk like an Egyptian?""
  16. I know where you ate tonight.....it is YUMMY!
  17. The O'Dooles is pretty good IMHO.
  18. All those screwdrivers and still at least one loose......
  19. Well, that will be a first! Happy Birthday Paul.
  20. Zinnia here is a link to more info: http://www.galagarden.com/the-year-of-the-zinnia.html
  21. There are two things that one should never buy used or refurbished, the first is hygiene products, the second is batteries. Regarding the charger, you have had a lot of very good advice from some very knowledgable people, i suggest that you listen to what they are saying. Good luck, whichever way you decide to go!
  22. That is great news Richard! May your casts be long and your fights (with fish) be longer.
  23. It may have been because you were red on the bottom and white on the top.
  24. What is a MUD CHICKEN? BTW good shootin Vinni!
  25. The heat might be easier to take there....
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